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Sierra Anderson

Time to open the doors to hell. I am sure you all know where am I. No? Well okay. I am at school. Yeah, fun. Note to sarcasm.

A week has passed and nothing much happened. I talked to Jason everyday because he insisted. Meghan, Liv and I hung out two days ago, but we - scratch that, they mostly spent time with family. I spent time with my mom, not much, but enough time for me. My step-dad however is on a business trip in Nevada for work. My mom was going to go, which I insisted she did, but she denied saying she wanted to spend as much time with me.

I opened the doors to the building as my arms were automatically linked to two others, Liv and Meghan. Liv was on my right in jeans and a tube top and Meghan was on my left with a skirt and tank top. I, however was in sweats. Yup, my usual. Hey, I am not trying to impress anyone. The only person I really do care to impress is in another country.

"Back to fucking hell." Meghan groaned out as Liv and I nodded eagerly.

"Isn't it just great to be back!" Liv said, her voice filled to the brim with sarcasm.

"Of course!" I cheered jokingly.

Liv and I had first period together, history, great. Meghan, however had geometry. We all though had second period together which was Spanish. Español apesta! Once the bell rang Liv and I separated from Meghan. Is it lunch yet? Anyone? Is it? God, I wish it was.

Lunch. Thank god I am starved!

The day went on and now I was back to my humble home. While I was doing homework, Liv called, disturbing from my oh-so fun homework.

"You are interrupting some great homework on my guy, Edgar Allan Poe."

"Is he you boyfreind? Oh gosh, can I have Jason?" she squealed. I love my best friend.

"Yeah of course, now what's up?"

"Meet up. Legends Bar. Seven-thirty. Dress sexy." She announced.

"It's Monday, I am not trying have a hangover on the second day back tomorrow." I stated.

"Don't be lame and you don't have to drink, just come for - support"

"Okay, okay, god peer pressure, see you then." I said hanging up the phone. I finished the rest of my questions and decided to start getting ready. I had about an hour to get dressed, good enough.

I threw on a mid-thigh black dress with some red heels. I'm lazy with hair so, high ponytail here I come! I applied mascara and gloss to my lips and I was ready to go. Quickly, I grabbed my purse and phone, then I was out the door.

Once arriving to the club, Liv was already drunk, and Meghan was very, very, and I mean very close to being drunk. Once they both noticed me they came running and pulling me into a hug slurring a bunch of words I couldn't make out. I decided I wasn't going to drink because one, I have school tomorrow and two, I don't want a major hangover in the morning. Those suck.

After Liv and Meghan downed some shots, which definitely weren't the first ones of the night, they got up pulling me with them to the center of the dance floor.

It was now around nine forty-five and I was planning on going back to my house to get some sleep. After telling Meghan and Liv that we should leave now, they denied saying they'll get a cab later. Quickly, I said goodbye and began walking out the front door, trying not to push into many people. Even though it was Monday, this bar is always busy.

On the way out I was stopped by someone calling my name.


Once I turned around I saw Daniel. Daniel? What is he doing here. Why isn't he in the UK with Jason?

If you don't remember who Daniel is, he is Jason's best friend. The one who decided to get laid the time I say Jason at the club. Yeah, I saw him a few more times before I left. He's like a big brother to me.

"Hey Daniel, what you doing in America?" I questioned giving him a friendly hug.

"I got cousins here so I decided to come for a visit."

"Are you sure it isn't because I live here, I know I am amazing and all but you didn't have to fly across the world to see me." I joked, both of us erupting into fits of laughter.

"Well, maybe it's because I am making sure you're okay. Jason's orders." He said casually.

"So, you aren't here for your cousins?" I gave a questioning look.

"No, Sierra I am here for my cousins, but when I saw you I texted Jason and he forced me to make sure no 'fuck-boys,' like he likes to word it, touches or even sees you. I've never seen him so protective over anyone other than Rose." That brought a smile to my face, I miss him.

"Okay, well tell him I am all good -" He nodded as I continued "- how long you staying anyways?"

"Only until tomorrow night" I frowned . I wish we could hang out more before he left, but we will see each other again.

"Really -" I pouted "- well I have to go I got school tomorrow." He nodded and asked if I needed a ride, which I denied since I drove here. After saying our goodbyes and hugging another I left and went back home.

Once I was back at my house, I just felt a little nervous, I don't know, long distance worries me. But, I know I have nothing to worry about. I love Jason and for whatever reason, he loves me too, at least that's what he told me. I am the one who will fight for long distance and I just hope he can wait too. He is a prince after all and has more duties than I. He takes care of a freaking kingdom of god's sake. And I thought my life was hard. The hard thing is I have school and with him ruling his kingdom, I can't just hop on a plane to the UK every few weeks and I doubt he can either, especially with the news saying he will be crowned in the upcoming year or so, but there is one condition. I don't know what condition that is but I hope it isn't bad.


I have a idea for this book which I am excited to write about, I just have to get it into the book with the right timing and stuff. So I am thinking next chapter will be a time jump, but I am not 100% positive yet.


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