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Lyn's POV

    Richie went behind me, keeping his hands a few inches away from my ass. "What are you doing?" "Protecting your ass." He winked. I rolled my eyes and slapped his hands away. He barely touched my butt. My face darkened, but it wasn't noticeable from the darkness. "R-Richie!" "Sorry!" He smirked at me, which made me worry if he saw my blush. 

    Once we entered the crack-house. Richie immediately decided to pull some dumb jokes off. "I can't believe we decided to pull the short straw. You guys are lucky we're not measuring dicks." "Shut up, Richie." I covered his mouth. He licked my hand and I jerked my hand back. I wiped it off on my leg, and he smirked at me. We all looked around quietly. I was shaking slightly, and Richie looked over at me. "Don't breathe through your mouth." He called out. "How come?" "Cause then you're eating it." Eddie gagged as Richie poked me in the spine. I looked over and shoved my own glasses up my nose. He smiled at me. This time it was... different? Like it was a genuine smile. Like, he meant it. Not in a pervy way. Wow, didn't know that Richie existed.

    Richie's POV

    I looked over at Lyn and smiled. It wasn't a pervy way now, because I knew if anything bad happened to her that I'd have only smiled a real smile at her at least two times before now. She looked at me with confusion, but smiled back. I looked over behind Lyn and saw a bunch of vines cluttered together. I walked over and noticed a paper stuck behind some. I went to grab it.

    Lyn's POV

    Richie walked behind me, towards a bunch of vines intertwined together, and dug into it. He pulled out a paper. I followed after him, grunting and coaxing the others to follow. We both looked at the paper and saw it said "Missing: Richie Tozier." It had all the right information on it. I looked up at him, and we looked at the others. "What?" Bill scrunched his eyebrows. "It- It says I'm missing..." "Hey, hey you're not missing, Richie." "Last living in the city of Derry, that's my shirt, that's my hair, that's my face, that's my name, that's my age, that's the date!" Bill and I tried calming him down, but he kept panicking. I grabbed him by the shoulders, "Richard Tozier!" I yelled in his face. "What the-" "Richard!" "It says I'm missing, am I gonna go missing?!" "Richie! Look at me, look at me!" I grabbed his face. I rubbed his eyes under his glasses, "You are not missing. You're not going to go missing. I will not let that happen. It is playing a trick on you. IT knows what we're scared of." I spoke to him in a soothing voice. "Breathe with me." We both inhaled and exhaled deeply. I smiled at him, and he smiled weakly back. "Good, now let's go on like brave kids." It was really hard not to kiss him, if I'm being honest. But the thought scared me a little.

    We heard an echo throughout the victorian home. "Hello?" "That's Betty's voice." I spoke up. I had heard the young girl, who'd gone missing, and her voice a lot from hanging around her in class. We started heading up the stairs, my hand finding it's way into Richie's for comfort. There were more steps at the top, and a hallway. We walked towards the hallway, and at the end of it, a door was wide open. On the floor, we saw Betty Ripsom coughing, then her gaze turned towards us. "Betty?" "Ripsom?" She didn't answer, and suddenly was dragged away with a blood-curling scream. I twitched and yanked on Richie's hand. We started walking towards it, until Eddie and I stopped. "Eddie, Lyn." We heard a gurgling whisper, "What are you looking for?" We looked back, my hand leaving Richie's. "Guys do you hear that?" Eddie huffed out. "U-uhuh." I stuttered out a mumbled. We looked back to see Bill and Richie already in the room at the end of the hall. "Guys?" Eddie went ahead of me, and we started walking towards the door, until it slammed shut. "Eddie?!" I heard Bill call. "Lyn?! Lyn!" Richie screamed at the top of his lungs. "Richie! Bill!" Eddie and I yelled, running towards the door. Suddenly, the floor opened up in front of us, blocking us from the door. I skidded to a halt, Eddie bumping into my slightly. I looked over at Eddie, and a hand fell on his shoulder. A gurgling voice in a hushed tone groaned out, "Time to take your pill, Eddie." Eddie turned around and his eyes rolled back a bit. He fainted, and fell back against me. I fell into the hole, and held onto Eddie with one arm. I tried my best to protect him, and fell against my other arm into a table, breaking it with both of our weights combined. I screamed in pain. "Lyn!" I heard Richie yell before I passed out.

    It hadn't been long before pain woke me up. I looked and noticed Eddie halfway on top of me, waking up. He pushed himself off of me, and he looked fine. "Holy shit, Lyn, are yo- Oh, god!"  I groaned at the pain coursing through my arm. I looked down to notice my arm was bent in a different way. I screamed in surprise. Eddie started panicking, almost fainting, and took a puff from his inhaler. He tried to help me pop it back in place, but he kept cringing away from it. I looked up and noticed a hand shove it's way out of the refrigerator in front of us. I looked behind Eddie as he tried to examine my arm and slapped his chest. "Wh-" My eyes widened and I threw my pointed hand violently at the fridge. He looked behind him and saw it too. He backed up beside me. The door opened to reveal a pretzelled clown inside. He smiled crookedly, and laughed as he crawled and pushed himself out. Eddie and I whimpered. I prayed for someone to come along and help us. He twisted and cracked into the right shape. "Time to float!" It groaned. Eddie and I backed up against the wall, as the clown bent over to face us, and started dumbly marching towards us. It pinned us to the wall with either hand. I punched at his chest, and Eddie gasped for air. It grabbed Eddie's hand and acted like It would bite his arm off. "Tasty, tasty, beautiful fear!" The clown drooled onto us as we shuddered with fear and discomfort. He closed his mouth, then smiled a shark tooth sharp smile. He started unhinging his jaws and his mouth opened wide. His eyes rolled into the back of his head and his jaw popped. Rows and rows of teeth lined his gums, and somehow the gums just kept extending out of his mouth. A door opened in the distance, and the clown stopped, looking aside. He let go of Eddie's face and grabbed my neck. I choked a bit, fear engulfing my thoughts, and the clown smiled in pleasure. We heard footsteps stomp down the hall, and a door slammed open across the room from us. "Lyn! Eddie!" Richie yelled out. The clown turned to them, probably smirking maniacally, "Is this not real enough for ya, Billy? I'm not real enough?" He sounded hurt. "It was real enough for Georgie. "Get your hands off'a her!" Richie yelled, stepped forward ever so slightly. The clown stood up, and he immediately backed up. He started laughing psychotically and started running for Bill and Richie. He was stopped with a spear to the eye with a fire place iron. He was stabbed in the eye with it by Beverly. I thanked whoever, and the others started yelling out, "Get Lyn! Get Eddie!" Richie ran over and saw my arm broken. I kept screaming and crying, even when I felt my cheek get brushed by Richie's lips. The clown's hand turned into a black clawed werewolf-like hand, and he went to attack us. Rich turned my face towards his, "Hey, don't pay attention!" I saw out of the corner of my eye that Ben got clawed in the stomach. The clown laughed hysterically and retreated into the door. Bill got up and followed the demonic creature, leaving the rest of us to deal with what we had. 

    "Oh, shit, uh! Let me pop it back in place!" "Oh hell no, don't touch me! D-don't touch- Ghahahaaah!" I screamed in pain as he had counted down from three and the yanked it to where it looked normal. I held it, the aching and pain refusing to cease. The clown groaned and lifted up, and had turned to us.

    We all rushed out of the house as a car pulled up. Eddie was gasping for breath and we all realized it was his mother. She grabbed her son, him grabbing his inhaler and puffing it, and she pointed at all of us. "You. You did this." I looked at her with a sarcastic look, that was mixed in with my pain. "We did what, Kaspbrak?! I saved your sons ass! He could have a broken arm like me! And all you ever decide to be is an ass to us! Ok? I'm sorry your son's out of breath, but at least his arm isn't snapped like mine, you warped bitch of a mother!" She looked at me with utter disgust. Eddie looked at me with pride and sorrow, as his mother dragged him to the car. He got in as his mom fumbled with her keys. She dropped them, and I picked the up. "Give those back, you little-" "Fine, here bitch!" I screamed and threw the keys at her car window with my good arm, smashing her window. The others looked at me like I was insane. She scoffed and growled in anger. Beverly tried opening her door for her, but Ms. K stopped us. "Oh, I know about you Ms. Marsh. I don't want a dirty girl, or a little brat near my son ever again." "Now I know why you go by Ms. K. No wonder your husband left your overcontrolling, judgemental ass!" I screamed in her face as she growled and went around to get in her car, grabbing her keys from the broken glass and driving off. 

    I looked back to see all the boys and Bev looking at me with surprise. "Wow, Lyn." "Richie, take my ass to the hospital." We headed towards his bike ready to get on, the others following, until we stopped. Here we go with the quarreling.

✦Nerd Alert✦ R.T × L.A ~ FINISHEDDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora