5.We are married!

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Why am I that stupid?! Why did I tell my parents about exams schedule?! No more last exam then so here I am, sitting in bus station with my would-be at 11PM.

Avinash, Prabhu and Nithin are with us. They are best friends of Nikki, he trust them to his death. They are going to be our witnesses for our marriage. Nobody knows about us, Lasya and Lavanya knows but they freaked out and I won't let them into my mess so I refused to tell the details of our escape. I'm nervous, my palms are damp from sweating. I'm tapping my legs furiously when someone kicks my foot from my right.

"Can you stop it? I'm trying to sleep here, it's disturbing me," Prabhu complains.

I glare at him, "How could you sleep Prabhu?... oh yeah you're a pig you can sleep everywhere." I snap at him angrily. Shit, he looks hurt. My shoulder slumps down seeing his hurtful face, I sounded rude.

"I'm sorry Prabhu..." My face softens looking at him. A hand lands on my shoulder, I turn to my left to look at Nikki.

"Don't worry, Bree. It will be alright." He assures me but I shake my head No.

"What if they find us? What if they found you guys? They will kill you for helping us." I say looking around my friends. I'm risking my friend's lives for my selfish reasons. I'm betraying my mom's trust, I'm going to kick my father's pride with my foot. This will affect my little sister's future, they will give hard time to her. She will hate me, I'm not a good sister, I'm not a good daughter! I knew from the beginning that this won't work but I risked it! My chin is trembling; I'm risking our lives for love.

"Please don't cry. I can't see you like this..." Nikki says while rubbing my shoulder, I cry even more in my hands. Someone kneels down infront of me, my vision is blurred from tears so I clear them to look at Avinash properly.

"Stop." he says with that tone when we use to scold children, "Stop it. Whatever is going on in that brain of yours, just stop it." He says poking my head. I exhale sadly.

"They will eventually find us, we don't care; we are not some cowards to back off. We want you two happy, you are not forcing us to come with you. It's our decision to help you so stop blaming yourself for everything Brinda." he says sincerely.

"Yeah Bree, don't blame yourself. We want to do anything for that asshole." Prabhu says gesturing to Nikki.

A little weight lifted off my heart when I look around everyone, I'm feeling proud of my friends. I clear my eyes, Nikki nods to his friends in thanks.

"Guys our bus is arriving," we look at Nithin, it is going to be long night. We stood taking our bags with us, Nikki took my hand in his, "Welcome to adventures of our life." He smiles at me, I smile sadly and got inside. By the time my uncle, Satya comes to pick me up at 4PM I will be at Bangalore married to Nikki.


As planned we arrived at 9.30AM, one of Prabhu's friends, Mukesh is helping us here. We checked-in nearby hotel, we took two rooms, Nikki is outside discussing with others.

I quickly showered and came outside searching for my saree in bag when a soft knock startled me. What if they already found us? They can't be, right? My heart is beating fast as I walk slowly to the door and cautiously reach for knob.


Oh! Thank god, it's Nikki. I quickly open the door and smile in relief but he is looking me from head to toe with raised brows while waking butterflies in my stomach. I'm wearing at white night gown and he is in formals, pale blue shirt tucked inside black trousers. His hair is still wet from shower, combed to one side as usual, he is looking awesome. Now those beautiful eyes of his are totally checking me out.

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