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Lyn's POV

    I walked down the street in a tank top and jeans. I enjoyed the heavy rain pouring down against my bare shoulders, my short blonde hair sticking to my neck. The streets were flooding a bit, as my boots splashed some water up to stain my jeans. I had left my glasses and arm brace at home. My CTS wasn't as bad, and I didn't need my glasses because they'd only get rain on them. I saw Georgie Denbrough run down the street after his boat, as I realized I was close to his home. "Heya, Georgie!" I smiled. "Hi!" He yelled, not stopping his run for his boat. I smiled at the thought of either his parents or Bill making a paper boat for him and taking the effort to coat it with paraffin. He ran past a hug tarp after hitting his head on a road sign. He shook it off after a minute like it was nothing, and carried on. I decided to follow after him curiously, until my dog ran up after me. He was a beautiful Newfoundland, and his fur gripped to him tightly from the rain. I saw blood drip off of his leg, as he seemed to be limping. "Oh, Damien? What kind of fight did you get into now, baby?" I knelt down and looked at his legs. "Cat scratches. You'll be fine, sweetie." I pet him as I heard Georgie scream in pain. "Help! Help! Billy!" I ran over, Damien following, as Georgie was gone. Blood stained the streets as I looked around. "Georgie? Georgie!" Damien growled at the sewers, as my eyes widened in horror... What happened?


Lyn's POV

    I ran up to the trashcans that Bill and his friends were at, "Heya Losers, you ready to have your summer haunted by me?" I smirked, pushing my glasses up. I had my arm brace on, as Richie smiled at me, all the other boys nodding. We finished dumping our old school stuff out as Stan smiled, "Best feeling ever!" "Really? Try tickling your-" "Okay! We get it." I scoffed. "Hey, what do you guys wanna do tomorrow?" Richie pushed his glasses up, "I start my training." "What training?" "Street fighter." "Same, gotta flex my skills on it. I'm getting better than this dork." I reached up and ruffled Richie's hair. He took my glasses from my and put them on his head. I huffed. "Is that what you two are gonna do all summer? Spend your lives away in an arcade?" "Beats spending it inside your mother, oh!" Richie raised his hand to high five my. I lowered his hand, "Quit with the mom jokes." "What if we go to the quarry?" "Guys we have to g-g-go to the barrens." Eddie looked over, and spoke up. "Betty Ripsom's mom." "Does she really expect Betty to come out of that school?" "That poor woman." I sympathized. "Do you think they'll actually find her?" "Sure! In a ditch. All decomposed, covered in worms and maggots smelling like Eddie's mom's underwear." "Shut up, so gross." Eddie shook his head. I giggled, since I was one to easily laugh. Richie nudged me and reminded me, "How short can you be, Anderson?" "Wow, thanks a lot, Tozier." I rolled my eyes. "She's not dead, she's m-m-m-missing." "Right. Sorry, Bill. She's missing." Richie nudged his glasses up. I grabbed my own pair off his head and stuck them back on my own eyes. We started walking off, "You know, the barrens aren't that bad. Who doesn't love splashing around in shitty water-" Richie was shoved by one of Henry's goons. "You s-s-suck, Bowers." "Shut up, Bill." "You s-s-s-say something? B-b-b-billy?" "You know what, no!" I yelled. I got up in Henry's face. "Stop harrassing us, you angsty jerk!" "Oh, so you're squaring up now?" He looked at me. He got up in my face, "You're just mad because you have daddy issues and can't resolve them on your own! Get anger management, you-" I felt a fist get thrown into my face. Luckily, my glasses didn't crack, although I fell on my hands which messed my CTS up bad. I groaned, as Bowers went to go up in Bill's face, though a cop stared at us. "This year was a free ride for you cause of your brother, Denbrough. But the ride's over, for you and your fag friends." He licked his hand and slapped Bill's face. Richie ran over to me once Bowers and his gang walked to Belch's car. "God, Lyn, you okay?" He pulled me up. I nodded. He smirked, "Should be, that ass is enough to cushion your fall." "Jesus, Tozier! Stop!" I shoved him, whining. We all looked over as they hopped in their car, "I wish he'd go missing." "Seconded." I groaned, noticing myself crying. I busted out my braces, and put one of my left hand. Richie turned around and helped me strap it on. I smiled and nodded a thanks to him as Eddie spoke up, "He's probably the one doing it." 


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