56 • bittersweet

59 7 2

he is like
honey — sweet and
forgiving — and his
arms are like

cotton — light
and comforting; and
his eyes, oh, his eyes,
they are like

chocolate — rich and
deep and so easy to
get lost in — and you
get lost in them

every day. and his
kisses — oh, his
lips, they must be
made of

sugar — coarse
and addicting —
and all you want
is more.

if his lips are
sugar, then his
tongue must be

salt — bitter and
intense — as he kisses
your scars sweetly, but
rubs salt into your

wounds. if his arms
are like cotton,
then his hands must
be covered

in thorns — pricking
you every time
he holds you. it's never
enough to make you

bleed, but the sting
lasts longer than
the wound.
the world will say that

he is sweet like honey,
but you know that
he is as dark as
tar. you must not

get the two mixed up.
the world may not
see the blood and
bruises, but he still creates


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