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I fell backwards and hit the wall feeling as if I was going to faint. Harry ran to my side and helped me steadily sit down on the concrete.

"What happened?" He asked with concern.

"Demons," was all I managed, my throat was dry and I was losing my voice.

Harry looked away for a moment probably thinking it had something to do with him and his demon.

"Demons aren't real, they-"

"Don't you dare say that," I interrupted as tears threatened to spill.

He slowly sat down beside me also leaning against the wall and we sat in silence for a while.

"That's never happened before," I spoke up hoarsely.

"What?" He asked turning to look a me.

"No one has ever been able to bring me out of it like that, it usually lasts for a long time or I end up passing out," I said turning to look at him.

His was looking forward at the wall with his eyebrows scrunched up tightly.

"I need you Harry," I said softly.

He suddenly stood up quickly.

"No, no don't say that. I hurt you, that's all I ever do, hurt people," he said walking to the bed.

I was to tired to argue with him at the moment so I sat in silence looking at the ground.

"We are going to get out though, my plan will work," he said looking straight at me," then once we are out, we'll go our separate ways."

"We are better off here then out there, alone, where we can kill and get killed," I said stepping towards him.

"No, we are not better off here, do not say that," he said quickly turning around to face me.

I held back what I really wanted to say and let a half sigh out.

"I should go before it happens again," I said quietly going to the door.

"They're going to give you you're meds and you'll be fine, if you take them with us you will be fine too. You can live a normal life and-"

"They don't work Harry!" I lashed out.

He looked at me for a moment.

"Of course they do," he said shaking his head.

"No they don't, they only make it worse, and so does being alone, being in the dark and... being by you."

He cocked his head to the side a little and blinked a couple times.

"We will break out tomorrow night," he said ignoring what I said.

"I'm not going to make you mad just so you can lose it and kill me," I said walking out.

A hand wrapped around my waist pulling me back into the room. Harry's big arms were wrapped around me while his mouth was close to my ear.

"You're already making me mad by refusing to make me mad," he said letting out a soft chuckle.

He was acting scary yet humorous when moments ago he was caring and determined.

"Are you bipolar Harry?" I asked ignoring what he said.

He chuckled again and turned my around pressing me into the wall.

"Maybe," he said leaning in close.

This time I pushed him away and turned my head quickly.

"Let me go, there's no chance of us getting out," I said slipping from his arms.

"Tomorrow night, I'll come to your room," he smiled ignoring me again.

I didn't say anything and quickly left walking down the silent hallways. There were a couple other patients in the socializing room but I quickly passed them and went towards my room. There were a couple guards but they only looked at me before letting me pass. I slipped into my room and shut the door as much as I could before dropping down in my bed. It probably wasn't the best idea because it was a perfect opportunity for my imagination to take over again. But this time it was different, for sure. Harry's demon was real, it wasn't my imagination. When tomorrow comes he's going to get mad whether I agree or refuse to help him. We are going to get taken down and probably put to death. They'll hang us in our cells and everyone will think it was our own faults. I hugged myself and laid on my side letting a few tears fall while rocking backing and forth slightly.

Harry's POV

She was right there, you could have kissed her.

"Shutup," I mumbled covering my ears, rocking a bit on the edge of the bed.

I wasn't able to control the demon fully when Elle was in here. The part of me that wanted her was him.

Don't lie, you wanted her too, that wasn't all me.

"Shut the hell up!" I said louder, pulling on my hair a bit.

Tomorrow night once we are out of here we can do what we want to her.

A smirk came to my lips giving me a sick feeling.

"That isn't going to happen!" I snapped.

Oh yes it is, because you are to weak to stop me, I can take over your body within seconds!

I gritted my teeth and stood up, I refused to believe that but it was hard not to.

I could have easily taken over and ripped her to shreds, but I didn't.

A chuckle came from my lips, moments after I growled in disgust.

"You're pathetic, without me you'd be nothing!" I said.

A loud frightening laugh came from deep within me, almost demonic sounding.

Is that what you think? Without me you'd still be that scared weak little boy under the bridge! You'd probably be dead, you should be thankful I took you under my wing!

"Under my wing? You forced your way down my throat then made me steal and hurt people! Everyone thought I was crazy when I told them a demon took over me!" I snapped.

That's because you are crazy Harry.

I went to say something but stopped myself.


I punched the wall in anger several times causing my fist to bleed leading me to wipe it across the wall and bed sheets.

Relax Harry, we will be out tomorrow and you'll be able to relieve all this stress on the girl.

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