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WARNING foul language ahead

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WARNING foul language ahead.

Namjoon groaned as he reached for his phone on his night stand. It was three in the morning and Namjoon was completely drained after a chase and ridding of some members of a wannabe gang the night beforehand. He slid the green button and held the phone to his ear, "hello?" he answered groggily, rubbing his eyes as he sat up. "Namjoon," a honey voice called out. Namjoon felt himself be more awake as he stood from his bed. "Seokjin?" There was a sudden sob from the other end, more sobs in the background as Namjoon listened carefully. "Hyung, we need you help. Please, you, Yoongi, and Jungkook. Please do whatever you guys do as a gang—" Namjoon breath hitches "—help us find him." Namjoon furrowed his brows, "how the hell did you—and what do you mean him?" "Help us find Taehyung, he left for a walk last night but he never came home. Hyung please do this for us, we're worried. Especially after what he's been through—please find him." and he ended the call, leaving a stunned Namjoon.

The male hurriedly changed his clothes and rushed out his room, knocking on every door and yelling, "We have an emergency wake up! Meet at the dining table!"  He took out Taehyung's file as everyone sleepily walked in, even Sehun, Luhan, Minseok, and Kris were there. "What's going on?" Yoongi asked, a look of annoyance on his face. "As you all know, Jungkook, Yoongi, and I are currently looking over Rival's targets, yes?" Lots of hums were heard. "I just got a call from one of them—Seokjin—he told me that one of them has gone missing." Four heads snapped up immediately, those of Yoongi, Jungkook, Baekhyun, and Junhee. "Who is it?" Junhee asked, scared of what he might hear. Namjoon sighed, picking up the file and tossing it in the middle, where Jungkook quickly grabbed it, briefly looking at it and looked at Namjoon intensely, "Taehyung?"

Baekhyun removed his husband's arms from around him and went to Jungkook, taking the file from him and looking at it. "W-who has my brother?" Namjoon sighed, "I don't know yet but best guess is Rival. But we've also got another problem, Seokjin knows we're in a gang." Jungkook pursed his lips, "so does Taehyung," he admitted. Namjoon stared at him, "you didn't tell them, right?" Jungkook shook his head, "no, he saw my tats somehow, he put two and two together." Namjoon nodded then looking at Yoongi, "does Jimin know?" Yoongi shook his head, "I've barely spoken with him, he hangs out with his boyfriend—Taemin." Junhee sucked in a long breath, "I don't trust this Taemin, Yoongi was right, something's off about him." "Look! This is about my brother right now, he's been kidnapped! Your brother is with Seokjin, we need to get mine back," Baekhyun shouted angrily, startling the others who were half asleep, Jackson fell off his chair as Chanyeol walked over to Baekhyun whispering to his ear and Baekhyun calmed down.

"I'm sorry Baek..." Junhee sighed. "What are we going to do?" Jungkook asked abruptly, "I'm not going to just sit here or go back to sleep to figure this out later, we need to start getting to work now." He felt Kris starting at him intensely, but shrugged it off. Namjoon places his hand on his shoulder, "calm it. We all know what we've got to do, and this time," he looked at Junhee, "we've got him." "Who is he anyways?" Minseok asked, frowning slightly. "He used to be with Rival, we threatened him and he stayed—mainly to protect Jimin. He's on our side for sure, after we exposed Rival's true plans." "That's great," Minseok hummed, "now what are we doing first?" Namjoon looked at Jungkook, "go to the weaponry with Kris, bring the usuals for these situations, Baekhyun and Junhee, both of you are coming with me to see Seokjin and Jimin, Yoongi you know your job, and the rest of you," he looked at their tired faces, "you'll be on watch duty and doing runs around the perimeter, take turns every hour or so, go."

"Kris, would you quit glaring at me," Jungkook hissed as they walked to the weaponry. "Who's he to you?" He asked coldly, staring ahead as they walked. Jungkook scoffed, "Who? Taehyung?" Kris nodded and Jungkook rolled his eyes, "What's it to you? Not like we're dating or anything." Kris stopped and pulled Jungkook back, pushing him against the wall, "You were all mine," he trailed a finger down Jungkook's chest, "but then you and the other two went on that task and suddenly you were his. Now answer me, who is he to you?" Jungkook smirked slightly, pushing Kris off of him, "we've fucked a few times," he watched Kris tense and face harden, "he's also given me quickies between classes—not to forget the handjob he gave during class. Just saying he's a whole lot better than you were, now let's get going, I have a boy to save and you're not stopping me." Kris looked away, "do you...do you like him?" Jungkook froze gnawing at the inside of his cheek, "quit asking ridiculous questions Kris." The male just sucked in a breath, "don't beat around the bush Jungkook, did you fall for him or not?"

Namjoon knocked quickly at Taehyung's door, briefly looking back at the visibly shaken up Baekhyun and tense Junhee, Chanyeol trying his best to comfort his husband and the other boy. The door opened revealing a Seokjin with puffy eyes. Once he saw who it was he threw his arms around him, "Namjoon—I've tried calling him but it goes straight to voicemail, and so we went to where he always goes but found his phone there along with the bracelet Jungkook gave him." Baekhyun sniffed softly and buried his face in Chanyeol's chest. Seokjin pulled away wiping his tears, slapping his face softly and did his best to compose himself and finally noticed the other boys. "Um..." he bit his lip letting them in and called for Jimin. "Jimin..." he trailed off as he looked at Junhee. The boy with newly dyed black hair walked out of Taehyung's room, looking worse than Seokjin did, with a blanket wrapped around him. He wiped his eyes as he sniffled, collapsing to his knees and Seokjin went to help him but Junhee beat him to it. "Minie..." Junhee's voice cracked and his younger brother looked up at him and broke down. Junhee held in his tears as he wrapped his arms around him, "it's okay min, we'll find him."

Seokjin sighed, "who are they...?" he pointed slightly at Baekhyun and Chanyeol. Namjoon cleated his throat, "Byun-Park Baekhyun and Park Chanyeol," he introduced, Seokjin staring at Baekhyun intently before running to Taehyung's room, returning not long after with what seemed like a photo. He held the picture up and started to and from the picture and Baekhyun. His eyes widened as he pointed at him, "you're him aren't you? You're Taehyung's brother!" Baekhyun nodded softly, a sad smile on his lips, "I am..this is my husband by the way." Chanyeol bowed and shook hands with the still stunned Seokjin. "Taehyung doesn't remember you," Seokjin said sadly, shock wearing off, "if he does, it's only during his panic attacks. He cries out for you to help him." Baekhyun's eyes water, "I know, we're going to get him back, you'll know the truth." "Where's Y-Yoongi?" Jimin's small voice is heard and they all turn to the boy who was standing, in Junhee's arms as he looked at the floor. "He's working on trying to find out who took him, Jungkook is preparing to go once he finds where he's at, with Junhee's help of course." The said brunette nodded, Jimin looking up confused. "If it really was someone from Rival that took him, I'll know or have an idea of where they took him. When they kidnap someone, the don't take them to the base, there's separate locations." Seokjin and Jimin visibly flinched at the mention of 'Rival'. "But you'll find him right?" Jimin asked, looking at his brother in the eyes.

"We won't stop until we do."

did you expect that?

i was going to have someone die in this chapter...but i'll save it for the next or so :)

hope you guys had a safe christmas!

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