Chapter 1: The Alpha - 10

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Co- Captain

Holland's POV

I woke up in the same spot I got put down, in the hospital. My neck was still broke so I snapped it back in place for the healing to kick in, it hurt like a bitch but I got over it.

I got up and sniffed the air for the Alpha, Peter. Once I got a lock on the scent I got in my car to follow it. I ended up at the school and I wondered what on earth Peter wanted to do here but then it hit me, Scott. I quickly hopped out of my car and ran to where Peter is, the boys locker room. I walk in growling and shocked to see Derek on Peter's side. "Derek, what are you doing?" I ask growling. Scott looks shocked to see me. "Trying to persuade Scott to join the pack." Derek answered.  "Let me rephrase that...why are you with him?!" I shout. "Well, He is family..." Derek starts.
"You've got to be kidding me! He killed your sister and innocent people!" I shout at him hoping to knock sense into him. "He only killed the people responsible for fire and Laura was a accident." Derek stated making me annoyed. "Okay, what your excuse for biting us and I'm pretty sure Jackson has never heard of an werewolf let alone the fire and you was going to kill him, I know he's an asshole but he doesn't deserve that." I ask Peter. "Is it so bad that your a hybrid? You are powerful but yet you act so weak. I saw potential in you both. I knew you was going to survive." Peter explained. "We didn't ask for this!" Scott shouted and I nodded agreeing with him. "Let me allow you to see things from my perspective." Peter said as he digs his claws in the back of mine and Scott's necks. I saw Peter's memories and it was disturbing.

Later on

I'm currently walking in the woods with Lydia and Allison because apparently Allison has a arrow head and to be completely honest it's terrifying me, what if Allison turns out to be one of those careless hunters like her dad? If she finds out about me and Scott? That will be very awkward.

"Jackson asked me to the winter formal as friends and I said yes. Is that okay?" Allison asked Lydia. "As long as it's just friends." Lydia said. "Yeah it's not like I'll drag him to the coaches office and makeout with him."
Allison said sarcastically and I mentally high fived her for that but I also felt sorry for Lydia. Jackson literally dumped her out of the blue. He's an ass.

Later that day

I'm trying to find a way to capture Peter but all my leads come back to the Argents. They have all the equipment to catch him. Ugh I'm going to pack it in for today.

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