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I woke up to Jacobs mom shaking me gently. "Luna." She whispers as my eyes open slowly. "Yes?" I ask before sitting up and rubbing my eyes. "Jacobs surgery is at 1:00 pm." She says making me nod slowly.

"What time is it?" I ask groggily. "Seven. I'm sure yesterday was pretty rough for you.." She says awkwardly. "Yeah it was." I say quietly. "So can I know now?" I ask. "I guess that's okay." She says before rubbing her face.

"The rumor has taken over half of Jacobs heart." She says making me gasp quietly. "So they can't remove it." She says making my eyes water. "But they're still having a surgery?" I ask confused. "Yes, but now it's a transplant." She says making me nod slowly.

"Luna?" I hear making me turn around. "Alex!" I scream before running into his arms. I then burst into tears as he carries me. "What's wrong?" He whispers into my ear. "J-J-Jacob h-his h-heart." I say as tears stream down my face.

He just holds me as he whispers reassuring things. Before a doctor bursts in frantically. "We have to go to surgery. Now." He says to Jacobs mom before running to the room. "OR now." He stops at a nurse before rushing off.

She runs in the opposite direction making my heart speed up. "I-I don't know w-what's happening." Mrs.Sartorius says before she starts to ramble mindlessly. "Hey. He'll be okay." I say before taking her hands in mine. "How do you know?" She says tears springing into her eyes.

"I just know okay. I have a feeling." I say reassuringly. "You promise?" She says reminding me of Jacob. "I promise." I say before hugging her. A few seconds after she calms down we pull away. That's when the doctor comes with Jacob on a stretcher in the direction the nurse went.

I run to them making the doctor stop. "Jacob." I whisper making him look at me tiredly. "L-Luna." He says smiling happily. "Hi, J." I say still whispering as I hold his hand. "W-Will you be my girlfriend?" He asks making me gasp. I nod as tears fill my eyes.

"Yay." He says softly and tiredly. "I love you, Jacob." I say as a tear rolls down my cheek slowly. "And I love you, Luna the tuna." He says with a smile. I lean down and kiss him before he is rolled off. I then sit down next to Alex and lean my head on his shoulder.

Hours later people rush in and are met with a surgeon. I recognized him as one of the people taking Jacob to his room. They mutter some words before the surgeon moves his hands through his hair in frustration. I rush over in concern.

"What happened?!" I ask and the doctor looks at me on confusion. "I'm his girlfriend please tell me." I say frantically. "The heart we were supposed to use for the transplant.. it got here too late." He says making me gasp and cover my mouth in horror. "We don't have another heart." He says quietly.

"Use my heart." I say making him look at me in surprise. "We can't do that." He says still shocked. "You have no time and I want to." I say quickly. "We need a guardian to say yes." He says still shocked. "My brother Alex is here, he's 22 and my parents are away." I say. "That'll do." He says with a sigh.

"Alex-." I start before he cuts me off. "I know. There's no way you'll let me say no to this." He says as tears stream down his face. I then burst into tears and hug him tightly. "I love you so much." He whispers before pressing a kiss into my hair. "I-I." I start but I wasn't able to get anything out. "I know." He says.

They change me into a patient gown and prep me for surgery. Alex and me talk before they tell him to go outside. "Can I?" I say motioning to the doctors thing. He nods and hands it to me. I use it before  leaving directions with the nurse. She nods and smiles at me sadly. They the take me to the OR and I see Jacob. I smile and reach out and caress his cheek softly.

"I love you." I say before they put me under.

Jacob's POV
I woke up to a bright light making me squint. I turn and see my mom in a chair with her head in her hands. "M-Mom?" I ask making her look up. I then see the tears streaming down her face making me worry. "Mom what's wrong?" I ask before she forces a smile.

"Where's Luna?" I ask as the thought of her makes me smile. "She loved you so much." She says as new tears come up in her eyes. "They lost the heart on the way here." She says making me confused. "I-I don't understand." I say softly. "She gave you her heart. Literally." She says laughing slightly before wiping her eyes.

I sit there in shock before tears start streaming down my face. I felt a pain. It was in my heart, and in my lungs. Or her heart. Then I started to hyperventilate. Then I started to sob as my mom held me. I cried out her name as my heart burned. She gave me her heart. Because of me she sacrificed her life. She's gone because of me.

"Sir." A nurse whispers making me calm down a bit. She then hands me a small folded paper. She then walks out along with my mom. It read; For Jacob. In her messy handwriting that I loved.

I opened it and started reading.

Dear Jacob,
Over the week that we've reconnected I've reunited with those feelings I had with you all of those months we were together. I always loved you. Since I was the little fan girl that was head over heels for you to the matured girl ready to give you her heart.

I know you may be upset that I did this for you without your permission but all I wanted was for you to be safe. I've been with you for so much, and I hope you know I'll still with you. In your heart. Cause well it's mine. (:

Thank you for messaging me that day om Snapchat. Thank you for never giving up on me. Thank you for being there for me. Thank you for making me happy. Thank you for accepting my heart and keeping it safe. I love you.

Forever and always yours,
Luna the Tuna.

the end

And just like that. It's over. I am extremely saddened and in tears. But all good things but come to an end. Read the authors not after this for a proper goodbye and thank you.
Word Count: 1165 words

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