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Lyn's POV

    We all crowded around Bill, seeing him stare at a small silhouette off the side of a pool of water. I grasped onto Richie's hand as he squeezed back in comfort. He pushed me behind him a bit. We waited to see what would happen. "Georgie." Bill finally spoke, heartbreak lacing the tone of his voice. The figure shifted into the light to reveal the small boy. I had witnessed his death, remembering the blood that tainted the rain water by that sewer drain. His arm was missing, blood staining the sleeve that had been removed with his limb. He was keeping that same paper boat against his chest, his eyes full of pain and sorrow. I gasped quietly, Richie squeezing my hand again. "What took you so long?" My heart ached at the voice that was filled with hurt. I realized that couldn't be Georgie, that this was a trap, but I didn't say anything. We were together, if this was a trap we could fight it off. There wasn't food in this sewer, nor sunlight or fresh air, and the only water supply was grey water, which was full of germs and very unsanitary. Even if Georgie survived his arm being ripped off without immediate care, he would've died from lack of human needs. It was obvious. I shook this off and let the brothers have their last moment, even if one of them was an illusion. "I-I was looking for you this whole time." Bill choked out. My heart ached for the poor teen. "I couldn't find my way out of here," The illusion of Georgie whined. "He said I could have my boat back, Billy." Bill breathed heavily a couple time, trying not to sob. "Was she fast?" "I couldn't keep up with it." "'She', Georgie. You call boats 'she.'" The creature ignored Bill's correction, "Take me home, Billy." The others had shuffled over closer to us, looking at each other with unsure glances "I wanna go home," It whined, holding back sobs. "I miss you. I wanna be with Mom and Dad." Bill huffed out a sob, trying to hold his pain back. He shook his head, "I want more than anything for you to be home. With Mom and Dad." He walked closer to the small being. "I miss you so much." I covered my mouth slightly, stepping forward. Richie's grab stopped me from going farther. "I love you, Billy." I felt my heart ache once more. "I love you, too." Bill stood in front of 'Georgie', then raised the bolt gun and spoke. "But you're not Georgie." The small creature whined and sobbed, his small lip quivering with fear and sadness. I could see it's eyes turn yellow, and defeat showed in them. The bolt plunged into the small skull of what seemed to be the young boy. His face fell from sadness and fear into a blank expression. He shook a bit, falling down. His arm fell from his chest, the boat staying in place somehow without the grasp of the single arm he still obtained. There was a silence, and stillness, trying to convince us that the thing was actually Georgie, and that Bill had just murdered his younger brother. Suddenly, the corpse started seizing, a gurgle sound escaped the lips of the false cadaver. It screamed with a deformity in the tone. Small, bright red pom poms sprouted from the tips of the old rain boots. It started screeching and gurgling, as another arm like limb sprouted from the bloodied stub that used to be his left arm. It's outfit changed into a frilly, dirtied white suit. It suddenly stopped thrashing on the ground, it's limbs jerking as they grew two sizes large. When it threw itself upwards into a sitting position, it became the clown that had murdered the young boy. It lifted itself up without having to bend any joints, and we all started screaming for Bill to shoot another bolt in it. "Kill it, Bill!" "Kill it!" We all screamed. I joined in the scream, looking over at the others. I saw a doomed look on Mike's face, then he uttered out. "It's not loaded." "What?" I yelled over the others. "It's not loaded!" I looked over, seeing Bill's finger on the trigger. He pushed down, making a clicking sound with it. Nothing happened, except for the murderous clown's skull showing a crack in it. He shook his head, grunting with it. It's threw it's head back, arms limp at it's side, as it screamed in anger. It looked back at us with no crack in it's head, now. The black substance that showed under the white skull of the beast was gone, now. It started running at us, as we all backed up. We were ready to fight it, now!

    It lunged at Bill, sharp teeth bared. "Bill, watch out!" Richie screamed, yanking me back by the hand. Bill blocked the teeth from plunging into his skin with the bolt gun. He threw the gun aside, It's head following. It went back to Bill, until Beverly caught It's attention. "Leave him alone!" She lunged a pole towards his back, until It turned and caught her attack. "Beverly, no!" Ben screeched out. She tried pushing it towards him, but It's strength refused. It threw the pole aside, as Mike stepped in front of the dressed girl. I released Richie's hand, and went to grab a weapon. I found an axe among the pile, and pulled that out. "Mike!" Stan screamed. I headed for the beast, "No- Lyn!" Richie yelled. Mike was hit back by the beast, his entire body slamming into the pile. How was this boy's back not broken? Bill grabbed a pole and rammed it between the beast's jaws from behind. Richie tackled it on top of Bill, but was thrown off. Stan and Ben grabbed either arm of the creature, while it swung around in circles trying to fling the frantic teenagers off it. My arm, which wasn't broken but still obtained the cast from lack of time to get it removed, clasped one of of the axe, the other near the other end as I raised it ready. Ben and Stan were flung off, as the creature grabbed Richie and slung him over his head, into the ground. I screamed a battle cry as I threw the axe into it's stomach. The creature roared in pain, throwing me into the pile as well. The axe was left in it's stomach, while my head was hit against a hard object in the pile, causing me a headache. It ripped the axe out of it's stomach, slamming Bill over it's head as it did Richie. Richie dragged me towards him, holding me close to his chest. I groaned with ringing filling my hearing for only a second. I realized the creature had gotten hold of Bill now, and it refused to let go. We all backed up, yelling for our friend. The beast held Bill in a headlock, acting as if it'd break Bill's neck any second given. "No, don't." Beverly spoke, as she probably noticed the same fact that I had. "Let him go!" "No." It shook it's head, it's face expressions very animated. "I'll take him. I'll take all of you! And I'll feast on your flesh as I feed on your fear!" It laughed, insanity lacing the tone of the beast. He lifted a finger and shook it a bit, "Or!" It dragged the 'o' out, and lowered it's hand to caress Bill's face. "You just leave us be," Richie tightened his grip around me, shaking a bit. "I will take him, only him.. and then I will have my long rest. And then you will all live to grow and thrive and lead happy lives, until old age takes you back to the weeds." It dragged the 'a' in happy out, shaking it's head with insanity. "Leave." Bill choked out from the hold on his neck, his voice sounding broken. "I'm the one who dragged you all into this. I'm so sorry." "S-s-s-s-sorry." The clown laughed, mocking the poor boy with the stutter. "Go!" The clown laughed more. "Guys, we can't!" I heard Beverly speak from behind me. Richie helped me stand, releasing me from his hold. "I'm sorry." Bill apologized once more. "I told you, Bill." Richie repeated himself, adding a curse. "I don't wanna die. I don't want Lyn to die, or the others to die." I blushed slightly, but held most of it back. "It's your fault." He walked towards the pile slowly, pushing his fingers back while counting reasons why he was angry with the stuttering boy, "You punched me in the face, you made me walk through shitty water, you brought me to a freaking crackhead house!" I bent down and shuffled towards the axe, grabbing it and holding it slightly upwards, but kept it hidden slightly from the creature. "And now," He grabbed a bat from the pile, and raised it upwards, "I'm gonna have to kill this damn clown." The clown raised up, releasing Bill from it's hold. "Welcome to the Loser's Club, asshole!" Richie screamed, throwing the bat towards the clown and successfully hitting it. It grunted in defeat, as I saw an impressed look creep up onto his face. I slung the axe towards the demon's shoulder, the blade digging into it's limb. Mike was going to throw a pole into it's face, but burnt looking hands escaped the creature's mouth, blocking the hit. Stanley grabbed a pole from the ground, and hit the arms off the pole Mike held with it. Suddenly, the head of the creature turned into a deformed woman's face, her eyes glazed. It ran at Stan, but he swung the pole against her face. Mike aimed for a hit once more, but he fell past the clown. It's armed turned into giant claws, while the home-schooled boy frantically rolled out of the way from each slam into the concrete floor of the claws. The clown laughed with a gurgle while trying to hit the boy. Ben grabbed a spike and rammed it into the back of the demon, black tinted blood floating up from the wound that pierced straight through the creature. The head of the clown turned a ninety degree angle, and formed into an unwrapped mummy's head. The bandages around it's face latching onto the small boy's head. Bill ran over, setting his flashlight down, grabbed a chain and threw it against the bandages. The creature fell to it's knee, as it looked up at me. It's head formed into Richie's face. "Don't you love me, Lynny?" I smirked, and held the axe up, "Yes. I. Do!" I screamed, before shoving the axe into the back of it's neck. Richie squealed in surprise, as the clown shook it's head violently. It coughed, then projectile vomited a black goo onto Eddie. He gagged a bit after he was covered with the liquid, and screamed in anger, "I'm gonna kill you!" He kicked the clown in the face, sending the clown backwards as it's head thrashed once more. It looked up at Beverly with a man's face, which a perverted smile was plastered on it's mouth. "Hey, Bevvie. Are you still my little-" Beverly screamed in rage, driving a pole down the beast's throat. It's head changed back to the clown slowly, Beverly leaving the pole in it's mouth. It vomited the pole that wasn't plunge entirely into it's throat out of it's mouth, as Eddie exclaimed in surprise. It fell back, and acted like something was dragging it into a hole close by. It gasped for air, as it leaned back against the hole's rims. Bill stood bravely in front of the rest of us. I found myself gripping my axe tightly, by Richie's side. "That's why you didn't kill Beverly," The clown only shivered, shook, and whimpered in it's place, "'Cause sh-sh-sh-she wasn't afraid. And we aren't either." I lowered my axe slightly, waiting for what was going to happen next. I felt Richie's fingers intertwine with mine. "Not anymore." The clown groaned in defeat. "Now you're the one who's afraid, because you're gonna starve." Bill said, not stuttering once. The clown gurgled on it's own words, and back flipped over into the hole. All that was keeping it from plunging into the hole was it's hands gripping the edge of it. "H-He thrusts his fists against the post, and still insists he sees the ghost." The clown mumbled. Stan handed Bill a pole, as the clown repeated the rhyme. "He thrusts his fists against the p-p-p-posts.." Bill held the pole up, ready to whack the clown down into the hole, until we all noticed the clown's skull cracking. It fell down more, the only thing keeping it from falling now was it's fingers somehow keeping it held up. It's skull began to crack open, black, purple, and white pieces floating up. Half the demon's face was opened up before it spoke in a hushed, defeated voice: "Fear." It's body plunged into the well, the only evidence of it being here were the floating children above and the pieces of it skull that floated in the air where it once clung for dear life. Bill had lowered the pole, and I let my axe fall back. We all looked down the well to see the only evidence, and the black abyss. Richie broke the silence, still squeezing my hand, "I know what I'm doing for my summer experience essay." Bill looked over at Beverly, as the two fell into a hug. I felt Richie grab me from behind and hug me, as well. I rubbed his hand slightly. Eddie looked up into the sky, the rest of our gazes following his shortly, "Guys, guys. The kids are floating down." I looked up, feeling Richie's head tilt back as well to see the many missing children float towards the ground. Bill walked past us all towards the pile. The pole he was holding clattered to the ground as our gazes followed him now as he fell to his knees and brought a yellow rain coat to his chest. Richie and I got on our knees and rubbed Bill's back as he sobbed, tracing his hands over the clothing Georgie last wore. The others crowded around him and tried comforting him also. We all fell into a group hug as we finally found out what the mystery of Georgie Denbrough's disappearance had become. The poor, young boy had officially passed away in the dark sewers because of a demonic fear-lusting clown.

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