Everything's Gonna Be Okay.

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I apologies for any mistakes, I promise I will go back and fix them! Xx

I wanted to ask why he was acting this way, why he had lashed out and done what he had done. But I didn't want him to be any angrier then he already was, who knows where that would lead. A small shiver coursed through me as I remembered what had happened in the woods. Things couldn't possibly get any worse between us, first he leaves me, then rejects me, and now hits me. Nothing new I suppose, and I should have expected it from him. Looking over at him I saw how tightly he gripped the wheel, how he shifted uncomfortably in the seat. He caught my eye making me quickly look away hoping this small action wouldn't aggravate him even more.

"Look," he started through gritted teeth, anger dripping from the single word, "I'm sorry for hitting you, but you don't understand how hard it is to hold this demon back, he is stronger than me and we both know it. The more I hold him in the angry he gets, so the angrier I get. This isn't me, that wasn't me, anything I do to hurt you, it's not me."

I let that sink in, keeping my eyes on the scenery of thick trees. The demon could easily take Harry over, so if he wanted to then why didn't he? Maybe because he enjoys seeing Harry cause me pain, and he likes Harry to be miserable.

"Say something," Harry spoke sternly, breaking me out of my thoughts.

"What do you want me to say Harry? Do you want me to say it's okay, that it's okay that you hit me? Because it's not, demon or no demon," I spoke crossing my arms.

That was a bit harsh, considering he really doesn't heave control, but he should just leave me if he can't control it, he came back and that hurt the both of us.

"What am I supposed to do?" He growled.

"You fight it Harry, like I fight my demons!" I exclaimed.

"This is different and you know it!" He said throwing a glare at me.

"Why did you come back then Harry? We were fine apart!" I said now looking at him.

He averted his eyes away from the road for a moment holding back some feeling that I couldn't read.

"Because, I knew you couldn't make it on your own," he said, an obvious lie.

"Why do you care? Why not just let me die?" I snapped.

He suddenly slammed on the breaks sending me forward where I hit the dashboard. I slowly leaned back holding my throbbing head.

"Because I love you, you may not want me to, and I may not want to, but I do so we are both just going to have to deal with it!" He yelled.

Unable to speak I sat looking at him almost in awe until he began to drive again. He loved me? No he doesn't, that isn't possible, is it? I laid my head in my lap closing my eyes as my head throbbed violently. I just wanted to sleep peacefully and forget about everything for a while. The rain started up again, the only sound being that of the thunder and rain drops. Eventually I sat up again, laying my head back on the head rest.

"I'm sorry," I mumbled, sounding weak,"but you must understand how scared I am."

He responding with a slight nod.

After a bit of thinking, I figured we are going to be stuck with each other for a while, so why make it miserable? He didn't speak nor look at me but I found his hand had made it's why to mine. I didn't look at him either but slipped my hand into his lacing our fingers. I was so bipolar on how I felt about him. His touch made me feel safe, like maybe everything will be okay after all, but when he became angry and his touch wasn't so gentle, I only wanted to rip him apart and never see him again. Maybe I was letting my feelings take over, but at the same time fighting them, so nothing was set into place. Closing my eyes I kept my hand tight in his and let the sound of the rain calm me. Afraid to fall asleep I continuously kept opening my eyes but it only made me more tired.

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