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Jason Sprouse

Bloody. Bloody. Bloody Hell.

Why did he have to do this. It was just a lie. Of course he didn't know this. I knew I had to play along so here I am a half hour later still in my father's study with Naomi, the princess whom my father thought I am fond of. I am not. The only girl I'm fond of is the one a few rooms over with my little sister, Rose.

I knew I had to play along; to be nice of course.

"Naomi" I greeted as she gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek. For a girl I've never met that kiss lingered for a while.

"Ah! The wedding of these two! I can't wait." My father stated leaving me in shock.

"W-wedding? Father you know I'm not going to get married right now."

"Of course not son, you two will be getting married in six months hopefully. Maybe sooner."

Fuck. Shit. Shit. Fuck.

"Oh! I am so excited Jay" Naomi screeched annoyingly. And, Jay! No nicknames especially not from a girl I meet just a few minutes ago.

"Well you two keep mingling and join us for dinner in a few hours. I hope in this time you lovebirds begin your planning. The faster the plans, the faster the wedding!" My father stated opening and leaving the room with King Marcus trailing behind.

"Well babe! Let's get to planning!"

"Don't call me that, Naomi." I gritted. I don't appreciate pet names especially from someone I have no interest in. The only reason I am in this bloody mess is because I don't have the balls to tell my father who I love.

I love an American.

I love this beauty who makes me happy.

I love the way she makes me feel.

And, I love her, because I feel as if I can be myself, not the person everyone wants me to be, Prince Jason Sprouse.

"Look, I am sure your wonderful, but I have to - um - watch my little sister, my mother wants me to keep an eye on the little one." I lied.

"I am sure you have nannies, and whatnots to do that for you, now come on I am thinking a huge fairytale wedding—" I zoned her voice out.

The only wedding I want to be planning is Sierra and I's. Not now obviously, but one day. Hopefully sooner than later.


Thank you God.

I picked through my back pocket grabbing my cell, while Naomi still continued blabbering about this wedding.

"Yes?" I answered.

"Sounded like you needed some help." That voice. Sierra's voice.

"Yes I do, how'd you know?"

"Well, I overheard your father, the King, and some unknown saying something about marriage, and weddings—"

I cut her off.

"Look I'll explain, please don't over think whatever you heard. I'll fix it, somehow."

"Hey, look I understand, you're a Prince, and you have a place to watch over I understand it. You don't want to be running around with some ordinary gi—"

She needs to stop.

I dropped the phone and walked out of the room on a mission to mine, leaving a confused Naomi alone in the study. If she even noticed I was gone.

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