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Lyn's POV

     It was a long time since we had defeated the clown, and we all gathered in the field on logs near a river. "It was like I was dead. All of my senses stopped working, and I only saw darkness." I felt a hand squeeze mine. "There was like, this, movie screen. It showed what happened when we were older. We all had to come back to this town, and the clown had come back. We had to fight it again. But we were all older, I mean, our parent's ages. We all had families." Bill sighed, and bent down. He grabbed a shard of glass, and stood up. "Swear." I looked up and tilted my head slightly, "Swear... if It isn't dead- if It ever comes back, we'll all come back, too." We all stood up, nodding in agreement. I did the math, and since the year was nine-teen ninety, we'd all have to come back in two-thousand seven-teen if It ever came back. Bill started going around, slicing all of our hands open. He went first, then me, then Richie, who shook his hand afterwards, then Eddie, Mike, Stan, Ben, and Bev. I looked down beside me and saw Damien, my favorite dog in the world. I looked at my arm, that used to be broken, and saw the skin from under the cast. I was finally glad the cast was gone. We all grabbed hands, making a blood circle oath, and stood for a moment. Once we released each other's hands, we stayed quiet for a moment. Stan spoke up, the bandages around his head not refusing him to talk, "I gotta go." There was a silence as some of us nodded, some of us not even acknowledging his sentence, until he added; "I hate you." There was another silence, until we all laughed. "I'll see you later." After that, Eddie hugged Richie and I, and then pet Damien. "Bye, guys." Later, Mike left. Soon, Richie and I left, Damien tagging along. "See you, Bill." "Bye, guys." I smiled and waved, my bloody hand dripping as the three of us walked home.

    "So, Henry died, along with the rest of his gang?" "Uh-huh." "Wow..." I huffed. Damien walked by one side, Richie on the other. "Soo, what were the two of us doing as adults?" "We both were married." Richie frowned, "Who was I married to?" "A beautiful woman. You had a kid, and she was just as beautiful." I smiled to myself. "Who... were you married to? Did he hurt you? Anything bad? I'll have to-" "You." There was a silence, then Richie stopped in his tracks, "What?" "He didn't hurt me, because he was you. I married you, Richie." I blushed slightly. Richie blushed as well, but smiled and grabbed me by the shoulders, "Yes! Yes! Thank God!" He smiled. Damien sat down for a moment, resting. Richie suddenly grabbed me face and smashed his lips against mine. I grabbed his cheek with my non-bloody hand, and returned the favour. Once we parted, his smile was wider than it'd ever been. He got down on one knee, and ripped a nearby daisy up from the ground. He shoved his glasses up his nose awkwardly, as he held the flower up to me. "Be my girlfriend?" I laughed, blushed, and smiled brightly. "Of course, you dimwit." I bent down and kissed his cheek, taking the flower and putting it in my hair. Damien pushed against Richie, knocking him off his knee and onto his side. I covered my mouth and giggled a bit, as he pushed himself up. Damien started giving Rich doggy kisses all over his face. "Ahh!" He yelled. I just giggled, as Richie started complaining, "Slobmaster's just drooled all over my glasses!" I nudged Damien off of him, as the big dog sat back down and panted heavily. I grabbed Richie's hand and pulled him up. He took his glasses off and wiped them off. He folded them over his shirt, "There's no saving them. We'll need a replacement!" He yanked my glasses off his face, and made a run for it. "Hey, give those back!" "Gotta catch me, babe!" Rich yelled. I darted off after him, keeping a close trail behind him all the way back to our houses. Damien ran after us, barking happily as we enjoyed the fall breeze. I could learn to love this new life.

    I walked inside, Richie being invited inside by my dad. My dad had fixed supper for us, and Richie joined us. We had spaghetti and meatballs. I slid a meatball under the table for Damien, as my dad stared Richie down. "You won't hurt my daughter?" "No, sir." Richie assured. I smiled a bit. "What's her favourite colour?" "Black is her most favourite, sir, though she has many more." "What's her favourite animal?" "She likes birds, snakes, and dogs, sir." "Dad, you don't have to bombard him with questions. I know for a fact he won't hurt me." I smiled, remembering the future movie I saw in the void. "Alright, welcome to the family, son." He reached across the table towards my new boyfriend, and the two men shook hands. "Dig in, folks!" My dad smiled dorkily as he dug his fork into a meatball, bringing it up to his mouth and taking a bite. Richie smiled at me brightly, before we all started enjoying our lovely Italian dinner. 

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