Chapter 1: The Alpha - 2

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Second Chance At First Line

Holland's POV (every part)

So I'm getting ready to play lacrosse and I honestly can't believe I'm on the team but hey, there's always going to be a first for everything.  After the previous events, Scott and I are worrying a lot about Allison's father being a hunter.

I think Scott is worrying more because he got distracted during practice with the lacrosse team. Coach asks Jackson to take the long stick during practice and Scott gets knocked around by Jackson. He gets angry and I sense the werewolf inside of him, so when Coach gives him a second chance he ends up dislocating Jackson's shoulder. Stiles and I get him off the field before disaster strikes. But I had no clue Derek was on the side lines watching.

In the locker room, "Scott! Keep your heart rate down." I say to him but doesn't listen. Scott shifts into his wolf. "Scott! That's your best friend!" I cried out to him in hopes he will stop trying killing Stiles.  When he finally calms down, both Stiles and Scott panting. "You can't play this Saturday." Stiles tells Scott  "even if your first line." Stiles continues. I just nod along.

Back at at our house. "Hey guys! Guess what? I'm  taking the day off on Saturday to watch you both play!" Our mum tells us happily. But we stay silent. "Hey, are you guys okay?" Mum says. "You've been acting strange lately." She continues, she then gasps and says "you aren't doing drugs are you!" She say jokingly. I smile at her. Then Scott says "have you ever done drugs?" Scott asks. Mum leaves the room telling us to go to sleep if we are tired.  We are on a Skype call with Stiles when Stiles says something but the internet connection was off. Stiles then types something into his computer. A few seconds later Stiles text us saying there was someone behind us. Me and Scott look at each other then we turn around to Derek pinning Scott against the wall. "I saw what you did on the field!" Derek shouts. "Especially since Argent was there! You could've got us caught" Derek continues. "But he didn't! So it's all good, right? We are safe!" I question. Derek lifts an eyebrow. "Yeah? But what if he did, what if you or Stiles didn't get there in time? Huh? He would've had the whole field screaming. Do you think anyone's going to support you then?" Derek said. "If either of you play on Saturday I'll kill you both myself." Derek continues and then leaves, leaving me and Scott in thought once again but a few seconds later " oh, I forgot to give you this." Derek said throwing an old book to my direction. I'm guessing this is the grimore. I leave Scott's room to go in my own and read the grimore.

I've been reading it forever it's all in latin but I knew how to pronounce it? Weird. I've never even learnt Latin. Then I see something. A note from Derek, it reads "Go to Deaton. Don't tell Scott or anyone. He'll help you have full control of your witchcraft. But don't expect it to be easy. He expects you at the vets at midnight. Don't be late. Derek." I guess I'm meeting Deaton then.

At the vets at midnight.

I knock on the vets and hear Deaton say "come in!" I smile at him. "I take it you know why I'm here?" I ask him. "Of course. Have you ever used any of your abilities before?" He asked me. "A few times. Usually when I knock stuff over." I tell him. "Can you demonstrate what you do to stop it?" He asks me. I nod my head. "Yeah sure. Just knock something over." I tell him. He then knocks over a needle. I put my hand out to stop it and it's floating in the air. "Good. Can you put it on the table for me?" He asks me . A gave a nod.  I slowly and gently lift my arm to guide the needle to the table. "Good, now in order for you to have full control of your abilities you need to break a line of mountain ash." He tells me. "Mountain ash?" I ask him. "It's a barrier that no supernatural creature can cross or touch for that matter." He tells me. "So how can I break it?" I ask him "By using your witchcraft." He tells me. "But how can I use it if I can't control it?" I ask. "You managed to control the needle. What's so different about this?" He asked me. "Okay have you got mountain ash?" I ask him. "I most certainly do." He tells me. "Can I try now, or do I have to say something in my grimore?" I ask him. "You can try it now. But I will warn you. It's not so easy. You won't succeed the first time maybe not even the fifth time. But you will learn eventually and you will be able to help a lot of people around you." He say to me. "Okay. Try #1. Let's do this." I say. Deaton places the mountain ash on the metal table. "Right now lift your arm up and think about breaking it. It's as simple as that mentally but not physically." He says. I take a deep breath and lift my arm up, thinking about breaking the mountain ash. I can feel my body being pushed down almost as if it's not excepting it but I keep on pushing regardless. It kind of hurts when I do it. It feels like going down on a drop ride in a theme park but only much more affective. Slowly I can feel my body tiring and my nose bleed. Deaton told me to stop before I rather drain my energy or die. "Here, this is a special bottle. You can touch it. To put the mountain ash somewhere. Put the mountain ash on you table in your bedroom or somewhere and try to break it. But remember when your nose bleeds it's time for you to stop." Deaton told me. I nodded and said my "Thanks"  then I  went home.

I went to sleep trying to think of methods to break the barrier.

Next day at school wearing lacrosse uniform.

Me and Scott are going to tell coach we can't play on Saturday. "Coach we can't play on Saturday." I said to him. "You mean you can't wait to play on Saturday" Coach said " no we mean we can't play on Saturday" Scott said "I don't understand." Coach said. "We are having personal issues." Scott said. " Is this about a girl or a guy?" Asked coach. "No coach." Me and Scott say in sync. "Because you know Danny, our goalie is gay." We know Coach." Me and Scott said. "Oh god! Is this about each other?" Coach says in disgust. "What?" Me and Scott say in sync again. "Are you guys incest?" Coach whispered. "What? No! That's disgusting Coach! We just can't play!" We and Scott say in sync once again . "Why?" Coach asked. I sighed. "Me and Scott are having problems with aggression, Coach." I say. "Well that's just what you need in lacrosse! If you don't play on Saturday, you won't be first line!" Coach said then blew the whistle. "Hustle! Hustle! Hustle." He shouted at the team. I sighed.

- - -

Me and Scott are on our way to Derek's house to confront him about something about Allison's jacket, I honestly don't know but I wanna show Derek what I can do.

"Derek! I know you can hear me! Leave her alone! She doesn't know anything!" Scott said to.... Derek or the house? I can't decide."Maybe she does, I'm just trying to look out for you both." Derek says to us. "Yeah... anyway, I can do new things! I might not be able to break the mountain ash yet, but I'm getting there!" I said to Derek. "What are you talking about?" Scott asked me. "Oh! I forgot to tell you, Lemmie show you." I say that and then flick Derek towards the house like he was nothing. Scott looked at me in surprise as Derek groans in pain. "So your a witch?" Scott asked me but before I could answer Derek answered for me. "No, she's a hybrid. A very powerful supernatural creature and extremely rare." Derek answered Scott. "Wait... hybrid means you're two things. So your a werewolf and a witch?" Scott asked me. "Yup!" I say to him. "It turns out I was a witch before I was a werewolf and nature has blessed me because it thinks I'm special and will do great things with my power." I said to Scott " said nature blessed you to be a hybrid what would have happened if you got bit and didn't turn to a hybrid?" Scott asked "Well... I would've died." I say to him. "Oh..." was all he could say.

Later on I go to Dereks house cause I felt something was wrong and then I see Derek getting arrested and Stiles and Scott already there. "What have you done!" I asked Scott. "It was Derek that killed her!" He tells me. "Do you even know the girls name?!" I asked him. "No..why?" He asked me confused. "It was Laura...Laura Hale!" I tell him. "Oh god." he said in realisation. I just left. To say I was pissed was an understatement. Derek can teach us control. Does Scott know any other werewolf wanting to help? Didn't think so.

At school the next day

I'm walking in the hallway minding my own business

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I'm walking in the hallway minding my own business. I get a few wolf whistles from boys which is ironic considering I'm a werewolf.  So I was just walking to my locker to put my stuff into it until it slammed shut and Stiles and Scott were behind it. I sighed. "What do you want?" I ask them. "Girl had claw marks on it, animals have claws, Derek not animal. Derek let out of jail." Stiles said. "Omg! He's going to kill you!" I exclaimed. "I know!" Scott whispered/ shouted.

Derek's  POV

I'm going to kill them kids! Did they actually think I'd kill my own sister? Just so they could play some lacrosse game! I'm on the field when I see Jackson picking up Scott's glove. Then it came to me, he properly has claw marks in them. Jackson looks at me and I just walk away.

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