Chapter 1: The Alpha - 9

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Wolf's Bane

Holland's POV

I stuck to my word. I'm working on my own to find the alpha. Scott said that Derek said there's a myth that if you kill the alpha that bit you, you turn back human. It's no use for me I'm always going to be apart of the supernatural world. So when my mother was not looking I sniffed her computer at work. I know that it's weird but it's the only thing I've got so far. I got loads of scents from it but they are all the same but then something hit me I can see which nurses are in each department. If they are not in the same department as my mum they are helping the alpha.

I go to the hospital and quickly sniff the keyboard. I got all the scents and I follow a particular scent. I end up at a department of burns and plastic surgery. It's her. More like...him. Peter. Derek's uncle. I growl and going to walk inside the room until the nurse stopped me. "Hey, what do you think you are doing?!" She asked me. "Get out of my way, bitch!" I say them put her to sleep with my magic. "Heyy, that was my nurse." I get my thangs and claws out with my eyes already glowing gold and I roar. I charge toward him but he pushes me down I use my magic a bit but it doesn't work much because he's an alpha. I keep fighting until I hear another roar. Derek's and Stiles is with him? Weird. I get distracted with Derek and Stiles so Peter takes advantage of that and snaps my neck and I pass out.

Scott's POV

I realised Holland isn't in school which is really weird. She's kind of still mad at me and Derek's constant bickering but she still helps us out more than she cares to admit. I've just been confronted by Jackson, he knows what I am and I'm freaking out I find Stiles and tell him. "Call your sister to warn her!" Stiles shouted. "Yeah." I say. I called her, she didn't answer.I called her again, she didn't answer. In total I called her 37 times and texted her 78 times she hasn't answered any. Stiles tried ringing her and texting her too. I am now worried she's been caught by the alpha. What if she is? Oh god. I punch a locker that happens to be Jackson's. Again. It open. Again. But this time... Jackson saw me. "What the Fuck are you doing McCall!" He demanded. "Jackson! Shut up! I'm stressed about everything and my sister is not answering anyone so if I want to punch a locker that happens to be yours I am allowed!" I shout at him. He looks taken back by this and stomps off. I sigh.

I tried getting Allison's necklace by sending her photos of us but it didn't work. I made it worse much worse. As you probably know it ain't a break it's a breakup.

Later on

I told Jackson about the Argent but he's too stubborn and thinks he's perfect. Ugh I hate the guy.

Third person

We shift back to the lacrosse game. Scott overhears the Argents talking about the scar on Jackson's neck. Kate asks Chris if the werewolf curse could be transferred via a scratch. He tells her it could if the wound is deep enough.

Scott standing on the lacrosse field newly surprised that Jackson may expose him as a werewolf.

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