You Came Back.

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Elle's POV

"Get up," I heard Harry's familiar voice speak.

I groaned slightly to myself forcing my eyes open as I sat up. Harry was up and standing by the tree branches that had hid us as we slept.

The memories of the night before flooded back into my head filling my throat with a whimper of fear, but I held it in. I didnt speak and stood up following Harry out of the make shift shelter. The sun was hidden by dark clouds that thretened to pour out rain. He walked quickly through the trees making it hard to keep up with him but I managed. A small rumble of thunder and a heavy wind shook the trees around us only making him pick up his pace.

"Harry why are you walking so fast?" I asked shoving a tree branch out of my face that he had let swing back.

"To get somewhere before it rains," he said in a monotone voice.

"Well I can't exactly keep up, with what you did to me and all!" I said stopping and leaning on a tree to catch my breath.

"Well then don't follow me!" he said turning around to face me, his expression harsh.

It was like he was a whole new person, not the demon nor Harry, but a entire new person. Did he have a personality disorder?

"Why the hell did you even bring me with you last night, if you're just going to leave me now?" I snapped.

"So they wouldn't get you!" He said with a small eye roll.

"Well I wanted them to! I told you I didn't want to be with you!" I said throwing up my arm as a dramatic gesture.

"Fine! Go and let them catch you then, I could care less!" he laughed humorlessly.

I furrowed my eyesbrows and looked at him for a moment, actually a bit hurt.

"Then why did you take me out of there in the first place?" I asked quietly.

"Why do you think? So I could fuck you!" he yelled with an annoyed laugh.

"What the hell was all that crap about wanting to get out and live a normal life and needing me and kissing me," I said.

"That was bullshit to get you to trust me!" He snapped before turning and walking away.

Watching him for only a moment, I slid down the tree until I met the ground. I sat with my knees to my chest, half of me wanting to cry, the other half not. I felt so stupid for believing that he actually gave two shits about me. Even after what he did last night, he had apologized so much and I could tell he felt so bad about it, I thought he cared about me. And I cared about him too, maybe a little more then I was letting on, or allowing mysefl to believe. Turning to see if maybe he had come back, I saw that he was gone now. How could I allow myself to trust him? I let out a yell of anger and got to my feet quickly, sprinting into the tress in some unknown direction. I ran and ran, even when my legs began to ache and the burning was so intense it made me cry, I kept going. To where? Who knows, just far away from Harry.

Harry's POV

Wow, that was brutal Harry.

A loud laugh rang through my ears as I quickly walked away, arms pumping, heart beating.

"Just shutup, I don't need to hear your shit right now," I growled focusing on the ground as I walked.

But did you see her face? Priceless!

I abruptly stopped and pressed my back to a tree closing my eyes and trying to take deep breathes to calm myself. Her face was so hurt, she looked like she was in physical pain. I wish I could go back and just hug and kiss her and tell her how sorry I am but I knew that this way she wouldn't end up like that last girl.

It's All In Your Head. (Harry Styles)Where stories live. Discover now