Chapter 11: How do ya do (Part 2)

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You peeps ready for Part 2?! I am! It's soooo cool. I couldnt wait to get it outt.

Well anyways hope y'all enjoy. Love ya peeps!


Blue,red and white lights flash across the sidewalk as my family gives their statements to the police. The guy who attempted to kidnap my daughter was in a police car and I was sitting on a bench with Ella.

I felt a little bad for tackling the guy. Not because I tackled him but because Ella got hurt when I did it.

I wanted to kill him, I really did. The way he explained why he wanted to take my daughter made me sick. Why did people do things like this? It's horrific.

Grumbling I hear Ella sniffle as she sees the man getting out of the car with the police officer.

Then the officer spots me, and tugs the man towards me. I growl and stand up in front of Ella "Stay behind me angel..." I whisper to her. Ella nods and does as I say as the officer nears us.

"Sorry Mr. Hamato just needed to clear things up before we take off " I nod as I glare at the man and he cowers.

"Just to clarify before we begin, this man is for certain gonna be in jail for a really long time so no need to worry. Second is according to witness statements you tackled this man when he began to run with your daughter correct?" he asks pulling a notebook and pen out.

I nod and he writes for a bit before continuing. "So the bruises and scrapes were gained during..." the officer mutters.

Putting the notebook away he chuckles before shaking his head. "Now I know this ain't apart of the case but according to the statementss you jumped on a wall and tackled him. May I ask how?" he questions.

"My father taught me and my siblings ninjitsu since we were tots. I used my skills to save my daughter."

The officer nods and laughs at the man's. "You've made so many bad decisions tonight. Kidnapping, attempt to gain from human trafficking and to top it off the girls father is a ninja!"

He chuckles as he leads the man back to the car. "Gonna be a fun story to tell in jail Sonny!"

Smiling a little I turn back to Ella and she holds her hands out for me to pick her up. So I did, picking her up I kiss her forehead and walk over to my family as we watch the cops drive away.

"Carson and me took care of dinner. Should we just head back home for a classic Hamato game night?" Mia asks.

Ella seems to perk up at that and we all agree to head home to the lair.


Laughter echoes through the lair as we play heads up on our phones. Guessing as fast as we could in a fast paced, hilarious and loud charades. Ella had even giggled quite a bit as Mia made ridiculous faces at her. She was starting to feel safe and comfortable after the traumatizing incident.

After laughing at Mikey fail we wipe away the tears from our laughter session and Mia looks at Carson with a look I can't explain. Holding her hand tight he nods and Mia clears her throat. "Carson and I have some news we were gonna tell at dinner but we feel like now is the time to say it."

All of us quiet and Leo sips his water waiting for her to continue.

"I'm pregnant!" MIA exclaims happily and Leo spits his water out in a torrent of rain as he chokes for air.

Mikey slaps him on the shell as all of us sit in our own shock. Leo, still coughing, hugs Mia tightly and we all join in for a Hamato hug.

We all disperse and Splinter coughs, "I'm getting too old my family. I now have a great grandchild."

We all laugh and Sense turns to Leo, "And you my son are a grandfather now."

Leo spits his water out again clearly not learning from the first time and we all laugh again.

"Is it a girl baby or a boy baby?" Ella asks looking at Mia expectingly. Mia laughs, "I don't know yet Ella, do you have a guess?"

Ella ponders for a bit and smiles, "A boy, it's a boy."

Mia smiles "We'll find out later and see."

"Have you told uncle Casey and Aunt April yet?" Ella asks excitedly. Mia nods and we all smile happily. Leo seems in shock still put he's pulling through.

Carson looks at his watch, "Holy Manhole cover, Hon it's really late and we have work tomorrow." Mia nods and gestures us to give her one more hug. So we all group together and hug including Carson.

After a good minute we pull apart and she holds her dad's hands. "I'll be back next week and keep you updated on the baby love you dad." she kisses his cheek and Leo kisses her forehead.

Mia and Carson leave and everyone yawns. Mikey stretches, "Whelp, I'm tired my dudes so I'm off to bed." my other brothers agree as does my father and they head off to bed.

I pick up Ella as she yawns and kiss her head. "Let's get you to bed Angel."

I get her dressed into her favorite white night gown with rainbow prints around the edges. Tucking her into her bed and handing her Abba I see her lip quiver.

"Hey, Hey don't cry what's Wong angel?" I ask, rubbing her arm comfortingly.

"I'm scared that man will take me away again... Daddy I'm scared, I wanna stay with you and grandpa and all of my uncles!" she cries.

My heart breaks a little at the sight of her tears and worried face so I take her into my arms rocking a little to comfort her. "It's ok Ella, I won't let anyone hurt you. I promise."

She sniffles and looks up at me. "Can I sleep with you tonight? I'm still scared.."

Nodding I pick her up and take her to my bed and move the pillows around so Ella could have her own space. I lay down and she nuzzles her head into my plasteron hugging Abba as I hum a soft song.

Within twenty minutes Ella was asleep and I almost was too before I remembered who I had to text.

Quickly pulling out my phone I go to my messages.

Raph: Hey, Ella had a incident tonight that I will explain more tomorrow. But she's sleeping with me and I won't make it. We need to meet up soon sometime.

Abby: Your fine Raph 😊 I hope Ella is okay. But we do need to meet soon we need to talk.

Frowning I sigh and put my phone on the charger before snuggling back into position while holding Ella in her sleep.

Kissing the top of her head I quickly fall into sleep after the exhausting night.

Raph's Little Angel (Book Two Of TMNT Father Series)Where stories live. Discover now