It's Time.

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I apologize in advance for any spelling and grammar errors, I will go back and correct them when I have time. I wanted to get another chapter out there for anyone who is reading this. Xx


Elle's POV

Sitting alone in my room, I pondered as to what might go down that night. A couple things could happen. Harry could lose it, get me and him out, and we go our separate ways, or he could lose it and kill me and a few other people. It just doesn't seem real though, he's demon. But that's the scary truth, demons are real, demons are very real and they can be all around is. Who knows, maybe theres one inside all of us, which in a way there is. Harry's just happens to be very real and very deadly.

I closed my eyes lightly running my fingers through my hair to get the tangles out. Staying in my room all day kept me from freaking out. I knew if I saw Harry my mind would surely take over. He spiked it, made my incubation take control and let me see those horrible things, but he also stopped it. He told me that I make his demon come out more than usual, maybe the reason we met is because we are supposed to be together. Not together in a relationship but together, friends.

Could I call Harry my friend? He hurt me so much, then he admitted he hurt me and it wasn't the demon.


How can they be real? Dammit why are they real!

I got up from the bed and screamed covering my ears and pacing back and forth. My breathing quickened and my face turned red in anger in few. Only an hour until Harry was supposed to show up and get me, and I didn't have a choice. I was going to make him mad whether I helped or not.

"I'm scared," I whispered to myself, leaning against the wall.

I don't want to die, I don't deserve to die. Harry doesn't deserve that demon in him, I don't deserve to rot in here, those other patients don't deserve to he in here. Life is bullshit. As sadness and fear took over completely the room got cold and dark. I shivered and held my knees to my chest as I sat on the floor.

"Don't be scared," I repeated, rocking back and forth.

There was a loud knock at the door before Harry entered. I looked up and saw the demon, his sharp teeth poked out in all directions as he smirks down at me. Eyes blazing, growls rumbling. He looked different then all the other demons and monsters I saw, that's how I knew it was Harry.

I shook my head and looks away mumbled things to myself.

"Fight it," I heard Harry's faint voice.

I didn't dare look up but I willed myself to relax and to let the fear slip away. Deep breathes. Clear your head. No tears. Eventually it worked and the rooms warmth and light came back. I slowly dropped my hands and looked up at Harry.

"It's time, come in love," he said pulling me up.

Love. He had never called me that before.

"Harry I can't, I don't want to," I said pulling my arm out of his hand.

"You have to," he said with a bit of plead.

"No, I don't have to do anything," I said backing away.

I could already see the anger building up as his hands clenched and unclenched.

"You're going to help, but it can to two ways," he said stepping towards me.

"Get out!" I said pointing to the door.

He waited a moment looking at me, glaring more and more with each passing second.

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