1| Welcome to the Mushroom Kingdom.

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Chapter 1⭐️ Welcome to the Mushroom Kingdom.

After what seemed like 3 hours, (Y/N) woke up from passing out. Nothing was bleeding, no injuries, they were fine. (Y/N) got up and dusted off their clothes. 'And these were my favourite ones too.' (Y/N) thought. "Woah, I didn't expect you to wake up so fast." Toad said. "Hey Toad, where am I exactly?" (Y/N) said drinking the water that was on a bedside counter. "You're in the Mushroom Kingdom, while you are also on our guest bed. Mario and SMG4 brought you here. It's a good thing you didn't see Mario." Toad said, shivering.

"Mario? SMG4? Oh I think I know them." (Y/N) said. "Please don't tell me." Toad said. "Okay, I'll leave you with the Candy." (Y/N) said as Toad walked out.

(Y/N) then got a good look at the place. It was a small room with some decorative lights hanging from wall to wall. The walls were painted a nice lime green. While the floor had a light brown wood pattern. The bed had a comfy style and was comfy, and the bedside table had the same texture, only darker then the floor.

"EXCUSE ME I AM SO SORRY I JUST HACE TO HIDE BEHIND YOU RIGHT NOW!" Someone explained. Bursting through the door, running behind (Y/N). Like they were a child trying to get away from their sibling. Right when (Y/N) was about to look at the person, the door shut, then opened with a 'BANG'. "SMG4! WHERE'D YOU HIDE MY SPAGHETTI?" The person asked. They wore blue overalls, a red shirt, brown boots, the same colour as the bedside drawer/table, a red hat with a white circle and a M in it. With a pair of white gloves.

"MARIO, I DIDN'T TAKE YOUR LOVE, PEACH DID AND THREW IT AWAY BECAUSE IT WAS ALL ROTTEN IN THE FRIDGE!" The guy, (Y/N) assumed was SMG4. "I'M GOING TO GO FIND PEACH NOW." Mario said then left. "I'm so sorry about him, he can be a little crazy over spaghetti. "Hey, wait a minute. You're SMG4, and the other one was Mario right?" (Y/N) said.

Something about (Y/N) is that they were a huge, SMG4 fan. Meeting them, felt like they were gonna faint. "Uh... heh, uhh, yea yea I am! Heh. Anyway what's your name, and how did you even end up here?" SMG4 asked. "Here, I'll tell my story on how I got here, and you tell me your story on how I got to this room." (Y/N) said. SMG4 nodded.

A little while after, (Y/N) told their story. "Okay, just a heads up, Thanks for being nice to Toad, he doesn't get much love. Second of all: Try not to give him candy, he is like on drugs if he is given candy." SMG4 said, with a little heads up about. (Y/N) nodded. "Alright, now tell me how I got here, in this room to be exact."

"Well it all started when Mario and I heard a thud, or in this case, you falling."
"Hey Mario, did you hear that?" SMG4 asked Mario. "Heard what?" "I heard a thud, it sounded really close to here. Either I'm just hearing things or something, or someone is actually here." SMG4 explained to Mario.

"SMG4 relax, it's probably Bob and Fishy Boopkins doing that catapult thing, trying to get Bob to be in your videos again." Mario said. SMG4 sighed in relief and walked back to his computer. 'I'll check it out soon, it maybe was something and he just wanted to keep eating his spaghetti.' SMG4 thought.

A couple hours later, an alarm goes off. SMG4 looked at it, then answered. It was a phone call. "Hello?" SMG4 first asked. "Hey SMG4, its Peach. There is a human person here lying on the ground and I think it might be unconscious. Could you and Mario check it out and send them to the guest room?" Peach said over the phone. 'So I was right.' SMG4 thought. "Yea I'll tell him. Now go get captured by Bowser." SMG4 said, hanging up the phone. He went through the door, up to Mario and said. "Mario, we got some business to do." SMG4 said, dragging Mario.

They went up to the person, and Mario then asked. "Are they dead?" "No, Peach told me they were unconscious. We should bring them to the Guest room, and let them sleep until they wake up." SMG4 said.

SMG4 then picked them up bridal style and walked over to the guest room. Mario had to help out because SMG4 needed to open doors and how was he supposed to do that with a human in their arms, plus he couldn't see where the door nob was.

Once they got to the guest room, SMG4 laid them down on the bed. "I'm gonna get a glass of water for them when they wake up." SMG4 said running into the fridge. He grabbed a glass of water, and went to go put it on the bedside table. What he didn't know is that someone took all of Mario's rotten spaghetti and threw it away.
"And that's why Mario is chasing me." SMG4 said. "Okay then.... did you-" "I FOUND THE CULPRIT WHO THREW MY SPAGHETTI OUT!" Mario screamed or yelled in the main room. They bother walked to the main room to find Mario tackling Toad. "Mario, Stop!" (Y/N) yelled. Everyone just looked at them. They soon prided Mario off of Toad, while helping Toad up.

"Mario, since you found someone who threw away your spaghetti, props to you. But you shouldn't wrestle them to the death." (Y/N) stated. "Ditto." SMG4 and Toad said at the same time. "How do you-" "She watches my videos." SMG4 explained quickly. Mario made an 'ooo' face.

"Well, at least that won't be happening anytime soon right?" (Y/N) asked. SMG4 sighed.

"Welcome to the Mushroom Kingdom, (Y/N). Where randomness is made every single day."

A Meme-ish Adventure... (SMG4 X Reader) BOOK 1 COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now