Chapter 11: How do ya do (Part 1)

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"Ready or not here I come!"

Moving my mask so it doesn't cover my eyes, I take a look around the lair. No movements as expected from my brothers but Ella would be easier to find.

Then again I shouldn't go find her right away or she'll feel bad.

I groan. I'll just go for Mikey first he's second easiest to find. Knowing Mikey he'll probably hide in his room, where if you lose something it's gone. (Mikey's room is a mess)

I tiptoe to the bedrooms and creak open the door to Mikey's room. Taking a look around I see a small lump buried underneath clothes and blankets on the floor.

So I kick it.

Gently of course.

"Ow!" Mikey yelps, jumping put of the pile rubbing his arm.

"Found ya, now help me find the others." I say my arms in my head as I walk out of his room. Mikey groans and follows.

"You always go for me first, why not go for Ella?" He grumbled. I stop and glare at him.

"You know our family rules for hide and seek." I state. Mikey rolls his eyes and nods.

"Stupid Princess rule.."

Smacking him on the arm he yelps again, "Okay fine! I got Donnie, you find Leo."

He walks away and I chuckle heading for the dojo. Master Splinter would be there and might give me a hint to where Leo was.

"Sensei?" I call out to the quiet room. My father sits under the tree meditating as I see his ears twitch to the sound of my voice.

"Kitchen my son.." He mutters still meditating.

I whisper my thanks and quietly close the door before checking my phone. We had to hurry, Mia was meeting us at the restaurant in an hour.

Nearing the kitchen I hear someone shuffle quickly as if to adjust their position and I sigh. " Leo I found you."

I hear a groan and Leo walks out. "Time for Ella."

"Where do you think she's hiding?" I ask, Ella was small so she could hide pretty easily.

"Room? She hides under her bed alot when it's time to eat dinner." He states. I nod and we both head to Ella's room.

Creaking the door open we sneak in quietly while listening. Sure enough small giggles could be heard coming from under the bed.

I smirk.

"Aha!" I yell, looking under the bed. Ella shrieks and laughs as she crawls out. "Found me!" she giggles.

"Indeed I did now come on we need to get ready to go meet Mia." I say as Leo smiles and exits to go tell the others.

Ella huffs and glares at me, "I can get dwessed by self too! I five now!"

Chucking I ruffle her curly blonde hair, "Yes my angel is five, but holler if ya need help on?" I say kneeling down to her level. She smiles and hugs me.

"Ok! Go get weady daddy!"

I laugh and nod going out of her room while shutting the door. Now I had to get my watch.

Walking to the living room Donnie stands holding the case with the watches. "Set the timer for four hours and don't forget the charger just in case." My brothers nod and my father is handed a watch first before my brothers and I.

"It's a fancy restaurant so I would appreciate it if you all wore suits please." Leo states while adjusting his watch. Slowly we all change to our human forms and head to our rooms to get ready.

Raph's Little Angel (Book Two Of TMNT Father Series)Where stories live. Discover now