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Lyn's POV

    Ben was kind enough to let Damien come inside. "Cool, huh?" "No, no... nothing cool." I shoved Richie onto the bed and waddled off. "Get back here, shorty!" He ran after to tickle me, reminding me of my sad height of 4"10. I groaned as he grabbed me, taking my glasses off. He put them on on top of his own pair, and bent down a bit to rest his head on my shoulder. "Oh, that's cool. Wait, no.. that's not cool." I poked his nose, as he smiled. "What's that?" "Oh, that's the charter for Derry Township." Richie scoffed, pushing the pairs of glasses up his nose, "Nerd Alert." I took my glasses back from him as he huffed hot hair onto my neck, making me shiver slightly. I shrugged my shoulders, moving his head. He shifted his head's position to on top of my head. "No, it's actually very interesting. Derry started as a beaver trapping camp." "Still is, am I right boys?" "If I high five you, will you shut up." "Yes." I high fived him as he grabbed my hand and intertwined his fingers with mine. I saw out of the corner of my eye that Eddie was smirking at us. "Ninety-one people signed the charter that made Derry. But later that winter, they all disappeared without a trace." "The entire camp?" Eddie stopped smirking and raised his eyebrows in surprise at Ben's information. "There were rumors of Indians.. but no sign of an attack. Everyone just... thought it was a plague or something. But it's like... everyone just woke up one day and left." I stared at the photo of everyone gathered in together. There was a creepy human looking creature staring out of the photo.. it unnerved me. I squeezed Richie's hand slightly as he looked down at me and smirked slightly. Damien rubbed against my leg, making Richie stumble a bit. I giggled as he wrapped his arms around me to keep from falling. "The only clue was a trail of bloody clothes that lead to the well-house." Richie spoke from above me, "Jesus, we can get Derry on Unsolved Mysteries!" "Why does he have all this stuff?" "I don't know, maybe he's trying to make some friends, Stanley." Richie messed with my hair, lifting his head from on top of mine as Damien looked around. Bill looked over and stuttered out, "Wh-where was the well-house?" "I don't know," Ben shrugged, "Somewhere in town, I guess. Why?" "Nothing."

    After that, Richie and I decided to hang out at my house. Damien ran after us as I rode on the back of his bike. Once we got to my house, I opened the door and let him in. Damien ran in and threw himself on the couch. "Lyn, you home?" I heard my dad yell. "Yeah, Richie's here." "Richie, my favourite son in law!" Dad teased. I groaned, "I don't like him, dad.." "I know. Still funny to see your reaction." Richie was blushing a bit, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. "You two weirdos can watch TV or whatever, I'm making spaghetti." "Yay!" I smiled. Richie and I went to my room and I showed him my most recent drawings. "Why's this one of me in a-" I ripped it out of his hands blushing furiously, "My dad drew that one!" I made an excuse. "Ohh, okay." He believed me, since he's seen some of my dad's drawings and our styles were slightly similar. Dad called us in to eat as Damien sat between Richie and I. I fed Damien a few meatballs and finished eating, conversing with Dad and Richie about our day's events.


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