Chapter 1: The Alpha - 3

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Pack Mentality.

Third Person POV

Scott's Dream.

Scott is on a date with Allison. The dream becomes a nightmare when he murders her on a bus.


The next day, Scott tells Stiles and Holland about the dream and how oddly clear it was. Stiles is about to convince Scott to let it go when they open the door and are faced with the ravaged bus. Scott becomes worried that the dream was real, and goes off to find Allison. She is nowhere to be found, and he becomes enraged and accidentally damages Jackson's locker. Scott is stunned at his loss of control, and attempts to leave school but bumps into Allison. He is relieved to see her alive, then turns around to see Jackson dumbfounded over the state of his locker. Later, in chemistry, Scott, Holland and Stiles are discussing the recent change of events. This is noted by Mr. Harris, and he separates them. A Student alerts the class to activity at the crime scene outside the window, and they see a clearly traumatized man being loaded into an ambulance. Scott believes that he is responsible for this.

Holland's  POV

At lunch, me, Scott and Stiles are trying trying to wrap our heads around recent advents. I saw Lydia and our clique walking over to our table. I smiled at them as they sat down. Our table conversation turns to the incident to our luck, note the sarcasm. "It was properly some drug addict." Said Jackson causing me to scoff. "Actually they found out who it is. Take a look" Stiles says showing us a video of the man. "I know this guy." Me and Scott say in sync. Ugh I hate that twin ability. "You do?" Allison asks us. "Yeah. We used to catch the bus when we were over our dads. He was the driver." We say in sync again. Honestly it's really creepy when we say full sentences like that in sync. We even had the 'breather' together! Ugh being a twin is creepy. "Woah! That's creepy!" Said Allison, obviously talking about being in sync. We shrugged. "We are used to it." Said in sync once again! "I heard it was a cougar that attacked him." Said Danny on this subject once again. Jackson shrugged and said "I heard it was a mountain lion." Omg. How dumb is he? "A cougar is a mountain lion." Said Lydia. "Isn't it?" She said after realising what she said. Seriously she needs to stop pretending she's dumb. She's actually really smart. Like she'd put Albert Einstein to shame smart. "Can we talk about something more fun? Like what are we doing doing tomorrow night?" Lydia asked. Scott and Allison looking at each other shocked. I guess it was a date. "Uh...Lydia..."  I Said But she cut me off. "You said you and Scott where hanging out tomorrow night, right?" Lydia asked. I just smirked. "Yeah... we were planning it..." Allison said awkwardly. "Let's make it a group date!" Lydia exclaims excitedly. "Holly is more than capable of getting herself a date. So let's make it a group date. So what where you planning?" Lydia says. "I uh, we haven't got anything planned yet." Allison says. "How about bowling?, you love to bowl" Lydia said to Jackson. "Yeah, with actual competition." Said Jackson. I rolled my eyes. I'm really good at bowling. Once I won game by getting strikes all the way through. "How do you know we ain't actual competition? You can bowl right." Allison asked Scott. I smirked. Scott can't bowl to save his life. "S-sort of." Scott says. Oh Scott what have you got yourself into? "Sort of or yes?" Jackson asks. "Yes. In fact I'm a great bowler." Scott said confidently. I just sunk in my seat.

5 minuets later in the  corridor.

"You're a terrible bowler!" I exclaim. "I know! I'm so stupid!" Scott said. "Ah, sorry I have to go to work. See you later." He says then kisses my cheek and leaves.

Later that day.

Me and Scott are taking food to the hospital for our mother, noticing she left her lunch at home. "Oh thank god! I'm starving!" She exclaims. I smiled at her. "Oh sorry, thank you for bringing me lunch. Uh where did Scott go?" She asked. I looked behind me noticing Scott has gone. Then it clicked. "Um mum? What room is the bus driver in?" I asked. "Room 124. Just down the corridor. Why?" She asked. "Come with me." I told her, biting my lip. When we got to the room, the bus driver was trying to strangle Scott. "Hey! What the hell are you doing in here Scott? Get out!" Mum said to Scott. I dragged Scott out of the room while mum calms the man down. "Are you crazy!?" I asked my brother. "I-I needed to know... I needed to know if it was me and I think I got my answer!" He said to me. "Come on." I said to him, motioning for him to follow me. "Where are we going?" He asked me tailing behind. I turned around to face him. "To see Derek." I said to my brother and continued walking.

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