What's Up?

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Sorry I keep making these updates instead of actual story updates but honestly you and I's mental health is way more important. There's another app called What's Up? And it helps you get your mind off your mental sickness. Whether it's depression, anxiety, stress, etc. There's a game on there where you name 5 things and press the stars every time you name something and it tells you info about anxiety, depression, stress, anger, etc. It also has breathing techniques such as 4-7-8 rule and roll breathing. It's so helpful for when you're feeling a symptom of your mental illness. I have it downloaded and it's bcc helpful I strongly suggest it. Ok sorry for continuous mental health app updates. I'll update some of my other stories tomorrow. See you my little loves.

-XX Just-Lyn

✦Nerd Alert✦ R.T × L.A ~ FINISHEDOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora