70 • one, two

28 2 0

one, two, three.
yesterday, i only spoke
two hundred fifty-eight words.
today, i only spoke
one hundred thirty words.
aren't you proud of
four, five, six, seven.

they called me a chatterbox
but it's silent now! Oh! do you
Think they'll like me now?
i slipped away from the dance,
it's quiet.
and i wanted to scream at
someone, anyone:
ask me to stay! tell me
that i'm wanted! &
don't let me
g o.

unlike Cinderella, no
one ran after me. i said
Goodbye! Farewell!,
((twenty-one, twenty-two))
i must've said it to
a goddamn void.
not one,
no one,
no o n e.

- i'm just trying to make myself

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