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Sierra Anderson

I saw the group of students for my school starting to enter the palace. They all were in awe. And, trust me I am too. This is the only time I actually saw the palace because last time, which was only just yesterday, I was asleep, missing the grand tour.

I saw Liv and Meghan in the middle of the group taking multiple pictures.

Wow, guess they forgot about me...

I am joking, I checked my phone, they did text me at least forty times and called over a hundred, but what do I say?

Oh, don't worry I was out with the prince all night, oh and I slept in the same bed as him?

Nope, they'd freak.

I decided on just telling them when I see them, but now isn't the right time.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when Bethany poked my arm telling me to sneak into the back of the line when everyone is turned around. And so, I did. No one notice a thing. Thank God. I was acting casual, ask we were being told to sit at the grand table. Just then, both Liv and Meghan noticed me and ran over bombarding me with questions. I just shrugged saying I will tell them later. I didn't think they'd let me off the hook that easily but they nodded. We all took out seats, I sat at the very end of the table with Liv and Meghan on my right.

Just then a horn was blown and we were all instructed to stand up.

A few seconds later, he walked it. Jason, the Prince walked in following his mother Stella, who is also the queen and his father who I haven't met yet, the King. I wonder were Rose is? Spoke to soon, just then she walked in holding her doll and dressed in a beautiful baby blue dress. We made eye contact and I just hoped she wouldn't say anything. She was about to open her mouth, but was stopped when Jason put a hand on her shoulder. I let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding when she closed her mouth.

"Damn, he is sexy." Liv said staring at the Jason.

"He is the Prince of course he is." Meghan said as I let out a chuckle.

"Please welcome the Royal Family, King Johnathan, Queen Stella, Prince Jason, and lastly Princess Rose." The announcer said.

"Please sit" the King said with a genuine smile on his face.

Stella and her husband sat on the far end of the other side of the table and of course Jason sat next to me with Rose on his lap not wanting to leave.

Everyone was chatting as lunch was served. I on the other hand was quiet, Liv and Meghan along with others talking to Jason, but I could feel his eyes on mine.

I decided to excuse myself because I had to pee. As I was getting up I was asked where I was going by Jason. "The bathroom Ja- you're majesty" I said with a smile. Just then Bethany showed up next to me saying she will show me where it is, but Jason stopped her saying he will take me. Everyone stared at us as a blush crept up on my face.

He put his hand on the small of my back leading me out of the dining room. I looked back seeing my two best friends with a shocked expression on their faces.

As we were out of the door, Jason led me down a hallway. The hallway looked similar to the one outside Jason's bedroom.

"Where are you taking me?"

"My room" He said casually.

"I have to pee" he chuckled at me.

"There is a bathroom in my room" he shrugged.

"I am sure there are many others" I said smirking

I didn't realize we were already in his room until he opened the door. I walked into the bathroom  and finished my business. I walked into the bedroom seeing him laying on his bed with his top button unbuckled.

He looked at me and smiled widely as I smiled back at him.

He got up and wrapped his arms around me.

He was about to say something but I interrupted.

"You know it's rude to stare especially when someone is eating" I smirked.

"I can't help it when the person next to me is beautiful"

That's it, start digging my hole, I am heating up.

He laughed at me as I playfully slapped his chest.

"We should go back."

"Not yet" he said smirking.

I rolled my eyes at him as he picked me up and laid me on his bed, as he hovered over me.

"God, you're beautiful" he mumbled in his heavenly sounding British accent.

He leaned down, only an inch away from my face.

He is gonna kiss me, a prince is going to kiss me!

He leaned down and kissed my cheek.

"Soon" is all he said as he got up leaving me laying on his bed in utter shock.

Soon? What does that mean?

I can't lie when I say I was disappointed when he kissed my cheek, because truthfully I was.

He pulled me up so I was now standing, I just noticed how short I truly feel compared to him.

We started walking back to the dinning room where the groups of people from my school were.

Jason pulled out my seat as I sat down. I gave a quick thank you as he smiled at me.

"What the hell happened" Liv whisper yelled at me. I put me finger to my lips telling her to shut up. She rolled her eyes at me saying that I have a lot of explaining to do.

And I do.

My Bad Boy PrinceDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora