Chapter 2: The Kanima - 3

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Ice Pick

Holland's POV

I have free period so I decide to study in the library. 5 minutes before the bell I decide to meet Scott and Stiles in the Guys locker room. After making sure all the boys are out and Scott and Stiles are decent I walk in. "Isaac is Derek's problem." Scott said to Stiles not noticing I walked into the room. "And mine apparently.." I say loudly. "Why? Why's he your problem." Stiles asked me. " 1. That kid does not know the basics of being a werewolf. 2. I don't trust him. 3. He is a real pain in my ass." I said. "Ah shit! I have to go!I'm going to be late for my shift if I don't hurry up." I Said. "Wait? You work now?" Stiles asked me. "You seriously didn't notice Scott's hair?" I asked with a grin. "THAT WAS YOU?!" Stiles shouted. "Of course I work as a trainee hairdresser now. I gotta go! Bye!" I say then kiss both of their cheeks and leave.

Later that day after my shift

I was exhausted after my shift so I drank some coffee and went back
to school. You see? I only have one lesson today and right now would be lunch so I go back into school. When I get in the lunch room I see Stiles trying to get keys for the ice rink for us to go later. I'm taking Justin to go with me because why not? Stiles ended up paying Boyd, the ice rink owner $50 for the keys. Idiot. Just then Erica walks in. But not just as Erica. A sexy and confident Erica without a trace of bloating or acne. Lydia slams her hands on the table and says my exact thoughts. "What..on that?" Lydia asked with disgust and a bit of jealousy. How is she so different? But just then it hit me. Derek must've turned her. The son of a bitch. Me and Scott follow her outside to see Erica getting into a car...Derek's car. My heart pumps with rage as he must've turned Isaac too which means he lied to me. Derek and Erica looks at us and they both smile and drives away. I punch the wall near me making a dent into it and I walk away.

Later we all arrive at the ice skating rink. Stiles pitches his best woo at Lydia, who pretends to miss the point. On the ice, Allison teaches Scott to skate. Evidently, werewolf super-speed and strength don't help with this sport, and Scott crashes into the wall and I laugh. It turns out Lydia can spin circles around Stiles as well.

I see Lydia walking towards the middle of the rink. "Lydia what's wrong?" I ask concerned for my best friend. She then screamed and me and Stiles hug her.

Next day at school

Scott is trying to get information out of Erica. I'm still pissed at Derek for not telling me the truth. The one thing I asked him was for us to be equals and he completely abandoned that. I'll have my revenge. So I spend my lunch alone and trying to process things that have been happening lately. Derek's new lap dogs, a giant lizard running around killing people in Beacon Hills. Let's just say after I became a werewolf, it's been a never ending nightmare. "We need to find Boyd." Scott told me. I sighed. "Let me guess he's Derek's next victim?" I ask. "I think so." He said. "For fuck sake! Isn't 2 enough!" I rant quietly.

Me and Scott find Boyd at the ice rink. I hide just in case Derek is here with his lap dogs. Boyd says Derek told him about hunters. "I just want to not eat lunch alone every day," Boyd claims. Scott looks at Boyd. "If you are looking for friends you can do much better than Derek." Scott said. "That really hurt Scott." A voice comes from the over side of the rink. "I mean if you are going to review me... at least-Uh- take a consensus. Erica, how's life been for you since we met?" Derek asked Erica. Erica hummed. "In a word? Transformative." She said and then showed off her werewolf form growling. I rolled my eyes and Scott just shook his head. "Isaac?" Derek asks Isaac. "Well I'm a little bummed about being fugitive but other than that I'm great." He says. I stand straight on my feet. I'm itching for a fight really. "Hang on. This is not exactly a fair fight!" Scott exclaims. "Then go home Scott." Derek said smug but Scott is still in his stand. Derek nods towards his lap dogs and they walk towards Scott. I know this is my cue to come and butt in. Scott puts his fist in the ground and I take my stance next to my brother. "He meant fair for them." I growl. Me and Scott roar at them. I push Erica across the rink and Scott does the same to Isaac. Isaac then comes back for more and flung Scott. I then get Isaac into a head look and flip him to the ground. Erica jumped on my back and I growl at her, warning her. I back her into a wall and she falls off my back. I see Scott fighting Isaac and once Scott got him to the floor I push Erica back to ground and Scott does the same with Isaac. "Don't you get it? He's not doing this for you!" Scott shouts at them. "He's just adding you to his own power, it's all about him." Scott continues. "He's making you feel like you have some type of gift but what he's done is turn you into a bunch of guard dogs!" I shout at them and push them to Derek. "It's true. It is about power." Derek said. Derek walks forward pulling out his claws and turning his eyes red and roars. He then turns and punches Scott practically beating him up. I then lost my little bit of patience I have left. "Enough!" I shout and fling them both on the walls. I'm confused how I managed to do it to Derek but I just go with it anyway. "Look at you!" I shout. "You are acting like puppies! Derek, power isn't everything. Haven't you ever heard the saying.. 'money can't buy you happiness'? It's like that. Power is nothing if you have nothing to protect. You 1. Messed with the balance of nature. 2. Disrespected you're pack and 3. Abusing your power.  I don't know what type of alpha you are but I'm positive now. I'd rather be an omega than be in your pack." I said honestly. "Boyd, trust me. You don't want to be like them..." I say softly. "You're right. I don't wanna be like them... I wanna be like you." He said as he reveals he has already been bitten. Derek and Boyd grab Isaac and Erica and they then leave. "SHIT!" I shout so loud and kick the wall. Scott puts his hand on my shoulder as if telling me it's ok we both failed.

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