All Hell Breaks Loose.

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"Harry run!" I yelled as I laid helplessly on the ground.

He got to his feet and began to run leaving me where I was, at least he would escape.

"Wake up!" I heard a distant voice speak," sweetie wake up!"

Jerking awake with a scream I looked around to see several nurses looking very worried.

"What happened, where am I?" I croaked, my throat aching.

"You're in the hospital, you were in a car accident hun," a younger nurse spoke.

"Where is Harry?" I mumbled trying to sit up but they pushed me back down.

"He's in his own room, you're down in ICU," another nurse spoke.

"I need to see him, let me see him," I begged lifting my aching arm.

"You can't right now, you need to rest. How are you feeling?" She asked.

I didn't speak but instead closed my eyes once again. My heart felt tight while my stomach was in knots. There was an intense burning feeling in my side while my leg felt as if it had been smashed by a boulder.

"She's seizing!" I heard a nurse yell.

I didn't feel like I was, but I wasn't able to open my eyes and there was a tightness in my throat making me feel as if I couldn't breath; and suddenly my mind went blank as I slipped into unconsciousness.

Harry's POV

They had me in a room with no windows and a single door, while I was handcuffed to the bed. They insisted that my legs were broken but I didn't feel pain and I could walk on them fine. I had asked many times to see Elle but they said she wasn't awake yet and that I was not allowed to speak to her again. They charged me with kidnapping, theft, attempted man slaughter, but my lawyer suggested that they let it slide because of my mental state. Another 30 years in the ward he says. That wasn't going to happen, I was going to get Elle then get out. The door opened and a male nurse came in, while he did I spotted a couple officers standing outside the door. The nurse came over with a cup of water and some pills.

"Now don't be stubborn Mr. Styles, this is for yours and everyone else's safety," he insisted.

I yelled mentally, hoping the demon would come out. For once I needed him but he wasn't there. Elle cold bring him out, she was the only one who could make me angry enough, who knows why.

"I don't need those," I said calmly, although my face reflected hate.

"Yes you do, they will make you better," he said.

"There is nothing wrong with me!" I yelled pulling on the handcuffs.

"There are other ways in which we can give you these, this is just the easiest," he pushed.

I ignored him closed my eyes calling out to the demon.

Please, I actually need you for once and you refuse to speak? God you're pathetic.

Frustrated, I pulled on the cuffs more while the nurse came over to my IV with a needle. He put the liquid into the IV so that it was now going into my blood stream.

"No stop it!" I yelled ripping the IV out of my arm.

I threw my legs over the side and sat up, still pulling at the cuffs. It was cutting into my wrist, the harder I pulled, but I didn't care. A rush of adrenaline burst through me and I pulled with all my might, the cuff breaking off in the process, but it drained me almost completely so I fell to the floor. The nurse looked down at me shocked but then called for help and leaned down grabbing me up.

It's All In Your Head. (Harry Styles)Where stories live. Discover now