The Demon.

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Dr. Price tried to convince them to give me a more comfortable room, but considering what he had explained to them, they refused.

It's all his fault. I could be at home right now but instead I'm back where I started. A stale cot beneath me, a small bared window on the wall, the old wooden table beside the door.

I could hear them talking about me through the small opening, that was considered a window, in the door. The male nurse refused to let me out or even within 10 feet of the other patients, despite the fact I was probably the least of their worries. I was harmless compared to the people in here. I don't belong here, I belong at home. So I hear some voices and see things every now and then. I haven't killed anyone nor thought about killing anyone. Just myself. I stood up making the little bed creak before walking to the door slowly.

"Dr. Price?" I asked gripping one of the bars,"there's nothing wrong with me, I'm better remember? You fixed me, I can go home right?"

What a dumb question, I already knew the answer.

"No I'm sorry Elle, you can't go home," he spoke with a sad expression.

I gripped the bars but kept my face calm. Glaring at the other nurse, I pulled away and went to the back of the room. There were no lights, only the sun allowing me to see around the room. But everything seemed to suddenly get dark, and their voices faded to silence. Breathing quickly, I could see my breathe in the air as I shivered and cold settled in. Standing by the window trying to keep warm keep safe from the dark, something from beneath the bed grabbed my ankle pulling me down causing me to hit my head against the concrete wall.

I screamed and kicked as it dragged me under the bed and into the darkness. I lashed out with my free foot causing what ever it was to let go. With much effort I quickly crawled away to the other side of the room. The cold suddenly left and I heard yelling and someone began to shake me.

I jumped and looked up to see Dr. Price and the male nurse looking down at me in confusion.

"It got me again," I whimpered looking away and hiding my face.

"This is exactly why she is here Dr., now can I ask you to leave?" The male nurse spoke harshly.

Price gave me a sad smile which I only caught a glimpse of before walking out with the male nurse. I cried quietly in my arms praying that it wouldn't get me again, at least not today.

Other Patient's POV

They brought in fresh meat today, a girl supposedly seeing and hearing things. If they honestly think that's a reason to put someone in here, they should put everyone in here. A small chuckle escaped my lips at the thought of everyone being in hospitals like this.

I tugged a bit at the uncomfortable gown that hugged my body as I sat on my rotten bed humming peacefully to myself.

A new victim.

The raspy voice rang in my head as I gritted my teeth angrily. This other half of me, a demon I call it, enjoys taking over and tormenting new patients that come here. Making their lives as miserable as possible for it's own sick enjoyment. I wasn't like that, at least I hoped I wasn't. I'm not sure about anything anymore.

Can't wait to meet her, have a little fun. Don't act like you don't want to do it too.

"I don't, and I'm not letting you take control anymore," I spoke allowed getting to my feet.

Oh is that what you think?

A snicker echoed in my ears as I shook my head trying to get it out.

"That's what I know, and if you even try then I'll make sure the nurses get us again," I growled pacing around the small room.

You're weak Harry, you can't control me.

It's mocking voice only made me angrier by the second.

"Shut up!" I yelled punching the wall, reopening the cuts that were already there.

More chuckling.

"Hey keep it down!" A nurse suddenly yelled hitting the bars on my door.

"Or else what?" I yelled, but it wasn't me.

"Shut up!" I yelled back at myself.

A low growl escaped my lips as my brain began to fog. He was trying to take over.

"No!" I yelled dropping to my knees trying to keep claim of my body.

"Don't make us come in there!" a nurse yelled threateningly.

I didn't speak as I dropped onto my back yelling partly in agony. My head felt as if it might explode. I heard the jingle of keys as a nurse unlocked my door. Two of them grabbed me up as I stumbled to keep up with them. They forcefully pulled me over to a flight of stairs and down them.

It was much colder and creepier down here. There were blood stains on the floor and a few on the wall while everything upstairs was painted over every few months.

A loud laugh escaped my lips as I began to fight the guys. The demon was winning. They pulled me to a room that was completely concrete besides the door and threw me inside, following.

"When we tell you to shut up, you shut up, got it?" One male growled.

I scoffed and got to my feet, smirking at them.

"You can't expect me to listen to you two apes," I cackled.

The taller one stepped towards me and sent an angry fist into my stomach causing me to fall to the floor. Beating was something they did to shut the patients up, but it was only them and a couple other nurses that did it.

I coughed for a moment before getting back to my feet.

"Is that all you've got?" The demon smiled.

This only made the nurse angrier. He brought his fist up to hit my face but I caught it and twisted his arm. The other nurse came at me punching me in the face causing me to let go of the guy I had. I stumbled back holding my nose but laughed loudly.

"Is that it?" I yelled smirking and holding my bleeding nose.

The two men looked at each other obviously angry that I wasn't curled up on the floor begging for them to stop. They came at me at the same time and the beating went on for a few more minutes. Somewhere in the middle I let the demon take over, so I laughed through the entire thing.

Once they figured I wasn't going to give in and beg they dragged me upstairs and back to my room where they threw me on the floor and left. I slid back and hit the wall as if a gust of wind had thrown me. I was now me again.

I got to my feet wincing with every move but the pain quickly faded. I added to my already big collection of bruises as I wiped my face free of blood. I didn't mind the marks, I called them battle wounds. Plus, they made the others frightened of me, so nobody messed with me. Laying down on the bed I closed my eyes trying to get some sleep before they let us out to the cafeteria for dinner. I begged that I'd be able to control the demon when I saw the new patient, before falling into a restless slumber.

It's All In Your Head. (Harry Styles)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ