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Jason Sprouse

"Yeah, and one where you'll need a suitcase." She looked at me confused.

"I can't just leave to wherever we are going even if I'm dying inside from excitement."

"Actually you can! It's all planned out. All it needs is you."

"But my m-mom and ugh step-dad? Oh! And what about Meghan and Liv"

"Check, check, and double check" I said.

She beamed with happiness but also with confusion on how I had this all planned. She didn't know where we are going but she'll find out soon! I remember her telling my one day when I was on a call with her that her dream place to go one day was Thailand. She beamed with joy thinking about seeing elephants and seeing the islands and palace. Well that's what we will be doing for the next week. Just my girl and I. I have the whole week planned for us. My family is allies with the King and Queen of Thailand, I however only met the royal family once, unlike my parents.

"Are you going to tell me where we are going or -"

"You'll have to find out later sweetheart." She blushed at that. I leaned forward to peck her lips which turned into a slight make out session until we were so rudely interrupted by someone. That someone being Liv. I had no clue where Sierra's other friend was.

"Don't you dare fucking hurt her or I will beat your royal ass. Got it?" Liv said sternly.

"Yes ma'am" I saluted as Sierra giggled from beside me.

That beautiful giggle.

After just talking for a little while more and Sierra begging me to tell her where we are going, we decided to call it a night and head to her home as she wanted.

We said good night to her very drunk friends. At least Sierra is sober. She didn't drink, well maybe a cup of Malibu Bay Breeze, because I insisted I buy her a drink for her birthday. But, nothing else. Good girl.

I was planning on leaving very soon on her dream destination. I got her friends to pack her a suitcase with all her necessities she would need for the week. They said they placed it in her closet all packed and ready. My suitcase was already on the private jet.

After driving her to her house with the help of her navigating skills, we finally arrived.

"My moms home, but I don't think my step-dad is. He works late." She stated plainly.

I nodded giving her a peck on the lips before getting out of the car and running to her side to open the door. Got to be a gentlemen.

I won't lie I am kind of nervous, I met her mom on facetime but not in person. Not to lie, but I am glad her step-father isn't here so that's good for him and my fist. He's not mean, as Sierra stated, but he just doesn't show care and I don't like that. Every child deserves care and love from each of their parents not just one.

As we approached the front door, Sierra unlocked as she pecked my cheek while holding the door opened for me to enter. Once I did a lady who is actually Sierra's mom, as I remembered what she looked like on the call, came running in giving me a motherly hug. I gladly hugged back as I officially introduced myself.

"Hello, ma'am, it's very nice to officially meet Sierra's mum."

"Please stop with the ma'am and call me Linda." I nodded as we talked a bit more, forgetting that Sierra was behind me until we heard her fake cough.

"You have a daughter you know that, right?" Sierra said from behind me.

"Yes darling, I'm just finally meeting the guy who has made you ten times as happy lately." I smiled at the thought that I make her happy. She does the same to me.

"Well, did you tell her where you're taking her?" Her mother asked.

"No-" I was interrupted. "Wait. You too knew, mom?"

"Well, duh honey, I wouldn't let him take you anywhere without me nor your father knowing."

"Step-father" Sierra mumbled quietly under her breath in hopes no one hears. Her mum, Linda didn't hear, but I did.

"So when are we leaving to this place I still don't know where?" I was asked by my lovely girl.

"How about now."

"An hour! Jason, I need to pack and that will at least take me an hour or two and the fact that I have zero and I mean nada clue where we are going makes this way harder."

"Sweetie calm down. I as well as Liv and Meghan already packed your bag. It's in your closet." Her mum explained.

"You guys what! I swear there was no suitcase in my closet when I was getting dressed today."

"Yeah I know, I put it in there once you left. It's been packed for a few days now."

"No wonder I couldn't find any clothes." Sierra stated.

Sierra ran up to her room with me trailing behind. Her mum went to the kitchen which I believed to grab some things before Sierra and I left.

"You really can't tell me Jay? Come on, I hate not knowing."

"Too bad" I said pecking her lips.

Once she grabbed her suitcase and her running into the bathroom to changed, even though I told her she could just changed here, which ended in me getting slapped by her. My girl is strong. Remind me not to get her mad.

She exited the bathroom wearing a oversized t-shirt and some leggings with some sneakers. The usual Sierra look.

"Ready?" She nodded as I picked up her suitcase and walked down the stairs to where her mum is.

Linda handed her a bag which included her passport and I am guessing cash and some other necessities. She won't be needing cash however, because I am not letting her spend a penny.

Once we said bye to her mother since her step-father was still no where in sight, I put her bag in the boot of the car and off we headed to the airport which we will end up in the place of Sierra's dreams, Thailand.

Once arriving to the airport and going through security and what not, we were ready to board the jet.

"Is this yours?" Sierra stared in awe.

"Half mine, it's my family's." Sierra nodded.

The interior of the jet was a tan colour and included couches, a tv, miniature master bedroom, bathroom, and a miniature kitchen, even though there was a flight attendant.


"Close your mouth princess."

"If I stop staring will you tell me where we are going." She begged.

"Maybe. If you sit down and buckle up for take off then I definitely will."

She quickly did as told in hopes of finding out where we are off to.

The plane was ready to take off.

"Thailand" I blurted out.

"Huh?" Sierra asked not paying much attention because she was watching the plane take off from the window.

"We are going to Thailand." She turned her head so fast that if you blinked you wouldn't be able to see her doing it. She stared at me in shock and excitement.

"You're joking"


She unbuckled her seatbelt and ran to me as quickly as possible due to the fact we were taking off. I wouldn't be surprised if the flight attendant said something, because the seatbelts were for safety.

She kissed me passionately. "Thank you, thank you, thank you. You didn't have to I would be fine if you took me to the movies for my birthday."

"You deserve the world and I am willing to give it to you."

I am whipped and I am not denying it.


Sorry for the wait. I have finals this week as well as my birthday so I doubt I will we able to update much but I will try!


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