Matt Dillon/Dallas Winston

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I peeked out of the blinds with a smile plastered on my face

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I peeked out of the blinds with a smile plastered on my face. I sat there in excitement, simply waiting.

I heard footsteps coming down the stairs. "Oh enough y/n. You know he's coming at 12." My twin brother Sodapop groaned.

I turned my head and glared at him. "Yes and it's almost noon so get out of here." He rolled his eyes and went into the kitchen.

When I went back to looking out the window, Two-Bit and Steve entered the house. "What'cha doing? Bird watching?" Steve peeked out as well to catch a glimpse of what I was looking for before going to the couch.

"Oh yeah, I know all about bird watching." Two-Bit ran his fingers down his jacket zipper while whistling. "Except I use binoculars so I can see every detail of the birds."

My eyes went wide when I realized what he meant. "You pervert." I whacked his laughing self away to the couch.

My baby brother Pony came down the stairs in a sleepy daze. "Ugh. Waiting for your lover boy already?"

I rolled my eyes. "You guys just don't understand the special bond I have with him." I looked back out the window and jumped up with glee. "He's here!"

I quickly put on my oversized denim jacket and ran outside. "Right on time." I gave a wide grin.

"Like always." The mailman smiled. "Here's a letter for you Ms. Curtis."

I grabbed it and said thanks. While I ripped it open, I heard the sound of leaves crunching behind me. What I thought was a soc ended up being someone more unpleasant. Dallas Winston.

"Hey y/n. I see you have another letter from that stupid pen pal of yours." He pulled out a cigarette.

My jaw dropped in disgust. "He's not stupid. He's more cultured and sophisticated than you in every way."

I turned away to try and read my letter, but I couldn't with Winston breathing down my neck. "Pshh, cultured and sophisticated? He probably uses words that he found on a word of the day calendar. Or, better yet, he stole some quotes from Shakespeare that he heard in his English class."

Steam began to come out of my nose and ears. "Ponyboy is quite educated and he comes home to tell me everything he's learned in English class." I held up the paper. "What's in these letters I have never heard in my entire life. And I'm glad I get to hear them now." I kissed the letter.

"Whatever." He lit his cigarette with his Christopher.

I crossed my arms. "You're just jealous Dallas Winston. Jealous that you don't have a steady relationship unlike your on again off again with what's her face." I pointed at his Christopher.

He pulled the cigarette out of his mouth. "So what if I broke up with her again? At least I know what she looks like." He replied smugly.

I groaned and stomped up the steps, not wanting to hear another word out of that jerk's mouth.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2017 ⏰

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