Chapter 2: The Kanima - 2

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Shape Shifted

Third person POV

Isaac and his father get into a fight over Issac's grades. It becomes violent with Mr. Lahey throwing dishes and plates around. One of the glass pitchers crashes into the wall above Isaac's head cutting his cheek. When he stands up his face begins to heal and his father is perplexed. Isaac runs away. His father follows and finds his bike out in the rain. Mr. Lahey is attacked and killed by an unknown creature.

Holland's POV

I walk into the living room of the loft and find a boy my age sitting on the couch. I growl and pick him up by the collar. "Who are you?" I growl out. "I'm a friend of Dereks." He groaned out. "I don't believe you. Derek doesn't have any friends!" I shout at him. "Ouch! That hurt." A voice comes from behind me. I sighed and put the boy down. "Derek... care to explain?" I ask. "Right. This is Isaac. He is a werewolf and he needs an Pack so I graciously let him into the pack." Derek said. "What's so special about this kid for you to just...let him in?" I ask. "Holly, I can promise you letting Isaac into the pack is a good decision." Derek said. I walked up to him. "You wanna hope." I said and walked to my car to go to school.

In the locker room at school

In the locker room at schoolOutfit:

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Scott mentions he smells a werewolf. I know He is talking about Isaac so I decided to help the kid out by tells get Scott it's nothing and probably just me. But Scott being Scott of course he has to find out. He was in goals but running out whenever coach blew the whistle. Let's just say...he looked like a idiot. A few minutes later shit went down. Scott found out about Isaac and Isaac getting arrested for being a suspect of the murder of his father. Yes it was nasty. But guess what's really a kick in the ass? Tonight's a full moon and Isaac is a werewolf that doesn't know control yet.  So we have to break Isaac out of jail. Yay.

After me, Derek, Scott and Stiles break Isaac out of jail. Me, Derek and Isaac go back to the loft. I keep sending Issac death-glares. Personally I don't trust the kid. I don't know why but I just don't.

"Ahem." I faked cough trying to get Isaac's attention. Isaac looks over at me confused. "Ya know, there's this saying, 'Muddy water is best cleared by leaving it alone.' When I was younger... I never understood it. But I think I do now." I say. "What are you trying to imply?" He asked me. "I don't believe who you say you are. You? You're the muddy water." I hissed and walked away.

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