63 • quietly listening, falling behind

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i didn't talk to anyone
for two days.
i did not go outside
for two days.

it was incredibly
and not silent.

people assume those
two are the same;
i've come to learn that
they're not.

i did not speak
while i remained in
my apartment
for two days.
but even though
i had stopped momentarily,
the world did not.

cars drove by,
honking irritatedly.
the tenants downstairs
laughed loudly and argued loudly.
the dogs passed by
barking noisily,
creating a ripple of other noises to go off.
the cats hiss in response,
the birds chirp in the distance,
and the mice quickly scamper away.
the pedestrians outside
talk on their phones loudly,
their boyfriend is frustrating them;
their friends just did something
stupid and funny;
their parents are getting on their nerves.

the world kept going.
and i fell behind.
and i think the world
looks better from a

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