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Each time I took in a breath, the pain only seemed to grow. I was scared out of my mind, there was no one to protect me anymore. What Harry had done, it was all him. Those green eyes full of lust and want, no sign of care or kindness. Harry had come within about 5 feet of me but I flipped on him. Because of what he'd done I wasn't able to leave, the pain being to intense. Now, I lay under a tree close to the fire with what was left of my shirt while my pants were no where to be found. I'd managed to get my underwear back on but I felt naked no matter what I put on.

Shuttering with each breath from both fear an the cold, I sobbed softly thinking of the ward. It was much safer there, but at the same time it wasn't.

"Elle?" Harry's soft voice spoke up.

I flinched when my name left his lips, and I did not speak.

"Please, I am so, so sorry. It has been so long since I've felt.. felt so much pleasure, I just couldn't stop myself. You have to understand," he begged.

"I don't understand Harry," I whispered, having found a bit of courage.

He quickly moved over to me sitting behind me.

"I never meant to hurt you, I didn't know that the demon was going to do that, I wasn't ready for him to just.. Turn himself off."

I sobbed a bit more, the stinging still very much there. Harry's hand softly touched my back making me flinch away a few feet. I sat up against the tree, folding my legs against my chest.

"I was right about you Harry," I said shakily.

"No, no it was an honest mistake, I never ever meant to hurt you," be said sitting right in front of me.

"You didn't stop Harry, it was your green eyes I saw whe you were hurting me," I cried.

"I know I just.. I haven't felt such pleasure in so long, I couldn't help myself," he said with a pleading tone.

"That..of course, sex," I said looking away and covering my face.

"I want to go back there," I whimpered.

"No you don't, don't say that. Hell was more fun then that place."

"I don't want to be here with you," I spoke choking on hot tears.

He didn't speak and neither did I, he obviously felt bad but I wasn't just going to forgive him for something like this. Both our heads suddenly snapped up when we heard the sceech of sirens. Harry got to his feet and quickly put out the fire and kicked the wood around so it wasn't in a pile.

"What are you doing? Now they can't find us!" I said.


"I'm safer there than I am with you!" I said.

He suddenly bent down and picked me up putting me on his back. I held onto his shirt for I would fall if I didn't.

"Put me down Harry!" I said wiggling around trying to get my legs free of his grip.

"Hey!" I heard someone yell, but it wasn't Harry.

A beam if light shown threw the trees almost hitting us. Harry suddenly put me down shoving me up against the tree with his hand right over my mouth. Fear ran through me as his body pressed tighter against mine almost completely hiding it.

"This way!" An officer said, I could see a few more officers with him as the passed us, but we weren't in the clear yet.

Harry let me go and bent down in front of me, I didn't hesitate to climb on his back before he sped off. He was faster then be looked, easily dodging tree branches and and jumping over logs, even in the dark. He must have run about a mile and a half straight before he began to slow down. He kept a fast pace but no longer ran. He eventually slowed down too a slow walk, panting slightly.

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