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WARNING mentions of drugs and drugs use

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WARNING mentions of drugs and drugs use.

"Kim Taehyung," the voice cut through the silenced room. Every head snapped up at the voice, seeing Principle Choi at the door, staring straight at the boy. Jungkook just stared with an expressionless face as Taehyung sighed and gathered his stuff, walking up to the man, only to turn around after hearing the small laughs that escaped Jin and Jimin's mouths. Taehyung glared and frowned, sticking his tongue out at them as he then proceeded to walk out. Jungkook turned to the others as Namjoon leaned forward, "that's the principal, right?" Jimin nodded before looking back at Jin, "What did he do this time, do you know?" Jin just shook his head, rolling his eyes, "he punched some guy, I think it was the guy he was making out with in the middle of the hall last week...Hyungsik I believe was his name." Jungkook suppressed a smile as he listened in, continuing to do his work.

As the lesson continued on, Jungkook couldn't help but wonder why Taehyung had punched the guy—Hyungsik. Even the name left a bitter taste in his mouth. Jungkook sighed, looking at the empty seat in front of him, rolling his eyes, reminding himself to stay mad at the boy. The door suddenly opened, revealing Hyungsik with a cut on his cheekbone, then a redhead Jungkook knew well, and the principle. "Sorry for disrupting the lesson again, boys to your seats." Hyungsik wasted no time in scurrying to his seat, which was across the classroom. Taehyung looked at Jungkook who was intently staring at him and then to the principle, whispering to him before walking over to his seat. He ignored Jungkook, avoiding his gaze as he sat down, putting his head down to sleep. "Taehyung," Mr. Choi said sternly and the boy huffed, lifting his head up and looked back at him, "thank you, now behave and pay attention." Taehyung sighed but nodded, taking out his materials for the remainder of the class.

Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows at their interaction. Jimin leaned over, ruffling Taehyung's hair and smiled softly, "you okay?" he whispered. Taehyung shrugged, "been better." Jungkook watched their conversation silently, he was looking at Taehyung's profile, his messy, red hair, his glowing tan skin, and he was wearing a black oversized hoodie that looked eerily familiar, then it hit him. That's mine, Jungkook thought, so that's where it went. Jungkook smirked softly, looks better on him than it did me. The bell rang not that long after, Taehyung hurridly packed his things, looking up as a certain brunette was almost out the door. "Hyungsik!" he yelled, muttering quick 'goodbye's' to the boys and rushed over to him, walking out with him. "Watch it Jungkook, you're doing the tongue thing that you do only when you're jealous," Namjoon said playfully. Jungkook rolled his eyes, walking out the door and heading outside. He sat at the roots of a tree and sighed, leaning back as he closed his eyes, his hand on his knee twitching slightly.

"Taehyung, stop!" a voice yelled, Jungkook immediately looking for it. He found Taehyung straddling who he assumed was Hyungsik, as they laughed, Taehyung's hands on the male's stomach. Jungkook squinted his eyes, glaring. "They've been best friends since before we were," a voice said from behind him. He turned his head, seeing Jimin, Jin, Namjoon, and Yoongi, Jimin being the one who spoke. "Taehyung, he's been through a lot, Jin and I know he's hiding something from us, but Hyungsik is the one he tells everything to. Them kissing—it wasn't much of a surprise, especially since it was him. They've been best friends since childhood with this other guy—Park Bogum," Jimin stopped, looking up at them then lifting his hand to point, "that guy." Jungkook turned back to the scene and Taehyung was now sitting on the grass, Hyungsik in front of him and a new guy who sat with them. "We don't know them as well, but they make Tae happy, that's enough, I'm glad he has someone else to confide in," Jin whispered, smiling at them. Jungkook sighed, standing and brushing himself off, "I gotta go, later," and he left. Jimin turned to Namjoon, confused, "where's he off to?" Namjoon looked in the direction of the retreating Jungkook and back at Jimin," he's got work," he forced a smile on his face, Jin looking at him skeptically.

"Jeon Jeongguk, you're back at last," the rough voice chuckled out. Jungkook scoffed, "It's Jungkook, we've been over this, and I've been busy with the thing involving Rival's victims." Kris nodded before motioning to him, "you got what I want?" Jungkook nodded, taking out a brown paper bag, taking out a smaller, transparent, plastic one containing a white substance, handing it over. Kris looked it over, opening it to sniff it before reclosing it and nodding, "alright, here ya go," he said, handing a stack of rolled up dollars. Jungkook looked through it, "great doing business with you then, call me up when you'd like more," Jungkook winked as he walked off, only to be pulled back and pecked on the lips, "definitely," Kris whispered. Jungkook pulled back, forcing a smile and retreated. When he was out of sight he wiped his lips, shaking his head, "horny bastard." He continued walking till he got to an abandoned building. He looked around before heading in through a back door. The smell of weed and alcohol hitting his nose. "Aye Jungkook!" Minseok yelled.

Jungkook grinned and shook his hand as the other pat his back. "You brought everything for us, yeah?" Suho asked, he was sitting on a couch, a joint on his left hand as he had his head leaned back, smoke escaping past his lips, tattoos littered up his neck and arms. "Yeah, you know the cost, where are the others?" Jungkook asked as he took out each of their orders. "Right here," Sehun and Luhan walked out of a room, one of them with a shirt half tucked in, the other buttoning up his shirt, pants unzipped as they both panted, hair chiseled, lips swollen and hickeys littered over their tattoos. Jungkook shook his head, tossing each of them a small back and a pack to the sleepy Jongin who'd just entered. Minseok took out three stacks of money and handed them over, shaking Jungkook's hand once more. "hey we're gonna go back..and yeah," Luhan led Sehun back to where they came from, closing and locking a door. "Hey," Jungkook placed his hand on Minseok's shoulder, "How're things with you and...what was his name? Chen or Jongdae?" Minseok's face immediately lit up, "oh it's great! He goes by Chen but his actual name is Jongdae, so it doesn't really matter. And you? Word on the street is you've found a sleeping partner," Minseok wiggled his eyebrows. Jungkook shook his head, smiling, "Nah it's complicated, but I gotta go now, bye guys!" A chorus of goodbyes was heard and he left.

Now, he was back at the 'base' and was sitting on a couch, attempting to remove all the makeup he wore. As he was doing so, he received a phone call. "Yeah?" he asked as he wiped his neck, looking at a small mirror while doing so. "Jeon," a deep voice muttered. Jungkook halted his movements, putting down the wipe and mirror, laying down with an arm under his head as he smirked. "Well if it isn't Kim Taehyung." A deep scoff was heard on the other side, " I know I broke that one promise we made that day Hob—Hoseok showed, I didn't sleep with Hyungsik or anything it was just the kissing..." he cleared his throat and scowled when he heard Jungkook chuckle, "look I'm trying to apologize here, alright?" Jungkook stopped laughing and his legs were lifted as Baekhyun sat down and put Jungkook's legs on his lap. He bit his lip as he saw the longing in Baekhyun's eyes as he stared at him.

"Taehyung, do you happen to have a brother?" Jungkook asked and Baekhyun's head perks up. "Why? So you can sleep with him instead?" Jungkook chuckled at the distaste in his tone, "No just wondering." Taehyung sighed, "I don't really know, maybe? My dad has pictures of me and there's always someone who looks similar to me, so I mean, I guess? I just don't know where he is or if he's even alive." Jungkook's smirk fell when he heard the sadness in his tone. "sorry to hear that," Jugkook mumbled. "Look, the deal we made, it was said that if one of us broke it, they'd get punished, so," he paused for a long while, Jungkook about to ask for him when Taehyung spoke in a low tone he knew got to Jungkook,

"punish me, master."


so that happened...

I have so much planned you don't even know, and I'm just giving you a little bit of Jungkook but not enough that's why it's short?

quick question; who's your favorite character so far? oh and, theories?

also, I'm just giving you a small break from death, for a chapter or two more :)

haha, Jungkook is a drug dealer, on occasions. and no, the exo members are most definitely not drug addicts, if that's what you wanted to hear. KIDDING, they just occasionally have them, like once or so a day?

'kay bye, love you lots.

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