Curiosity Killed The Cat.

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Elle's POV

I was finally allowed to leave the solitary room I'd been locked in all day. It was time for supper which means I had to go out and sit with the other patients. Not something I was to thrilled about. What if someone tried to kill me? The nurses here don't seem very nice so I know they wouldn't try to stop them. I let out a shaky breath wiping a bit of sweet off my neck as I was led to the cafeteria. Thankfully I hadn't been attacked again since Dr. Price left.

The cafeteria was small with 8 tables. Half of them had cracks and holes in them while the other half looked as if they might crumble at any moment. The kitchen wasn't much better, cracks in the walls cracks in the floor. There were red stains in the walls, I was hoping it was spaghetti sauce.

There was a table in the corner without anyone at it so I quickly claimed it. The table shook slightly as I sat down folding my arms on the table. I didn't look at the other patients, if I make eye contact with them they made take that as a gesture of aggression. I laid my head down on my arms hiding my face from everyone.

Harry's POV

Deep breaths. That's all that ran through my mind as I was led to the cafeteria. I was surprised to find that my demon wasn't speaking. Maybe that was a good sign, maybe he wouldn't do anything stupid.

I walked into the cafeteria quickly searching for the new girl. I didn't want that, the demon was awake. Forcing myself over to the food line, I heard the low growl in my head.

"Don't even think about it," I muttered to myself.

But look at her Harry.

He hissed as he forced me to look at the girl sitting alone. She was a bit short with long brown almost black hair, wearing the same gown as we all were. She was hiding her face but I didn't need to see it to know she was pretty, pretty and innocent.

That's right Harry, innocent.

The menacing voice chuckled loudly, rattling my Brian.

"Shut up!" I hissed turning back to the line and grabbing a tray.

Don't deny it Harry, I know what you want to do to her. I'm in your head remember?

Another snicker, bringing me displeasure. I grabbed only an apple, that looked to be rotten, before going and sitting in my usual spot in the corner. No one sat by me nor bothered me, everyone either didn't care or was to scared. I set my tray down and watched as the girl picked up her head. She had big brown eyes, a small cute face, and pink lips. Pink, kissable, lips.

Do it.

The demon urged me forward making me hit the table.

"Do what?" I growled quietly.

Go over there and let's go back to our room.

Another snicker. I was getting more worried then angry now. If he took over then he could do what he wanted. Looking away from the girl, I closed my eyes and tried to concentrate on keeping control. I took a deep breath and opened them grabbing my apple. The girl spotted me and looked at me like she was trying to read my expression. A smirk came to my lips, not my smirk. Her eyes went wide with horror and she got up going to one of the nurses seemingly begging to leave.

She's already scared of us and all she got was a glance.

I let out a loud chuckle, again not mine. He was taking control and he was winning.

"No! Shut up, leave her alone!" I snapped a bit loudly causing some of the patients to look at me.

I held on to the table so I couldn't get up and follow her as she left.

It's All In Your Head. (Harry Styles)Where stories live. Discover now