Chapter 1: The Alpha - 1

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Wolf Moon

Holland's POV

Hi, I'm Holland McCall but my friends call me Holly. I'm the twin of Scott McCall but nobody knows him anyway. I'm best friends with Lydia Martin. We became friends in Freshmen year. She said she loved my shoes and we've been best friends ever since. I am now a sophomore and me and Lydia are going to celebrate our one year of- friendship-that-has-not-fallen-out-at-all by throwing a party. Lydia's idea, not mine. I am currently sitting in my room searching up witchcraft. Did I mention that I'm either supernatural or crazy? Yeah. I think I'm a witch because the other day I accidentally knocked over a glass of water and I tried putting my hand out to stop it and when I thought it was to late I braced myself for the glass to shatter but it never came. The glass was floating! Yes! Floating! I put my hand down slowly and so did the glass. So I'm creeped out but if I am a witch that's just so cool! I always believed in the supernatural so I didn't really make a big deal out of it. I just kept it to myself.  Until I know anyway.

Back to present! I'm still on my bed, on my laptop until my twin brother, Scott McCall came barging in. "What the hell! I could've been naked!" I shouted at him closing my laptop and putting it on my bedside cabinet. "Sorry but Stiles said there's a dead body in the woods and you're coming!" He said to me. "How about no. And Ew. Why would I want to see a dead body anyway." I said picking my nails. "It wasn't a question." He said dragging me out of my bed. "Scott, c'mon. Do I have to?" I said groaning. "Yes! You do!" He said with determination. I guess I'm going to see a dead body then. Yay.

"I still don't see why I needed to come." I said kinda annoyed. "Because you're my sister and I take you everywhere interesting I go but I do agree, I need my rest. Lacrosse tryouts are tomorrow." My twin said. Stiles scoffed and said "well I don't need to rest because I can do plenty of that on the bench." Stiles said and I role my eyes. Like seriously it's like he doesn't try. " well I'm going to make first line this year." Scott says determined. "Yeah, keep telling yourself that." Stiles said with a slight laugh. "Yeah well anyway I don't see why you still try out if you haven't got the spirit to be first line." I said honestly. "Well isn't it obvious? I suck at lacrosse!There is no way in a million years I'll make front line!" Stiles exclaims. "Well Scott I believe you will make first line if you try your best and don't let anyone tell you otherwise." I said to my brother.
"Thanks sis I really needed that." He said smiling at me "But I don't think seeing a dead body is a good way of bonding, bro. Especially since Stiles is here too. Who is also unusually quiet. What's up with you?" I ask Stiles. "Hm? Me? I'm just confused. They only found one half of the body. Which I don't have a clue what would do that." Stiles said curiously. "Maybe it was a mountain lion." Scott said. "This doesn't look like a mountain, you dumbass." I said sarcastically to the person I get forced to call my brother. "Hey! Maybe it was really hungry and there was no food on the mountain." He said, defending himself. I rolled my eyes and froze when I heard a dog barking. Scott pushed us behind a tree, signaling for me to be quiet. We left Stiles talk to his dad. The dog was barking at Stiles. "Woah. This little Delinquent belongs to me!" Sheriff Stillinki said to the dog. "Stiles! What are you doing here!" He said to his son. "I...uh...I... was going for a jog!yeah that's it!" Stiles replied to his father.  But his dad gave him the look that says I-Don't-believe-a-word-of-that- type of look. "Were you listening to my calls again!" He shouted at his son. "No. yes. Maybe. Okay. Fine,you caught me!" Stiles said to his dad. "And where is your usual partner in crime?" The sheriff asked obviously talking about Scott. "who? Oh Scott? Scott's at home. Resting for tryouts tomorrow."  Stiles replied to his dad. The sheriff hummed in response, shining the flashlight towards us, me and Scott sucked in more so he won't catch a glimpse of us. "Scott! Scott you out there!" The sheriff questioned. "Alright, let's get you home." The sheriff said to his son. Me and Scott cursing under our breaths realising Stiles was our ride home. I guess we have to walk. As soon as we made sure the sheriff was out of sight we began to walk out of the woods. I noticed Scott fiddling about as if he's looking for something. "Whats wrong?" I asked him. "I think I dropped my inhaler." He answered me. "Scott? How bad to you need it?" I ask when I notice a creature with blood red eyes watching us. "Not too bad now but I will." He answered oblivious to the creature behind him.  "Scott? RUN!" I screamed at him. That set the creature off as it pounces towards us. We both scream running through the woods to get away from this horrid creature. Me and Scott trip and fall. The creature mounts over us and bites us both in the hip. I yelp as a feel the sharp pain in my side. Then, the creature takes off. Me and Scott look at each other confused as why it just bit us and left. Me and Scott are on the road walking home. We both agreed that we will find his inhaler tomorrow afternoon, considering the advents that happened tonight.

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