Chapter 6: Patrol Madness

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Ella's cheeks are stained with tears as I try to pry her cute pale hands off my mask. Seeing her like this broke my heart, "Angel, shhh. It's ok Daddy will be back." I coo to her in a gentle voice as my father watches along with my brothers.

I have to go on patrol but Ella seemed to know I was leaving and got very upset.

My words didn't work and Ella screeches and clutches tighter on my mask.

Mikey inwardly winces and covers his ears as Ella continues to screech bloody murder. Even my Father has his ears bent down to lower the noise.

I felt a surge of anger rise up in me and started to growl.

Mikey notices and his eyes widen as he hurriedly nudges Leo.

Leo takes the hint and rushes over "Raph take a few deep breathes." he breathes with me. In and out until I'm calmer.

Nodding in thanks I turn to Ella and clutch her close to me rocking her in my arms. She slowly notices I'm not trying to pry her off me and starts to calms down hiccuping a little.

I rub her back and kiss her forehead inwardly sighing as she relaxed more and starts dozing off. "Shhh.. That's it angel I'm here. Don't worry."

Finally with a sigh of relief I look down to her sleeping form and smile. "Here Father, if she gives you problems give me a call."

Master Splinter nods and takes Ella from me before turning to the dojo. Hopefully she didn't wake and cause a rucuss.

Finally able to leave I hop over the train railings and race Through the sewers,my brothers following suit.


"Alright time to split up, Raph you take the north, Mikey take the east. Donnie you'll go south and I'll take the west side." Leo states pointing in our designated directions.

We all nod and Mikey plops his skateboard down before skating off. Donnie jumps away and Leo does the same.

I shrug and pull out my phone wondering what to listen to ask I go on patrol. My Pandora app doesn't have anything good so I go to the station that says 'Top Hits'

Plugging my earbuds in a beat starts.

Nodding along to it I walk along the buildings keeping and eye out for any trouble.

So far it was just boring. But I guess it was a little nice to have some time to myself. I love Ella, a lot. But sometimes I needed a breather.

Smiling at the thought of my angel I stop and continue to listen to the song as I look around New York City.

It was so beautiful, so peaceful at a time of night where I was lucky enough to be a part off. Sure it had it's flaws but it was my city. And I loved it.

Kicking a pebble off the edge of a building I take a glance at an apartment building.

That's when I saw her.

Blonde hair gently blowing in the breeze as she sat in her windowsill staring at the night sky. She was singing to some kind of song.

But she looked stunning.

I take one ear Bud out and start to jump over to the apartment building.

Finally reaching it, I quietly make my way to where I saw her. My heart beat fast as I peeked over the top of the building.

Phew, she was still there. And oh my manhole cover, her singing was amazing.

I close my eyes and sigh as I listen to Her.

I didnt care about patrol I was just gonna sit here and listen to this beautiful girl sing.

And I did. For shells how long.

But in the middle of another song I hear someone call her name. "Abby! Let's get going to the late night movieee!"

"Alright hold on Lily!"

So her name was Abby.

Raph's Little Angel (Book Two Of TMNT Father Series)Where stories live. Discover now