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Sierra Anderson

"Sierra, hurry we have to make it to the airport in time, I am almost positive that most of the students are already there and waiting at the gates!" My mother said.

"Whatever mom I am almost ready." I yelled back at my mom.

When I turned around I felt a stinging on my right cheek realizing my 'so called' step-father has just slapped me.

"Don't you dare yell at your mother again child!" He yelled at me while I tried holding in the tears that were starting in my eyes. "Sorry" was all I managed to say, more like mumble before grabbing my bags and heading down the stairs...

My name is Sierra Anderson and well this is where my story begins.

I am finally a senior in high school, 'Yes! Finally!' I chanted in my head, causing me to laugh.

Well anyways, I am seventeen years old and I was born and raised in New Hampshire. I am 5'7 in height and have light brown hair which I got from my mother and green eyes which I got from the birth father.

I am thin but at a normal weight for my height and age. I also have plump lips, arched eyebrows, a narrow nose and a fair skin tone.

My family is well you know 'okay', my mother is very kind to me and always treated my nicely, but my step-father, he is a cruel businessman who I despise. I never really saw him as a father figure, he's more of a man who is here everyday in my home morning to night, dusk until dawn.

At the moment I am finishing packing up for a school trip to England.

It has always been my dream to travel the world and go there especially, why? Well I don't really know. I'd love to see the royal palace and all the agricultural buildings from the past, which we happen to be seeing on this trip.

The trip was open to a maximum of fifty people so luckily I signed up early.

I've been saving up for this trip for over a year, I worked at the little well-known café across the street called "Lava Java," it payed fairly well and the people there are like family to me so of course I applied to work there.

I do have a somewhat big house because of my step-father, but I wasn't going to ask him for money, I am almost an adult in my opinion and I felt like he would say 'no' to me anyways, he never even liked me nor wanted kids.

When he was dating my mom, he didn't know she had a child until later in their relationship.

Well here I am now on my way to the airport. My two best friends Liv and Meghan also signed up for the trip, which is great because we will get to room together!

We are staying in England for about two weeks which is great and no one is missing any school work because it is Easter break.

When we got to the airport I was almost tackled to the ground by my best friends, but I didn't mind, they were honestly like my sisters.

Liv has two younger brothers who are twins and in the seventh grade and Meghan has an older sister who is a junior in college studying Law and Criminal Justice, something I always hoped I'd one day too, and she also has a younger brother who is two years younger then us, he's a little sophomore in high school. Well, little in my mind...

Our flight was called and I waved 'goodbye' to my parents and blew a kiss which was really only meant for my mom but my step-father can think it was for him to, if he wants.

We got on the airplane and I rushed to the window seat, not that I look out the window but I like to rest my head when I sleep.

Now we have a six and a half hour flight until we arrive...

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