Chapter 2: The Kanima - 1

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Holland's POV

"You have no idea how happy I am that you are okay! I love you so much!" I say as I hug Lydia. "Me too! I'm also glad that the mountain lion didn't damage our friendship necklace." She said smiling. I pulled away. "Mountain lion?" I ask questionably. "Ya know, the animal that attacked me." She said frowning. "Right! Sorry I blanked out then." I say with a slight chuckle. In the corner of my eye I see Lydia's dad and she noticed too. "I-Uh better go then." I whisper to her. "Yeah, I'll see you tomorrow?" She asked hopefully. "Yes. Bye Lyds." I blow her a kiss. "Bye." She so longed.

I sighed as I saw Derek waiting by my car outside the hospital and I sigh. "What are you doing?" I ask him. "Waiting for you. We travel in packs remember." He say. "Yes. Yes, I remember perfectly." I say as I get in my car motioning for him to get in the passenger seat. I sigh. "Did you know that my brother is doing some risky shit just to be with Allison? I mean yeah I encouraged it but I didn't encourage my brother to go in a suicide mission. He's sneaking into her house whenever he gets a chance! Argent literally held a gun to his temple yet that doesn't stop him." I rant. "It's called young love. He'll learn." Derek replied. "Love is overrated." I mumble. "You know Scott's gonna get in trouble so why don't you stop him from seeing her." Derek asked me. "1: because I don't want my brother to hate me. 2:It's none of my business. 3: I do want them to be together but I also want to keep Scott alive for as long as possible." I tell him. "So you are saying you want him to be careful?" Derek asked me. I give him a look. "YES!" I laugh humourlessly. "Of course I want Scott to be careful. I don't want Argent to put him down like he is a dog." I explain and Derek nods. "Fair enough." He said. I sigh. "I'm just worried." I tell him. "It's understandable. I'd be worried about my siblings too...if they were alive." Derek said sadly. "I'm sorry about what happened. You don't deserve that fate." I say. "It's okay. *sigh* I guess I was on Peter's side because he was my last living relative and I didn't have to be lonely..." he trails off. "I'm not going to say I know what it's like because I've never been through that pain but I do understand... and besides 'we're family now.'" I quote mockingly remembering that's what he told me and Scott when we first realised we're werewolves. I smiled at him and he smiled back.

When we get 'home' aka Derek's loft, I slumped myself down on the couch. I  sigh and play on my phone. "Do you want some food, kid?" Derek asked me. "Oh, yes please. I'm starving." I say and Derek chuckles. My phone rings and I check to see who it is and it's Stiles so I press accept. "Hello?" I greet him. "Lydia is missing." Stiles said. "What?" I shout. "How is she missing?" I ask panicking. "I don't know. Nobody knows. Do-do you think you can find her by scent?" Stiles asks me sounding like he's crying. "Yes of course. I can try. I'll ask Derek too." I tell him and hang up. "Derek come on. It's time you do something useful with your alpha ass." I demand him. "And what would that be?" He asked. "Help me find my best friend." I say in a panicked voice. Derek sighs but follows regardless. Sometimes you swear I'm the alpha because Derek follows me around like a lost puppy. It's kind of fun to have a bodyguard. Lmao.

Me and Derek get in my car. "Have you got her scent?" Derek asked me. A few second later a scream erupted Beacon Hills. Lydia "I don't need it." I say anxiously. If anyone hurts my best friend? I'll kill them. But somehow I feel like that's an empty threat. I don't think I have it in my to kill anyone. Beat them to a bloody pulp? Yes. Murder? No.

Me and Derek meet up with Scott, Stiles and Allison. "Guys I'm warning you...the hunters will be looking for Lydia too." Allison said. "I'd like to see them mess with me." I say as I lift my hand to show of the magic aura coming off of it. Everyone nods. "Hey, I got to go. It's important." Derek said. "Yeah okay. See you later." I tell him. As soon as Derek goes... "I still don't like you living with him." Scott said. "I know you don't. *sigh* You have to give him the benefit of doubt some day, Scott. He's not all bad. Yeah, okay he's a sour wolf but so are you on the full moon." I tell my twin. Scott looks at Stiles but Stiles shakes his head. "She's kind of right..." Stiles said. "Hey! I've gotten better at the full moon..." Scott defends. "Yes! Totally, you have but you're still not perfect." I say and he sighs. After following Lydia's scent we end up at the Hale house. "Why the hell would Lydia be here?" I ask. "No idea." Scott said and we walk towards it. "Lydia?" I call out but then something snatched my foot and I screamed. I am now hanging upside down. I tell the boys and Allison to hide as I can Mr Argent and 2 other hunters. "Heyyy Mr ya doin?" I ask. I could easily get myself down but ya know, the lolz? "Holland." He nods at me. "Where's Uh, you friends. Or clique. Pack?" He asked. "Uhhhh. Friends is cool." I say as I use my magic to untie myself. "I better get going..." I say to Mr Argent. "Of course." He says as I walk away. As son as I get to my friends hiding spot... "I've never been so nervous in my entire life." I say and they all chuckle.

When I get 'home' I take a shower and change into my PJs. I read through my grimore to try new spells but then it occurs to me that I haven't tried to break the mountain ash in a long time so I try again. Attempt #1753 - note the sarcasm. Aaannnnd I failed. Again. Ugh.

Teen Wolf - Scott McCall's Twin sister [ON HOLD]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora