It's All In Your Head.

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They didn't believe me, no one did. They said that I was crazy, mental, insane. Then again, maybe I was.

Sitting alone in my simple apartment, my fingers twitched as my hand lay softly on the table beside me. Around me I could hear the voices, see the faces, feel the pain. My head snapped over to the mirror that hung on the wall in the hall by the door. Unwillingly I stood and stalked over to it glaring at my own reflecting.

Do it.

The voices whispered close to my ear as if someone were standing right beside me. Without wanting it to, my hand came up and smashed the mirror grabbing a handful of the glass, cutting into my skin. I screamed in agony and closed my eyes dropping the glass and holding my wrist.

I suddenly stopped screaming and opened my eyes. I was sitting in the chair in the same position I was before I stood. Looking at the mirror I saw it was perfectly fine on the wall. They did it again. Having me believe that I've done something when I haven't. My heart beat fast as my hand tingled from the pain that was only in my head. Grabbing my phone with shaking hands I dialed my doctors number. He kept a close eye on me and told me to call whenever I needed, since I'd been recently released from his watch.

"Hello?" His scratchy voice rang out.

"It happened again," I spoke with a whimper.

A loud scream came from behind me making me drop the phone causing the battery to fall out. I stood up and looked behind me to see a tall dark figure, it's hair hanging over it's face. I backed into the wall and it's head cocked to the side like a curious child. It took a step towards me and a sloshy sound as if it was wet, came from it's feet. My eyes were wide as I stood frozen to the wall until I bolted towards the door but it was suddenly blocking my way. I screamed and ran up the stairs to my room slamming the door. I tried to turn on the light but it would not work. I ran to the window to find it unable to open. Once more turning around I was faced with the creature. It pulled it's head up and it's black eyes glared into me as if hoping I would burst into flames. The things hand suddenly came up and a knife showed. With a swift motion it stabbed the blade right into my heart. Caught off guard I didn't have time to scream. I fell to the floor as blood began to form a pool around me. It hovered over me and I saw a crooked broken smile looking down at me, my crooked broken smile.

"What are you?" I choked out, gripping the blade.

As I spoke it mimicked my words speaking with me, frightening me even more. I could no longer breathe nor did I believe I was going to live so I closed my eyes but only for a moment for someone began to shake me. I screamed and sat up moving away now realizing that I hadn't been stabbed. I saw Dr. Price looking at me with worry.

"What? How did you get in here?" I panted leaning against the wall holding my aching chest.

"I came over when you didn't answer the phone and knocked on your door. There was screaming so I came in and found you on the floor holding your chest and not breathing, then you asked me what I was and screamed," he said grabbing my arm to steady me.

He looked frightened but not for himself for me.

"I was being attacked, I stabbed.. the thing was me, and I stabbed myself," I choked on tears.

"You couldn't be attacking yourself. No one was attacking Elle, it was all in your head."

It's All In Your Head. (Harry Styles)Where stories live. Discover now