I love you.

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Harry wasn't there when I woke up, but the bags were all still there so I knew he hadn't run off, plus he left a note:

Out for a bit, be back soon love. Xox

I smiled at his sloppy hand writing and sat up pulling the scratchy covers close around me. Last night was, amazing. A small smile crept on my lips as I recalled his gentle yet forceful touch, sending shivers through my body. A childish giggle rang through the room as I got up and slipped into the bathroom washing the dirt of the night before off.

Afterwards I washed the clothes I'd worn for the past few days as best I could in the tub while I let my hair dry. Turning the radio on once I was finished with the clothes I sat in a towel letting them dry. The door suddenly opened and Harry came in with a donut bag and two cups from a coffee shop.

"What have you got?" I smiled standing up.

"Donuts and hot chocolate," he smiled setting them down on the small table.

"Yum! Where did you get the money for this?" I smiled pulling out a glazed donut and sinking my teeth into it.

He didn't say anything and pulled out a donut for himself so I let it go. After my clothes were dry I put them back on and sat in Harry's lap with the hot chocolate taking a deep breathe.

"What now? Where are we headed?" I asked sipping the bit of the chocolate heaven.

"We keep driving far away from that place, once we find some town no one knows or cares about, we can consider staying in one place for more then a day," he sighed leaning his head on my shoulder.

I wanted to ask about last night, about why he had so suddenly decided to make his move, but what if he got angry? Maybe I was better of staying silent.

"About last night.." He started as if he had read my mind,"...I'm sorry I just, attacked you like that. I had missed you so much even though you sat right behind me for two days, I couldn't help myself."

I hid a small smile and nodded a little kissing his curls.

"It's okay, I just thought you didn't like me anymore, and that's why you stopped talking to me and everything," I said.

"No, no it was nothing like that, I was just trying very hard to keep the demon in and it worked, I was careless last night though, he could have come out and taken over."

"Well, last night was amazing," I whispered to him before getting up and packing up the only bag we got into.

"Let's go get another car," he said standing up and grabbing the remaining bags.

We headed down to the dirty lobby and returned the key before heading out onto the side walk. It felt slightly safer with it being day now, and although it was not raining it looked as if it may. Harry guided me down the sidewalk making sure that he kept me close as we walked fast. We walked maybe a block without an incident. Maybe for once luck was on our side. There were a ton of people walking by not even noticing us, then there were some who stared.

"This way," Harry mumbled grabbing my hand and pulling me towards a small alley.

There was a black Ford Focus sitting unoccupied in the dark, perfect for us to take. Harry quickly handed me the bags and ran over to the drivers side door picking the lock with an old coat hanger, maybe luck really was on our side. It opened and Harry popped the trunk allowing me to throw all the bags inside before hopping into the passengers seat. With in moments we were out on the busy street blending in with the everyday traffic.

"That was too easy," Harry chuckle putting on the heat.

Laughing slightly, I nodded in agreement. The past day has felt as if we were almost living a normal life, maybe from here on out things would get better for us. I was praying they did, we deserved it after everything we have been through.

We proceeded to leave the city and were back out on long stretches of roads surrounded by woods, peaceful. Harry preferred not to have the music on, he said it may stir up memories and that would allow the demon to take over, when he was weak and distracted. I didn't mind so much, the silence was an easy one, unlike that of the silence id experienced when I'd last been in the car. A few hours had past by and for once I saw a light at the end of the tunnel, that is until those piercing screams of police sirens rang through my ears. Within seconds one appeared, then three, then seven. Harry had immediately hit the gas sending us flying down the road at a lethal speed. He didn't care about our safety, he cared about not having to go back to the ward.

"Harry please you're going to kill us!" I said grabbing a hold of the wheel.

The car jerked to the right steering straight off the road where we continued to roll several times down a steep hill. Glass shattered and flew into my face while my seatbelt held me in place. The car bent in on the sides jamming me between metal. Screaming the whole way, I went silent as we landed at the bottom, the car upside down. Smacking my head against the roof when we came to a stop I was knocked unconscious.

It was only a few minutes later when I woke up, injured but alive. The police sirens were close and coming closer.

"Harry?" I mumbled reaching to unbuckle my seat belt.

He didn't respond causing me to look over. He was unconscious, his face bloody and legs crushed by metal. My window wasn't completely smashed making it hard for me to get out, but I smashed the rest of it with my arm. I slid out only to have a piece of class pierce my side, nothing to slow me down of course. Quickly getting to my feet I stumbled over to Harry's window breaking off the access glass around the edges so he wouldn't get cut anymore. I whimpered as blood dripped from my fresh cuts but pushed through it.

"Harry please wake up, they're coming for us," I sobbed crawling into the car half way so I could undo his seatbelt.

He dropped down now free of the belt so I was able to pull him out. His legs looked okay despite the metal that had been crushing them.

"Please wake up!" I said shaking him a little.

I heard the cars at the top up by the road stopping, men yelling. They couldn't get down this almost straight drop right away, giving me time.

I got to my feet, my legs feeling numb, before picking Harry up as best I could. I managed to get his arm around my shoulders which was enough of a grip to walk but for some reason my legs screamed in pain. I only made it a few meters from the car before I fell with Harry landing on top of me. Being too weak to move anymore I laid where I was while my vision began to fade. A small groan came from Harry and I saw his eyes open a little.

"We're done harry, there's to many of them for you to fight alone, and you're to hurt," I mumbled letting my eyes shut.

"Don't say that, I can save us," he groaned sitting up," or at least you."

"What are you talking about?" I breathed opening my eyes.

He pulled out a roll of rope from his pocket before grabbing my ankles and wrapping it around them.

"That hurts, what are you doing?!" I whimpered trying to move away.

"Nothing will happen to you if they see that you were my hostage," he mumbled coughing a little causing some blood to drip on the rope.

"Harry no, I'll never see you again, ever!" I said finding new strength.

I tried to sit up but he shoved me back down and rolled me on the side where the glass was still stuck causing it to go in deeper. I let out a scream as he tied my hands behind me before rolling me back over.

He wrapped the last bit around my thighs before shoving a cloth into my mouth. I tried to bit his hand to stop him but it didn't work.

"I love you," he mumbled before falling on his side passed out.

A couple policemen came into view and noticed we were out of the car. A younger looking one ran over to me, looking at the ropes, then my bloody face.

"It's gonna be okay," he said quickly, kneeling down next to me.

I tried to speak but the cloth wouldn't let me, my eye lids became heavy, and then blackness.

It's All In Your Head. (Harry Styles)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz