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Two days, just two days

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Two days, just two days.

I have been out of this city for two days and she's going out with him already? She's laughing with him. It's past 9PM and he's still in her house! I want to break that damn door and pull him outside and pack him in his car.

Is she moving on already? What would her annoying neighbor think about her if she saw B is spending too much time with him? It's none of her concern though. I will sew her neighbor's mouth if she talks something bad about B.

My hardened face turns even harder when B's front door opens. I tuck my hoodie down to cover my face. That asshole is coming out and she is smiling at him. He touched her head and said something.

Take your hands off her f**ker!

Finally! He is getting inside his car and drove away. I took a relieved breath and watch her door closed behind her. I sign in relief and make myself comfortable on these rough cement stairs

This is not the neighborhood to stay for a woman like her, she's all alone here. I look around, there are only 5 five houses around here. The surroundings all are empty and few are under-construction buildings. These building are under-construction from long ago and nobody lives here. This area is far from busy city and peaceful but not safe. What if someone breaks into her house? She daily walks from here to the main road, takes a bus from here to Benz circle, its f**king long from here. I understand that the rents are cheap here but I'm concerned about her safety.

I don't know why I'm getting to know her this way. I don't want her to freak-out and run away from me. I need her to trust me.

I wait for time to pass, by listening to songs, this has become my daily routine. Coming here and wait outside for hours until she sleeps and then leave a note at her door step. So much time has passed, I stifle a yawn and check my phone for time, its past 1 am. I look up at her house, her lights are out an hour ago, she would be asleep by now. I stand up and shoulder my bag and slowly walk to her house while looking around, nothing but silence. It rained earlier, climate is f**king cool, I rub my hands together to warm them. I jump easily from her compound wall and growl, thinking about a thief jumping so easily from this dwarf wall!

I take out the slip from my pocket and slide it slowly through the gap under the front door. I sound like a sadist in this slip, but I can't help it.

"Good night B." I whisper to her door and walk away from her house to my car which was parked far from here.

I groan when my alarm went off

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I groan when my alarm went off. 'It's holidays, let me sleep!' I groan switching off my phone instead of stopping the alarm. Good, it won't disturb me again.

I open my eyes slowly and look at the window. Light is gleaming through the gaps between the curtains but I shiver from cold. I rub my eyes and look at the clock and sigh, its 11.00 am already? My stomach started to growl when I tried to sleep again, Ugh! I have to eat now, not for myself atleast for him.

I touch my stomach when it growls again, "Yeah I heard it. Wait few minutes, your mamma needs to pee." I said to myself and got up. I did my business and walk out of my room.

I need to bring milk bottle inside but stop walking, I'm afraid to read today's slip. I shake my head, no to front door like it is a person watching me and walk to kitchen instead. I open the fridge to eat something, my face broke to grin when I see it, Ice Cream! I totally forgot about this, Avi bought this yesterday. It's my favorite caramel flavor! I grab a bowl from cupboard and fill it with four five spoons and walk to my back door. I inhale deeply when I open the door and step outside.

My annoying neighbor is not here, she went to her daughter's house so no noise at all. I stare at the fallen leaves and dust around the walls outside. Hmm. I should really clean and mop the house. Festival is in three days, atleast I need to clean my house for festival's sake!

Its afternoon but sky is filled with dark clouds. It's chilling, I'm not wearing my sweat shirt, I'm in Nikki's t-shirt and wearing shorts. I won't even step out of my front door when I wore shorts. But there is nobody in here, so I slowly walk around my house looking the surroundings; the cement floor is so cool underneath my feet. It's stupid of me to eat ice-cream in this climate. "Mmm!...." I touch my cheek in pain as my teeth screamed from coldness of ice cream.

I stop eating, had enough so I went to kitchen to throw the remaining content in Dustbin but I stopped short when I saw tablet sheet in it.

That stalker!

He sent these tablets yesterday, saying, 'It will control your nausea. You can trust me.'

So it ended up in here, Poor tablets.

But what he said was true, I searched in net. Those are to control nausea during pregnancy but I don't want to try those. What if he put some kind of drugs in it? I kept the bowl on counter and made my way to living room, wondering what he left today. I snatch the stupid piece of paper from floor and read it, my blood drained off my face.

He seriously didn't say that! How dare he!

He's looking at my every move! But it hurts what he said! He doesn't know me! How dare he to say that! I need to know who he is, I have to! I will kill him! And why this moron is using papers instead of technology? It's 2016 for god's sake! It would have been easy for me to track him down if he texted to my phone! That awesome true caller app would have shown him to me by now! Stupid stalker! I grumble and walk to bedroom.

I need to confirm it whether this is one of my students or not so I'm pulling bundles of written exam papers of my students. I started checking hand writings with each paper. No match at all! Now, I'm feeling guilty for even thinking that it was my student. This is all because of him! How dare him to say that! I crumble the paper and toss it. I close my eyes tightly to stop from crying but those words are still lingering on my closed lids.


Avinash is helping me with my furniture. I want to buy a bed and a crib for my baby! So we searched together online for lowest prices. Does he know all about this? No. He just judged me!

I have to spend five more f**king days in this house! I want to go to work! I need to find another job too but I have no choice but to stay at home. So I started the only thing to keep my mind off the stalker.

I started cleaning.


OMG! omg! Stalker, himself has PoV! How's it? What do you think of him?!

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Double Cheers!
Aparna 👻

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