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Elle's POV

It had grown cold as we crossed over into other sates, and the rain followed. Harry hadn't spoke nor wanted to stop for a rest in the few hours that he'd been driving. Maybe he was angry with me for not wanting to move back up in the front with him. I just didn't want the demon to come out and hurt me yet again, I'd lost track of how many times that had happened. Maybe we were better of apart, like Harry had wanted, but then again he came after me. I didn't know anymore, and I didn't know where we were going to go or how we were going to survive. It wouldn't be long before our faces are all over the news. Sitting up and stretching a little, I saw Harry's face in the rear veiw mirror.

"Harry you need to sleep," I said putting my hand on his shoulder.

"No, I'm fine," he said shaking his head slightly.

"You haven't slept the entire day and barely at all last night, you're going to get us into an accident," I said more forcefully.

"I said I'm fine now please sit back and be quiet," he said sligthly agitated but with a calm tone.

Looking down at my hands I slid back in the seat going silent, and staying silent.

And that's how it was for the next two days, driving and silence. Harry stopped for gas twice but only at small gas stations. He would fill the car and then leave without paying. He stopped two other times to change the license plate on the car with another, we didn't stop for food but survived off of what we had which we rationed. But this was good right? No sign of the demon at all, but I was beginning to miss his touch, he was right there but each time I tried to speak or grab his hand he would shake his head. That was only for a bit of the first day, I got the message after that. And to top it off the rain stayed with us most of the time. Now crossing into washington we began to get close to Seattle. I'd always wanted to visit Seattle and see the needle. Maybe Harry would let us stop here and get a cheap hotel room, we should have enough money from that couple. I just had to get the courage to speak to Harry, not because I was scared but because I didn't want to make him angry and dislike me even more. Once we entered the city my excitement was enough for me to speak up.

"Harry?" I asked softly from the very back.

"Hm?" he asked seemingly distracted.

"Do you think maybe we could get a small hotel room, we could even do one bed and I can sleep on the floor, and that way we can get rest, a-and we'll be hidden because it's a big city and this way we could ditch the car and get a new one?" I asked stumbling over the words I was so quickly trying to get out.

I figured I'd leave out the part about the needle, I could slip out on my own and see when he's sleeping. He didn't say anything and I took that as a no and went back to my moping with my head against the window.

"Sure," he suddenly spoke causing me to perk up.

"Really?" I asked managing a small smile for once.

"Sure," he said once again.

I smiled even wider and went back against the window so he wouldn't see the excitment I was trying to hide. Another positive thing was that my own demons hadn't come out since the day in the woods, something I was very happy about. We got deeper into the city, I prayed we got a hotel somehwere near the needle, but we would have to go in the bad part of town to get a cheap hotel. And that's what we did, it didn't look nice especially with the rain and the day coming to an end. We stopped the car in an alley and got out grabbing the bags then ditching the car and heading towards a hotel at the end of the street. Harry kept a quick pace, most likely to keep safe, and soon we were at the lobby of the hotel. The guy behind the desk didnt look friendly at all, and he didn't smell to good either.

"You're cheapest room," Harry said to the guy in a tough tone.

"25 bucks," the guy grumbled.

He got the money out and slid it to the guy who then tossed Harry a key.

"Room 13, last door on the left," he said jamming his thumb down the hall.

Without another word Harry headed to the room and I followed close behind him. It was silent which was the exact opposite of what I thought we would hear. I had, had enough silence the past couple days and I wouldn't mind hearing a bit of noise. Harry unlocked the door and we slid into the room, he flicked the light on and exposed a small room with one bed, one table, and a small radio. Not even a TV, not that I cared whether there was one or not. Dropping the bag, I grabbed the softer one and set it on the ground in the spot I wanted before laying down facing the wall and using it as a pillow. I let out a small sigh and closed my heavy eyes, I didn't hear Harry so I assumed he left. My body ached, probably for a good reason too. Maybe I could get some pain killers while we're here, how hard can it be to rob a store that no one cares about. I felt Harry's arms suddenly slid underneath me, lifting me up so he was holding me bridal style.

"Harry what are you doing?" I mumbled opening my eyes and seeing the lights were off.

He didn't speak but instead laid me down on the bed crawling on top of me and pressing his lips to mine. I was surprised but I'd missed them so much that I kissed him harder then I ever have. He immedietly pulled off my jacket not breaking the kiss in the process. I knew where he was going and I was wasn't going to stop it. I pulled away only to quickly pull off his shirt before pressing my lips back to his causing him to tumble back so I now lay on top. He moaned against me as I slipped my tongue past his lips. Something that I'd been holding back for a long time broke out of it's cage and there was no getting it back in. He slid his hands up my thighs sending shivers through my body causing gossbumps to rise on my skin, then moved them up my sides and to my face where he cupped my cheeks. I pulled at his pants not being able to wait any longer, but he refused to grant my wish. I took his hand from my cheek and laced my fingers in his as I broke the kiss and went down his neck to his collar bone. Soft moans escaped his lips causing me to smile a bit. I went back up to his lips but he caught me off guard and flipped us back over. His forehead was against mine as he kept his lips centimeters away from my own. I whimpered slightly as I lenaed in to feel his kiss again. A small smirk came to his lips as he slipped the sticky leggins off and tossed them away along with the dirty tank top. No words were exchanged the enitre time as he made sweet love to me, something I had been waiting so long for, but refused to let him know.

As we laid in the peaceful silence, our naked bodies pressed so tight together I was sure even air couldnt pass through, everything was okay, in that moment everything was perfect and I was happy.

Sorry it's a short chapter, I need to know if this story is even worth continuing since no one is really reading it. Let me know! Xx

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