775 28 1

Jason Sprouse

It was getting late and I knew she was still at the tour so I was going to wait until tomorrow to tell her about what happened after she left. I don't want to keep this from her, I want to open up because I am a jerk, well was, before I met her. She changed me. I'm not a man whore anymore, well at least try not to be. She cherishes herself and that is one of the many things I adore about her.

It was now the next day around nine in the morning. I didn't talk to my love much last night after she left, only a few 'goodnight texts' and 'I love yous'. Sierra sent me her itinerary, so I knew what she had planned for the day.

The thought of her having to go back to America upset me. I didn't want her to leave. She had only five days left in the UK and I wanted to make them the best days of not only my life, but hers as well.


Time to tell Sierra. I need her to know who the type of person I was before her. I know you all are probably saying that it doesn't matter and that I just met her, but I will feel better once I do. It's weird for me to have these feelings, I'm usually and fuck and dump kind of guy. I used to drink and get into trouble, because I am the bad boy prince. That's what everyone likes to call me. I changed into some jeans and a polo, which is very causal for someone who usually has to wear a suit everyday. I threw on some formal shoes and just kept my hair the way it usually is. The straight 'I just woke up and don't feel like doing my hair look,' I am a natural at it! I ran down the stairs and asked a maid to clean my room, even though that's a maid's job. I went into the grand kitchen seeing our Chef, Leo placing breakfast on the table. I said a quick good morning to Leo as I saw my mother and father descending from the staircase, with a little Rose following behind. I gave my mother a kiss on the cheek and my father a quick hug. Rose came and jumped in my arms like the little kid she is.

"What's got you in a good mood honey?" My mother said. I realized my father looked a bit confused as my mother and I shared a knowing glance. My father hasn't met Sierra formally, only at the lunch with her school.

My mom continued to speak. "Is it that lovely girl Sierra?" She questioned me as a modded. My father joined in, "What palace is she from? Denmark? Cambodia? Bhutan? Spai-" I cut him off. Here's the thing, my father is all into the royal rules. He wants me to be with someone of royalty. My mother is from the Kingdom of Norway, as my father is from our current Kingdom. I don't agree with the whole 'marrying someone of royalty' and my mom doesn't either. She told me that as long as I am happy she is too. But, not my father, as King he is strict, but also wants what's best from not only the Kingdom, but me.

"She isn't from a Kingdom" I mumbled.

"Speak up I didn't hear you"

My mom cut in "she's from the palace of the Netherlands. I met her when she came for a quick visit, she's a very sweet girl." My mom said giving me a glare.

I decided to go along with her lie, "yeah, she's from the Netherlands." I said giving a fake smile.

"Oh, I didn't know King Markus had a daughter, must've been very protective" my dad chuckled. "I will give him a call so I can meet this lovely daughter of his."

"No!" Both my mother and I said in unison. "I mean - no, I don't want to rush anything" I said. All he did was nod as we all finished up eating. My father had to go to a meeting with the King of Spain for an alliance or something. Don't know how I'm going to become king, my dad goes to meetings everyday!

"Mom, why did you lie, King Marcus probably doesn't even have a daughter"

"Yes, he does, her name is Naomi. And the only reason I lied is because you know your father he would never agree to you liking someone who isn't royal." She said sternly.

"I know" I whispered.

"Now go, I know you were going to go see Sierra, so have fun and be nice."

"When am I not nice" I teased.

She rolled her eyes as she kissed my cheek and left the room with Rose in her arms. I grabbed my keys to my black Mercedes Benz because I decided to drive myself today, so it's just me and Sierra, not me, Sierra, and Frank, my driver.

Now off I go to see my love.


So sorry this took forever. Please comment and vote. I will try to get another chapter in before I leave in a few days!


My Bad Boy Princeحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن