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WARNING mentions of panic attack and weaponry, may be triggering

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WARNING mentions of panic attack and weaponry, may be triggering.

"Taehyung?" Jungkook walked into the boy's dorm, stepping over the broken glass and scattered clothing. Jungkook furrowed his brows, looking around and heading into the younger' room, finding him in the corner, knees against his chest as he breathed deeply. "Hey..." Jungkook wrapped his arms around the shaking boy who's breathing was ragged, and sobbing with panic stricken eyes. "Ju-Jungkook?" Taehyung choked out, looking up at him. Jungkook's heart churned by how broken his voice was—how broken he looked, "yeah it's me, calm down baby," he whispered. The redhead cried out, wrapping his arms around him tightly as he cried. "Hey baby, breathe in and out alright? You're okay, just breathe, focus on your breathing," Jungkook mumbles into his ear after he heard the male hardly breathing well.

"Bae-Baekhyun?" the boy asked suddenly causing Jungkook to halt his movements. "What?" Jungkook looked at Taehyung's face but the boy had fainted. Jungkook quickly lifted him, laying him on his bed and covering him with the sheets. He looked around the dorm, and started picking things up, throwing away what was broken, and making some food for when the redhead woke. As he sat in the counter he called Baekhyun. "everything okay?" Jungkook sighed, "he said your name, Baek." The other end was silent, "d-does he remember me?" "I don't know he blacked out before I could say or do anything." "Why did he..." "He was having a panic attack, he mumbled something about his parents and then said your name, almost like he was asking for you." "I need to see him...I'm going to talk with Namjoon, bye thanks for telling me." And with that he ended the call.

Jungkook sighed, turning around when he heard light taps to see Taehyung with a blanket around himself. The elder stood up and the younger went into his embrace, sighing in content, "what are you doing here?" he mumbled into Jungkook's chest. The brunette furrowed his eyebrows, "You don't remember...?" Taehyung shook his head, leaning back while sighing, "did I...did I have another attack?" Jungkook nodded and the younger' face dropped and held regret and guilt in his eyes. "Hey hey... it's okay, don't feel ashamed, you can't control this." Taehyung sniffled nodding slightly, "I made you food," Jungkook bit his lip, trying to lighten the mood and his lips twisted into a smile as the redhead's face brightened. "really?" Jungkook got him the plate he had set in the microwave and the boy grinned, sitting on the chair as he ate. "I also cleaned," Jungkook said, the redhead looking around, "you didn't have to, you're doing too much for me for a supposed gang member."

Jungkook widened his eyes, narrowing them at the boy, "what?" Taehyung chuckled, "what? thought I wouldn't figure it out? I mean you pointed a gun at me and my friends, not to mention your tattoos—I saw them while you thought I was asleep," the redhead scoffed lightly. "Hm...and why is it that you're not scared?" Jungkook walked towards him, placing his arms on his waist as he pressed their bodies together. Taehyung grinned, leaning into his ear, "because I find it really hot," he whispered before pecking his lips, "sexy even." Jungkook's eyes got dark, "baby boy stop it," he warned. "Why? Are you getting aroused?" The red head chuckled. Jungkook glared at him about to kiss him senselessly but the front door swung open, in walking the boy's friends, one of them singing, "Kim Taehyung your lovely friends are here! Blessing you with our wonderful presence—oh uh hi?" Taehyung groaned and Jungkook pushed himself off, feeling annoyed. "Guys I was about to get laid," Taehyung whined, Jungkook chuckling and the other two boys letting out a, "eww we didn't need to know that."

"Come on, we brought food and beer?" Bogum grinned, "I just ate," Taehyung bit back a smile as he pointed at his plate on the counter that Jungkook was now grabbing and heading to the sink to wash. "We could tell, we were asking your boyfriend," Hyungsik grinned. Taehyung's face flushed, "we're not dating!" Jungkook smirked, "yet." Taehyung turned around and glared at him before looking back at the smug faces of his so called friends. "Tae, you know why we're here," Bogum set the bag down and the two friends looked at him sadly. Taehyung's face dropped, Hyungsik going over to  him, placing an arm around him, "I'll help him get ready." Bogum nods, watching the two head to the room and he picked up the bag again, placing it on the counter and looked up at Jungkook's intense gaze. "What exactly is today?" Jungkook asked. Bogum bit his lip, "You're obviously not as close as I thought you two were then, if you were, you'd know."

The door burst open again, this time Jin and Jimin walking in. "Bogum hey—oh Jungkook?" Jimin froze, looking over at Jin who stepped towards him. "What are you doing here?" Jungkook tilted his head, "I showed up a few hours ago, Taehyung was having a panic attack when I came in, the whole place was a mess, I uh helped him and cleaned up." Jin leaned down to whisper in Jimin's ear, looking up at Bogum and pointed at the door leading to the room and Bogum nodded. Jimin hurriedly went, knocking softly before heading in. "We appreciate what you did for him, we'll handle it from here, thank you," Jin smiled. "i want to stay," Jungkook stood straighter. "Jungkook I'll be fine, you can go," Taehyung mumbled, coming out of his room. Jungkook looked at him, walking over and wrapping his arms around him, "You sure? I know they're your friends and you trust them, but I want to be with you—to protect you," Jungkook whispered softly into his ear. He could feel the redhead smile into his neck, wrapping his arms around him and pecked his neck. "We're not dating, he said, sure seems like it to me." "Hyungsik shut up and let's go."

Taehyung's friends headed outside to give them space and once the door closed, Jungkook pulled back, grabbing the redhead's face and kissing him harshly. The younger let out a small moan as Jungkook pulled back, trailing kiss is down his jaw to his neck, starting to suck. "Hyung—" Jungkook pulled his hair, stopping him and pulled away from his neck, placing his lips on his again. They pulled away not long after and Taehyung smiled at him, "but really, i'll be okay, they've got me, alright? Go to your friends or whatever, I'll see you tomorrow." Taehyung kisses him softly, pulling away and giving him a forced smile before leaving. Jungkook sighed, taking out his phone again, calling Namjoon.

"Yeah?" "Where are you right now?" "Looking over Seokjin's file, why?" "Good, I want you to check Taehyung's, did something happen today?" "One sec....Jungkook why do you want to know?" "Something's happening, he was having a panic attack earlier and he didn't remember, then his friends show up and take him somewhere, they were all being cautious around him." "Jungkook, when I give you files for someone, you have to thoroughly look through them and memorize things." "I know that, sorry." "If you'd done that, you would've know today, three years ago, Taehyung was found on the side of a road, beat up and in real bad condition." Jungkook stopped walking, "what?" "That's where the case starts, I've spoken with Baekhyun and Junhee, they'll see their brothers tomorrow, today's not a good dayfor either of them."

kinda short but it's a filler-ish chapter i wrote this while in the car on my way to Houston.

i want to know what you guys want in the next upcoming chapters or the next one

anyone you want to die?

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