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WARNING the following may contain vulgar language

Although Taehyung had finally told Jungkook what exactly had happened, he continued to be cautious around him. However, he now made eye contact and was slowly, but surely, beginning to talk to him.

After the call Namjoon had with Jungkook, he made a small team of three to find Moon Jongup's location and if he were to ever be found, they'd had to make immediate contact with Namjoon. But it was hard to find the man, it had been almost as if he'd disappeared from the face of the earth.

Back in the school, the three troublemakers were not living up to their title any longer as they now acted nicely and no longer caused fights or disputes with the professors. Seokjin was no longer at risk of losing his title as class president.

At this moment, Yoongi and Jimin were at a cat café, a plate with a slice of cheesecake in front of them.

"Where's Taemin?" Jimin suddenly asked as he pets the kitten that was by his foot.

Yoongi sighs, leaning back on the hard, wooden chair and crosses his arms as he watched the boy, "taken care of."

Jimin stopped, looking up at Yoongi and then back down at the kitten, "as in..."

"Yes, Jimin," Yoongi replies dryly as he cuts into the cheesecake with his fork, eating the piece soon after.

"Oh," is all Jimin says before getting up, "I'm heading to wash my hands, be right back."

He gives the kitten one last pat before standing, being careful not to accidentally step on any of the other cats walking about. As soon as he went in, Yoongi received a text.

jimin is quite pretty, no?, the message read and Yoongi sat up, the message was from an unknown number and it made his skin crawl.

really? texting isn't rival's thing, what, you
guys run out of threat ideas?

a new message came almost immediately, but this time an image.

Yoongi waited for it to load and when it did, it revealed Jimin's back as the boy washed his hands in a bathroom. another message came in.


Yoongi harshly stood up, the chair screeching as it was pushed back and he quickly made his way to the bathroom where on the way, he bumped into Jimin himself.

"Woah there," Jimin stumbled back, eyebrows furrowed in confusion, "you okay?"

Yoongi only ignored him as he went into the bathroom, checking every stall but finding it empty. He went back out, Jimin still standing there in confusion.

"Was anyone else in there with you?"

Jimin shook his head, "No, I was alone, why? Is something wrong?"

Yoongi lets out a deep sigh, "look."

He hands Jimin his phone and watches as his eyes widen and expression changed into fear.

"Oh my god, are we being stalked? How did they even take this?"

Yoongi cursed under his breath, grabbing his hand and pulling him back to their table, dropping a few bills on the table and dragging the boy out of the cafe.

"Are you completely sure no one else was in there with you?" Yoongi said as he stopped outside the building.

"Yes Yoongi," Jimin sighed, "I was in there by myself."

Yoongi let out a deep breath, looking around the area until he heard Jimin gasp. He looked at him and his eyes were wide,

"I don't think it would be possible but there was a guy coming out after I went in. But once I was in there he was already gone...I don't think he'd be able to take the picture right?"

"was he completely gone when you went in?"

"Yeah, as soon as I got in he was already out the door."

Yoongi sighed, "come on I'll get you back to your dorm and I'll report back to Namjoon."


"Taehyung, come on, you were doing so well just eat this please"

Seokjin was currently in Taehyung's dorm, attempting to get the boy to eat. Taehyung groaned while turning over on the couch, facing away from Seokjin.

"I'm not hungry," Taehyung says in a muffled voice, "just let me sleep please."


Seokjin was interrupted by the front door opening, a freshly dyed orange haired boy coming into view.

"I'm sorry, I had to go overseas to deal with some shit and I only just now heard what happened," Hoseok rushes in, dropping to his knees beside the couch, "How is he? How are you Tae?"

"I'm fine."

"Taehyung, look at me right now," Hoseok hissed.

The latter flinched, slowly turning over, facing the boy with rough features and eyes that slowly softened at the sight of him.

"Oh baby," Hoseok frowned at him, "I'm so so sorry I wasn't able to protect you."

Taehyung whimpers, a tear slipping out of his eye and he scrambles up, wrapping his arms around him.

Seokjin sighed, standing up,

"Hoseok, make him eat when you can, he hasn't eaten in almost two days."

With that, he leaves.


"is he in his room?"

Seokjin halts, turning around to see Jungkook before turning back to his assignment, a simple "yes" leaving his lips.

"Okay, see you later, " Jungkook gets up to leave but the hand gripping his wrist stops him.

Seokjin stares with a blank face, "no, he's with Hoseok there's no need."

Jungkook rolls his eyes, slumping back down in his char, "right."

Seokjin hums, then putting all of his books and sheets away and gets up, "bye."

Jungkook eyes him, studying the way he walked away from him, not sparing him a glance, and he lets out a hum,

"you're hiding something Kim Seokjin, and it's not just your past with rival."

.... ./.. .../-. --- -/.-- .... ---/.... ./... .- -.-- ...

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