72 • wounded

35 3 3

they say to apply
pressure to the wound
if you ever get injured.

and so, i take my
rough palms and
i apply pressure

over the left side
of my chest,
right where my heart is

and i apply pressure
to the wound.

but my hands are not
soaked with blood,
my hands are not stained

with a rich red that reminds
me of how human i am —
how fragile and vulnerable.

my hands are covered in pain,
and the pain runs down my arm

and steeps beneath my skin
and infects and poison
my veins until it feels

like all i am is
simply hurt.

and the salty tears that
are cutting into my cheeks

are laced with disappointment
and exhaustion.

but i don't let up.
i continue to apply
pressure to the wound,

it is the only way
i know how to deal with pain.

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