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Sierra Anderson

Home. I am officially home, but it doesn't feel like it. I lived here my whole life yet it doesn't feel like I lived here at all. I am now sitting in my mom's car with her in the passenger seat and my step-dad in the driver's seat driving home. I said bye to both Liv and Meghan after we landed and that I'd see them in a few days or if not, next week when we go back to school. Jason has called and texted me multiple times, but I said I'd just call him when I arrive at my house. I didn't think it be this hard to say bye to someone.

When I arrived home, I ran straight to my bedroom. I missed my bed. I feel like your bed is the one thing an individual really does miss, well at least for me. I brought my bags up to my room with the help of my mom because my step-dad had to leave for work. Wow, he couldn't even take off one day to see me. It's okay though, I didn't talk to him much when I was away and I don't talk to him much when I am here with him. I didn't tell my mom about Jason, heck maybe she does know and just doesn't want to bring it up. Well that's definitely not true, moms love getting into their daughters business. Am I right or am I right?

I decided to go freshen up before calling Jason. Being on a plane for hours makes you feel gross truthfully. I took a shower and changed into some sweatpants and a tank top as I started to unpack all my bags. I was halfway done when I decided to call Jason. There is a time difference from here and there which is five hours but it is only around two where I am so it's the evening over there. After only three rings he picked up.

"Still as gorgeous over the phone, that's not fair" he said causing my face to light up and laugh.

"Still as ugly I see" I joked making him glare.

"I miss you" he blurted out as I told him I missed his as well. Long distance will be hard and we both know it and with him being a soon to be king, he has a lot of pressure on his back. My mom walked into my bedroom with a plate of food for me. "Who's that?" She questioned. Oh god what do I say. Boyfriend. Friend. Prince. Yeah, not the prince.

"He's a uh- friend, I met him when I was away, he's was on a tour as well." Yeah, that sounds realistic. "Oh-okay, as long as he isn't some stalker guy than I guess it's okay. Where is he from?" God where is he from.

"Toronto ma'am." Thanks for the save Jason.

"Oh, how nice! But, you have quite a strong accent" my mom answered.

"Yes, my mum is originally from the UK, I went on a trip to see how it was. I got the accent from her." He smiled.

"We'll that's very nice-"

"Jason" he spoke.

"Well, eat up Sierra and nice meeting you Jason." My mom said as she walked out of my room, keeping the door slightly cracked open. Definitely so she can evesdrop on our conversation. Typical mom.

"How's your mom and Rose?" I asked.

"Good, but little miss Rose is bugging me to see you, but once I told her you had fo go home she ran into her room crying. Moody little girl."

"Hey stop it, now get your ass to her room and let me see her" I spoke up.

"Yes ma'am" he saluted.

After about a minute or yelling and whining from behind Rose's room door that I saw on the FaceTime, I looked at the screen to see little Rose instead of Jason. She beamed with excitement and I could tell even if I wasn't there in person. She was a little sister to me, I've always wanted one.

"Sierra!" She yelled. A little to loud due to my volume being all the way up.

"Hey you. I miss you. Have you been a good girl?" I asked as I heard a mumbled 'No' in the back. I knew it was Jason and I couldn't help the giggle that left my lips.

After talking to both Rose and Jason for a while it was time to hang up. It was getting late for not only me but it was even later for them. We were on the phone for two hours, but Rose fell asleep after about forty-five minutes of talking and a lot of struggling to get her to go to bed.

I didn't feeling like eating again and honestly I was jet-lagged. Even if it wasn't to late at night I was ready to call it a night. I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth, then changed into some shorts because it was getting hot. I jumped onto my bed that I missed so damn much and I was out like a light right when my head hit the pillow.

School started next week and who knows how that will be. I don't want to go back, gosh I need another vacation.

All I know is that nothing has changed in this very little amount of time. I just hope nothing changed in a bigger amount of time. Well a girl can hope.

- short chapter oops




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