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Jason Sprouse


"Hi, son how's the meeting with King Anurak and his family?"

This trip to Thailand was only supposed to be me and was focused on meeting with the royal family, here in Thailand. But, I knew this was Sierra's dream place to visit, so of course I brought her. The thing is my father doesn't know I brought anyone. I did however tell him I'll be spending the full week here rather than just a few days.

"It was good. Mainly caught up on things and some business with his and our kingdom."

"Okay, well I actually have a surprise for you and I am sure you will enjoy. -" I was confused. What kind of surprise was my father talking about.
"- However you have to come back tomorrow. I already informed the jet and it will be here in the morning, Thailand time, around nine-ish."

"Father I already told you that I want to spend the full week."

"Yes, I know, but the surprise is more important. And, what better thing is there even in Thailand?"


"Nothing, I just wanted to enjoy my time away from the UK."

"Well, you can enjoy it another time"

Probably not. I thought.

"Okay, well I guess I will see you tomorrow, father. It's getting late here." After saying our goodbyes I hung up, realizing I ended up being on the phone for over an hour. I just hope Sierra went to bed.


Heading into Sierra and I's room I was glad to see her cuddled up in the blankets and asleep. Quickly stripping out of my clothes to just my underwear, I got in bed on the other side of Sierra. Wrapping my arms around her securely, I watched as she cuddled into my chest.

Oh how beautiful my love is. I couldn't be happier that we met, even if it was so randomly. It was fate, in my opinion. Nothing could change how I feel about her. And most certainly not, anyone can tear us apart.


I got up before Sierra, unwrapping my arms from her. It got cold once I stopped holding her. I hated that my father had to end this trip already, I was hoping for at least three more days here with Sierra. However, the jet is only allowed to go straight to England, so Sierra must go. I am happy that I don't have to leave her and I am sure she will be extra happy to see Rose and my mother, even though we have to leave Thailand earlier than planned.

"Why are you already up? Come lay down I'm tired." A very sleepy Sierra said while I was getting changed.

"As much as I would love to, love; my father needs me back at the palace, so he called the jet and guess what. We're going back to England." I tried to make going back sound fun, but all I wanted was to get back into that bed and cuddle for a few more hours. Yes, I am a guy who likes to cuddle, who isn't?

After a few more minutes Sierra finally decided to get off the bed and start packing up her stuff as I did mine. "So, why do you think your father needs you back so soon?"

"I wonder that too, and honestly I could care less to go back now. I'm having so much fun with my girlfriend -" I leaned in giving her a quick kiss before continuing "- but at least while I am with my father, Rose and my mother will be home and trust me Rose misses you like crazy."

After changing into some comfy attire, well at least Sierra. I on the other hand wore a light blue button down and khakis because I know my father wouldn't be so fond of me in sweatpants and a tee like Sierra is wearing.

Checking to make sure everything is packed, I checked my phone realizing it's around eight forty. My father said the jet will be ready by nine, giving us enough time to head to the mini airport where the jet is.

After placing all our luggage in the trunk of the car we drove off. It was only a ten minute drive away so Sierra called her mom informing her that she'll be in England due to 'my family callings'.

Once seated on the jet, Sierra made sure to get comfortable on my lap. It's to early for her. I am positive she'll be out the entire flight.

Well I hope not the entire flight. Twelve hours without anyone to talk to isn't fun. There is the security guards a few seats back but they just keep a straight face and barely talk.

It was two hours into the flight when the flight attendant served us some breakfast. As much as Sierra whined saying she was comfy, she needed to eat.

The rest of the flight involved a few movies, more cuddling, and some - okay, a lot of napping.


And here we are, back in England. I was glad that there was zero paparazzi and it was easy to get into the black Escalade with no commotion.

Upon arriving to the palace, a few maids and guards came out to welcome me back to the palace and help with the bags. No one from the palace knew whom Sierra was to me not even my father except for my mother, Rose, Frank - my driver, Bethany - my personal maid whom helped change Sierra the night I brought her to my home, and of course my best buddy Daniel.

When entering my home, two little feet came running toward us and jumping into Sierra's arms. Well I feel left out.

"Well hello Rose" Sierra cooed to Rose who was clung onto Sierra.

"Thanks for the hug Rose. I definitely feel the love" I joked kissing Rose on the head. Just then my mother appeared.

"Jason! I didn't know you were bringing my favorite girl other than Rose." She said going straight to Sierra and embracing her into a hug, still with Rose cling to her.

"Again, I feel the love." I mumbled.

"Oh stop, son. I can't wait to hear about your trip! But your father needs you in his office, something important he said." I nodded giving my mom and hug and kiss as well as Rose and telling Sierra I will meet up with her when I am done with my father.

Whatever my father needs better be important. I love him of course but I just wanna spend time with my girlfriend.

Knocking on his office door that was heavily surrounded by guards as the bowed. I heard a faint 'come in' from inside. Entering his office I see not only him, but two other people seated at the two chairs in front of his desk.

"Hello son I'd like you to meet King Marcus and I his daughter Naomi who I know you are very fond of.

Kill me now.


I am so sorry about the enormous wait but I have been super busy.

Oh no, why do you think Jason's father, the King invited Naomi and her father to his Kingdom?




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