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Lyn's POV

    I hacked up a ball in my throat, and made sure it was large. I waited beside Richie and Stan. Richie spit his quite far, but I had faith. The others spit theirs, then Eddie spit his. It was big, but didn't go far. "Mine wins!" "No, mine did!" "Mine went the farthest!" "Mine had the most mass!" "Shut up!" I yelled, spitting mine out farther than Richie's. It was quite fat, as the boys' eyes widened. "Mine wins, now who jumps first?" I waited for any volunteers, until Bev came from behind, "I'll go!" She let her cover dress drop and ran for it, "Sissies!" She threw herself off as Richie cursed in surprise. "Me next!" I laughed. I turned to face the boys, my glasses off and a paper bag around my wrist to protect my arm brace. I waved at them, and let myself fall backwards off the cliff. I turned myself upside down and fell in. Next came Bill, then Richie, then Eddie, then Ben, then Stan.

    Soon after, we decided to play chicken fight. Bev got on Bill's shoulders, and Richie got on mine. I sunk one of my nails into his legs to mess with him as he squealed, but then started to shove Bev off. We won, whoo! I threw Richie off giggling, as he resurfaced and splashed me in the face. Richie squealed, "Something touched my foot." I went under and tickled his foot, it thrashing and hitting my in the nose. I came back up and gasped, rubbing my nose, "I was trying to find it!" I whined. He panicked and swam over to me, "Did I break your nose?" He poked my nose as I shook my head. "I'm good." "It's a turtle!" Bill yelled. "Oh, neat!" I smiled, and went to grab it.

    After a while, we were sitting on the rocks again. I took my paper bag off, my arm brace secured and Richie and I's glasses on our faces. Bev was sunbathing as the boys and I stared at her for a minute. She looked up as we all awkwardly averted our eyes elsewhere. I sat beside Richie as he made this stupid accent. "News flash, Ben. School's out for summer!" "Oh, that isn't school stuff." "Who sent you this?" "No one! No one.." "What's with the history project?" "Oh, well.. When I first moved here, I didn't really have anyone to hang out with. I spent most of my time in the library.." "You went to the library? On purpose?" I flicked Richie, as he slapped my gently on the arm. I took his glasses and wore them on top of my other pair. He rolled his eyes as Bev stood up, "Oh, I wanna see." They started talking about the black spot, but I didn't pay attention. I felt a hand right against mine, trying to make mine intertwine with it. I looked down and saw it was Richie's. He yanked it away once I saw as I tried containing my redness and fear. "Here, pass it." I looked over after they complimented Bev's hair and decided to pitch my own in, "Suits you, it being short. I like it much more," I smiled. Bev smiled back, but I looked down at the folder in Richie's hands. "Why's it all murders and missing kids?" He passed it to Stan. "Derry's not like any town I've seen before-" I sneezed violently, clutching my nose to keep the snot it. It was something I took on from my dad, he did the same thing. "Sorry.." I rubbed my nose. They all said bless you as Ben carried on. Richie whispered to me, "Got a nose bleed yet?" I shrugged. "They did a study once, and it turns out that people either die or disappear 6 times average. And that's just adults, kids are worse." Richie tapped me as I realized something warm trickled down my nose. "Oh, uh.. Guys?" I pointed at my nose as everyone looked at me panicked. Richie bent down and grabbed the towel I had, and gave it to me. I shrugged, and pinched my nose to stop the bleeding. "I've got more stuff at my house if you guys want to come, and we can fix Lyn's nosebleed there." "Yes, please." I muffled out. We all went to get our clothes back as I held my nose back, but Eddie grunted in disgust. "Don't hold your head back, if you do blood will go down your throat." I shrugged and fixed my tank top, jeans, and boots back on. The same ones I wore when Georgie went missing.

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